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fargoth_ur7 fargoth_ur7
Posts 8
Comments 9

Spectral March


Blossoming Dryad


Protection of the Forest

I was thinking about single target protection spells to add for an aura commander deck, and it came to my mind that it was weird that no hexproof-granting (not just until end of turn) aura with flash existed, so I made one. Maybe the cost is too efficient at just 1, but 2 mana seemed too much for how specific this is. And although it's quite simple to grasp, it's a rare for the sheer efficiency alone, although maybe it could be a fine addition to some peasant cubes.


Faerie Troublemaker

The design process of this card was pretty straight-forward, honestly. I was looking through the cards in my peasant cube to find room for the new [[Mocking Sprite]], when I glanced at the always-reliable [[Warden of Evos Isle]] and thought "Wouldn't it be cool if I could get the effects of both this cards in just one?"

MTGZone 1,000 subscribers giveaway!
  • There were a couple of cards that I submitted to the custom cards subreddit that were later printed almost exactly like I posted them. I mostly remember Foundation Breaker (mine was 2GG cost and 3/2) and Damn (mine was 1BB // 3WW for the costs)

  • Demonic Potence

    This is a hypothetical balanced version [[Necropotence]] that I was discussing with a friend, mainly with the intention of being balanced for 1 vs 1 play.

    Mod Ideas for a More Modern Skyrim
  • Something that has been on my mind for quite some time, and that I would consider learning to mod just to make it happen would be discretizing the potion and enchantment system. By that I mean that instead of having the ability of making potions that restore 50 health, 51, 52, etc., depending on how high your alchemy, you would only have discrete values, eg. 25, 50, 75, 100, 125..., or whatever you choose, and you jump from one to the next instead of going through all the intermediate integer values.

    That would avoid a lot of inventory clutter that you get from making potions and leveling alchemy in the process. I remember I've seen a mod that does this once, but it didn't seem very active and updated.

  • Vengeful Lich



    This is a recent design I made, reusing the art and name from the namesake card (which is mostly a limited card).

    I wanted to create a powerful card for a tokens archetype in cube, that was powerful enough to be interesting to other archetypes too.

    Creating Content for this Community Day 2: Primeval Fury
  • That's a cool and clean design. I agree with Mike that this could cost less mana, being a conditional cantrip and needed heavy deckbuilding requirements to do anything more than that. 1 or 2 mana seem reasonable as is. Maybe it could be at 2 or 3 mana if it just drew the card with no conditions asked.

  • What do you all think about "The Ring Tempts You" mechanic?
  • I mostly dislike it for requiring outside game pieces to function, making it overly complicated, all for trying to fit the lore into the mechanics too hard. Similar to the problem I have with dungeons and initiative.

  • What's your pet deck?
  • I mean, that's kind of expected of abilities that would only benefit their target by themselves, without politicking or other synergies you can't get benefits from them. What would you want them to do, give you a benefit if you targeted your opponent/opponent's permanents/cards with them? The only problem with that is that Kenrith has too many abilities to fully write this effects down. I guess it could only do that part where you benefit an opponent for a benefit to you too, but that would be a significantly different design.

  • What's your pet deck?
  • There's [[Generous Patron]] and [[Willbreaker]], which are great payoffs for targetting your opponents creatures with the green ability. The blue ability is also used as an infinite mana sink to mill your opponents out.

  • What's your pet deck?
  • Stitcher's Supplier is also such a great card in commander. I've had tons of golgari or BGx graveyard decks using it and its buddy [[Satyr Wayfinder]].

  • Draft mine and I'll draft yours

    This is a kind of post that I enjoyed a lot in /r/mtgcube in reddit. If you want to give a draft to my cube (I have a brief description in its overview about its archetypes and intended strategies), leave a link to yours and I'll give it a draft too.

    I also have a peasant cube in case you prefer it.

    cheapest format?
  • Definitely pauper. There are some staples that are expensive, like Snuff Out and Spellstutter Sprite, but you can build plenty of meta decks and brews without them. It's also very fun, I definitely recommend it. Otherwise, you can always try to proxy decks from other more expensive formats like legacy and modern. They are also fun to play imo.

  • Welcome to MTGZone, a new home for federated Magic: the Gathering communities!
  • This looks fantastic. I'm kinda new in the fediverse, but I really hope this gets off if reddit doesn't back off their API policies.

    For now, I have a suggestion, which would be creating a community for cube, and a question, which is: When I try to create a post, there's a text box with URL before it, and I'm just puzzled for what should I put there and what purpose it serves. Thanks.