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f_bom f_bom
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Daily Discussion Thread: Thu 06 Jul 2023
  • Hello friends!

    This is my thesis study survey (part of a group project study, you may have seen similar links recently) if anyone has the time to complete it, or share it to help us get more participants! (admin please feel free to delete or let me know if it's not allowed). The survey itself is open to anyone 18+ and from any location for the overall study.

    Researchers at Federation University are seeking people to participate in a research project investigating the relationships between masculinity, attitudes, spirituality and religiosity, empathy, attachment styles, self-esteem, social connectedness, mental health, prosocial behaviour, and help-seeking. We are looking for people aged 18 years or older to complete a 35 minute survey.

    If you are interested in participating, please click the link below. By participating you can elect to enter the draw for one of six $AU25 e-gift vouchers. Feel free to share with your friends!

    FedUni Ethics Approval No. 2023-106

  • Daily Thread: Garfield Mondays 19/06/23
  • Yay :) Yeah it definitely is! I need to remind myself to keep journalling, even if it's a small sentence for each day haha.

  • Daily Thread: Garfield Mondays 19/06/23
  • <3 it's definitely the writing of them! The old melbourne reddit is back up, maybe your comments will be visible now to save them!

  • Daily Thread: Garfield Mondays 19/06/23
  • I love seeing your updates and I'm so glad you're getting to the place you want to be :) Happy Pride!

  • What are you looking for from your Melbourne community?
  • That would be awesome :) Thank you

  • What are you looking for from your Melbourne community?
  • Thank you! I'm happy to start a post, likely after I finish work :) I'm working on a doc with resources and stuff I'm compiling which I'm happy to share once I finish it :)

  • What are you looking for from your Melbourne community?
  • Agreed! The AusADHD subreddit was helpful but very dead at times..though it could be from forgetting that it exists haha.

    Yeah I checked that one out but it seems slow and having a more local group for Aus ADHD folk will be cool :)

  • What are you looking for from your Melbourne community?
  • I'd love to have a separate thread for Melbourne people with ADHD/ASD :)

    Having a wiki and reference source will be useful too! Even if it's a google doc type of link where people can add things that have been helpful for them :)

  • Daily Random Thread: Hump Day edition 14 June 2023
  • fair! :) I'm going to head off and be productive but will come back to procrastinate later!

  • Daily Random Thread: Hump Day edition 14 June 2023
  • Nice! I've done the same for joining the discord chat but it's going super fast for me to keep up lol.

  • Daily Random Thread: Hump Day edition 14 June 2023
  • hello! :) Decided to use an avatar that was more...recognisable haha

  • Daily Random Thread: Hump Day edition 14 June 2023
  • f_bom, I used the same username from reddit :)

  • Daily Random Thread: Hump Day edition 14 June 2023
  • Me too but I'm happy I'm here :)