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experimentmapass experimentmapass

I only respond to people who donate, volunteer or run trade-free products and services. I donate to tromsite, signal, wikipedia and khan academy. Environment Scientist(Student), I like positivity news, fitness, Olympic lifting, Linux, Fediverse, art, music, books, science, universe, activism. Science is not media. I try to avoid, and I am not interested in Media politics, Media religion, media marketing, media economics and trades of those medians. (he,him,his) Living in the Positive Feedback Loop of the Trade (Origin of the most problems) and most of the time talking to the Aliens. Email: [email protected]

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Comments 20
*Permanently Deleted*
  • @hungry_potato Tromjaro definetely.

  • The future of Linux
  • @pmk Future linux should take example from Tromjaro.

  • Why I dislike snaps
  • @terminhell I use tromjaro, o have not had any problems 7 years.

  • Hello, I’m going to be getting a new computer soon and have thought about linux. Questions inside
  • @qooqie Install tromjaro and use it without big worries or understanding

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • @WtfEvenIsExistence @brothershamus Facebook, insta, twitter

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • @WtfEvenIsExistence No worries, they are from trade-based ads-socials. The trade based media, build in them that habit. Try to atack their environment to help them get rid of this addiction.

  • Does anyone have any recommendations for an RSS reader on Android?
  • @Kalcifer Add rss feed(link) to your contacts and you you can enjoy rss feed from your home section in friendica. You can add a separate folder "RSS" and access in one click. You will never experience "shitbook" if you remove global button from your friendica, you can do this in settings.

  • What are some things you wish you had known when switching to Linux?
  • @elfahor How I was fucked up by trade-based society. Linux is cheap( not free), but is fun and enjoyable. It us fun to interact, support and be brave to act.

  • Which Distro for Theatrical Use?
  • @jdaxe It is not about trade-free. Windows is for people who barely care what is OS, and how to maintain it. Windows users want install and play. If windows user( gamer) change to linux for gaming, it something wrong with Linux marketing.

  • Which Distro for Theatrical Use?
  • @StrongFox Give a try Tromjaro. User friendly and very well maintained.

  • Hello, I’m going to be getting a new computer soon and have thought about linux. Questions inside
  • @clobubba @qooqie It has full added protection of ads coming into distro. So you don't need to worry, look or install anything. Just install and play.

  • Hello, I’m going to be getting a new computer soon and have thought about linux. Questions inside
  • @qooqie Start with the most user friendly distro TROMjaro. Even my mom computer retarded have no problems of using it.

  • What is your preferred daily driver distribution?
  • @bbsm3678 You should try TROMjaro, and all linux distros should take example from it.

  • I just started using Linux... any great tips?
  • @Classy Give a try trade-free linux distro TROMjaro.