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Protest photographer loses part of ear after being shot by rubber bullet
  • The problem is the disproportionate force. The police should not be using those weapons. If an officer panicking goes this badly, we shouldn't be blaming that officer or the protest. The problem is that police were firing bullets into a protest, at all. That this was a plan they had on the table for this situation, and they're clearly happy with this plan.

  • Reminder that NSW local gov elections are on again tomorrow
  • Reminder: no out-of-area ('absent') votes in this election.

    Council elections may not the be most exciting I find them much more interesting, because while my vote is still statistically negligible, it's much more powerful than in a state or federal election. So less popular choices have a higher chance of competing.

    Unfortunately* it feels like most of my local candidates have almost identical policies, so my second and third preferences might as well be a coin flip. At least I know who's going last.

  • Large crowd of protesters gather at Land Forces defence expo in Melbourne's CBD
  • [Premier Jacinta Allan] also defended the state government's sponsorship of the Land Forces conference, and said delegates attending the event had the right to gather.

    "Any industry deserves the right to have these sort of events in a peaceful and respectful way."

    When your industry is undeniably dedicated to murder and maim, you don't deserve peace (or, for that matter, respect).

  • Large crowd of protesters gather at Land Forces defence expo in Melbourne's CBD
  • Rubber bullets are especially concerning. Many of us saw the damage they did to journalists and protestors who were shot with them in the US protests by police a few years ago.

  • The latest Coalition scare campaign about Labor may scare itself more than voters
  • Hi OP, when quoting the article in your post, it's helpful to use the quote formatting to show us you're giving quotes and not just supplying additional commentary.

    Writing: > You need to only look at the modern crossbench


    You need to only look at the modern crossbench

  • Bollards installed in Melbourne CBD as tens of thousands anti-war protesters plan blockade
  • Sounds like something out of a futuristic dystopian movie.


    I haven't seen a terrorism act invoked in my state but police have called a few designated areas this year and they bring the cavalry mounted troops to most protests.

    Iā€™m calling it now. Somebodyā€™s gonna die or get seriously injured

    Big ten-thousands protests generally try to be more big-tent than radical, so as eager as police are to make a show of force against anti-military protesters, my bet is that it will be limited to shoving. But honestly, I won't be shocked if your call turns out right.

  • Government faces likely High Court challenge to its CFMEU legislation
  • There's a point made about how no courts were involved in the action. In wonder if the High Court has a pragmatic interest in stopping this kind of summary action. If the courts can be bypassed, what power will they have?

  • PM warns of 'consequences' as thousands of CFMEU workers march across Australia
  • Seriously, watching that interview is a little painful with all the interrupting to try and railroad the conversation, and attaching weird attacks and assertions to make loaded questions, or rather, framing a claim as a question. I haven't seen it so bad outside of Faux News in the US.

    Glad to hear Max got a quick mention of the Green Bans of the BLF in.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: šŸ–ļøšŸŒŠ šŸ›‹ļøšŸ©šŸ’¤ Monday, August 26, 2024
  • So their argument is:

    No, that's not what they were saying. For starters, they're clearly pointing out that the hypocrisy is that "The CFMEU [is being forced into administration] on the back of a handful of rumours and allegations", contrasting that against the "damning findings" of the Royal commissions which were tolerated, not that the CFMEU "should be allowed to be corrupt" (where did that strawman come from?!). Also, the ETU are not the CFMEU.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: šŸ–ļøšŸŒŠ šŸ›‹ļøšŸ©šŸ’¤ Monday, August 26, 2024
  • That would miss the point of the protest. It was a mass action from the community, where a broad range of unions and non-union organisations participated, to rally together and voice our response to the extreme administration bills. I've gone into a little detail on my perspective here. Overall, we must recognise the way this bill was handled as a knowingly-inappropriate response to the situation and a threat to the whole labour movement.

    In case I need to state it, I'm not defending corruption, I'm not saying that there aren't people who should be charged and removed. There are real problems with the CFMEU and the members should be empowered to root it out of their union. Putting in a dictator with huge conflicts of interest with the workers is not how to do that. That's how to union-bust.

    and protest outside of federal liberal party headquarters demanding equal action on political corruption

    The Liberal party didn't do this. The protest is critiquing the Labor party and their attack on the labour movement.

    The Liberal party also probably couldn't care less about the protesters, might as well be vegans threatening to boycott a butcher. Union reps are a major component of the Labor party, and union rank-and-file are a large part of their voter support base.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: šŸ–ļøšŸŒŠ šŸ›‹ļøšŸ©šŸ’¤ Monday, August 26, 2024
  • For those going to the CFMEU protest tomorrow, be advised the location has been changed to the Trades Hall due to expected large crowd.

  • CFMEU Rallies Upcoming in Many Cities:

    The CFMEU are hosting rallies in various cities this Tuesday and are encouraging the community to join them. Despite any critiques we have of the union leadership, it is important to show solidarity in protesting the dictatorial union-busting administration laws, which were covered well in a post made here this week and which have a serious chilling effect on other unions and workers altogether as we fight for better conditions. Among other things, it's noteworthy that the CFMEU have been one of the few unions to strike in solidarity with Palestine encampment protestors at ANU.

    > "We encourage all members of the community to join us. CFMEU members deserve control over their Union, just like any other worker. Together, we stand strong to defend the future of our families and our union. āœŠ"

    CHECK YOUR OWN CITY, the following are just some examples I've been able to find out so far, and more are being added as I've typed:

    Gina Rinehart urges government to ā€˜drill, baby drillā€™ and build Israeli-style ā€˜iron domeā€™ in northern Australia
  • Seriously, shame on the opportunistic people who bothered giving her a platform.

  • A bill to kill a union: What is actually in the governmentā€™s CFMEU legislation
  • This article is very clear and to-the-point. Thanks for sharing.

    In order to ensure the administrator doesnā€™t run wild, the administrator has to be satisfied that the administrator is acting in the interests of members.

    Great system.

  • The Cat Empire postpones shows as musicians vote no confidence in MSO
  • It's a sharp reminder of the industrialisation of art as entertainment, more than as expression.

  • ANU to stop long-term investments in 'controversial' weapons manufacturers following months-long Gaza protest on campus
  • That's a great start! Congrats to the students and the communities who stood in solidarity to help them stay there.

  • Media companies need [the revenue from] gaming ads, government minister argues
  • When we're talking about ads and media, I highly recommend reading the relevant chapter in Manufacturing Consent (PDF version can easily be found for free online).

    But really, intuition will get you the raw basics: using the ad revenue model gives the advertiser control over a media outlet. If media truly 'need gambling ads', then this implies they cannot afford to lose them. So, they therefore cannot offend the gambling industry or especially the companies advertising with them. And therefore, they are pressured into media bias, into failing to be critical of an obviously harmful, corrupt industry dealing in addiction manufacture AND laundering at the same time!

  • Sydney discussion thread for the week of Mon Aug 12 2024
  • Didn't know there was such thing as too much. For me it's a nice warm soup.

  • Four Corners - Don't speak
  • Cross-linking the post about the article:

  • Four Corners - Don't speak
  • I wasn't surprised at it being shit, but I wasn't expecting suicidal.

    For those who don't have easy access to ABC iview (e.g. not Aus internet connection) they've now uploaded it to YouTube: (hopefully bot gives Invidious mirrors, otherwise here)

  • USyd students vote en masse to cut ties with Israel

    Linked is the USyd magazine article published by their Studentā€™s Representative Council.

    The article says 'over 500 students', although other sources such as Green Left estimate over 700, with even News Corp publications (The Australian, Sky News, etc.) claiming almost 800 students.

    One part which isn't mentioned in those articles: Witnesses at the meeting told me there was some attempt to finish up the meeting before the second motion could be declared, which was counted with a chorus of "Let us stay!". Apparently the meeting was only scheduled for an hour and delayed by a filibuster from a S4P speaker.


    Restaurants with cheap and large serving sizes in the city?

    Unfortunately the guides I could find for Dixon Street (Chinatown) were ten years old and the places no longer exist, but I've heard there's a place somewhere upstairs in Dixon House Food Court with huge plates for average prices.

    Outside of this and memories of the Town Hall classic 'Big Bite', I wouldn't know where to start.


    Error when uploading avatar or banner

    When I try and upload an image for my avatar, I receive the message:

    {"data":{"files":null,"msg":"ffprobe Failed with exit status: 1"},"state":"success"}

    This happened with both a WebP and a PNG file, so I suspect it's a bug.

    I can upload images fine here, and when I export my account details it shows a valid image URL for my avatar.

