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eulheim Eulheim

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12 days in Albania in August - Recommendation
  • Hi there! Many threats for the reply. We’ve already been in Albania and we’ve had a wonderful time!

    All the best!

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  • This best-selling personal finance author of 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' Robert Kiyosaki, says he’s racked up more than $1 billion in debt
  • Just finished listening to the podcast! Many thanks for the recommendation!!!

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  • Hi there, this looks very promissing! I'd love to see this happening!

  • Climate change is making our oceans change color, new research finds | CNN
  • In addition, I can recommend the current campain of Patagonia Patagonia - Marine Protected Areas as well as the following petition End Bottom Trawling.

  • Climate change is making our oceans change color, new research finds | CNN
  • Tropical oceans close to the equator in particular have become greener in the past two decades, reflecting changes in their ecosystems, according to the study published Wednesday in the journal Nature.

    But, what do I know, I’ve just copied the passage from the article.

  • BVerfG: Gebäudeenergiegesetz darf nicht mehr in dieser Sitzungswoche beraten werden
  • Bitte nutzt diese Energie und küsst euch doch endlich.

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  • Das soll wohl Lenin gesagt haben. Mais qu'est-ce que j'en sais ?

  • Erster AfD-Bürgermeister Sachsen-Anhalts in Raguhn-Jeßnitz
  • Ja, das war eine ernstgemeinte Frage. Mich hat der Sarkasmus wohl nur gestreift. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Erster AfD-Bürgermeister Sachsen-Anhalts in Raguhn-Jeßnitz
  • Schwingt da nur bei mir der Sarkasmusmelder aus?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Looks like a very good recipe!

    For the ones who are too lazy to convert to the metric system.

    MMuM Link (german)

    Also, maybe you’ll get closer to your Schlenkerla experience 😁

  • Fediverse Chess Tournament
  • Did you notice a change in the syncing issue? I am hoping this platform will be an alternative to Reddit in the future. I am digging the vibes a lot.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I had a very good time reading this.

    I’d recommend to throw some Loperamidhydrochlorid in the mix, not sure if you can find it in your pharmacy. When I’ve been too Music Festivals, we’ve always had some as an emergency, if the toilets would be clogged (which happened a lot).

    Stay strong 👍🏻

  • Fediverse Chess Tournament
  • It seems that there are some syncing issues with currently.

    Link to the post : There is some desync issue with and

  • Fediverse Chess Tournament
  • Just peeking through the door - Checking if the chess tournament is still ongoing or everyone fell asleep.

  • 12 days in Albania in August - Recommendation

    Hello everyone, my wife and me are planning to visit Albania this summer. Since we've been to Montenegro a couple of years ago, we wanted to explore more of the balcan.

    Do you have any recommendations and "must-visits" in Albania?

    All the very best and many thanks in advance

    Fediverse Chess Tournament
  • vincenius : eulheim

    Needless to say, I didn’t have a realistic chance. However, I’ve a lot of fun. Looking forward to the next proper licking.

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  • Fediverse Chess Tournament
  • Any lurkers around who want to play against me in the tournament? :(

    I’m easy prey 😂

  • Fediverse Chess Tournament
  • Am I to late to the party?