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elscallr elscallr
Posts 2
Comments 625
Authentic cat toy recommendations?
  • Oh, one more thing: don't put your cat's water next to their food. Separate the two by at least 4 meters. Across the room, or preferably in another room. Get a water bowl that'll hold a few liters and auto fills. Cats don't like their water by their food, and you should make sure your cat always has plenty available. Also they like water that's moving. A fountain is good, but my cat took to the self filling water bowl just fine and it seems to work a lot better for her. Once I switched to it from water just in a bowl the amount she drank tripled.

  • Solutions to the server-centric nature of the fediverse
  • The solution to this is to start your own instance and federate the other instances that you want to make sure you can always reach. This is a solved problem, really.

  • Authentic cat toy recommendations?
  • My cat has these little plastic mice covered in rabbit fur will a little rattle ball inside them. She goes nuts for them. Her favorite game is fetch.

    You can find them all over Amazon super cheap.

    And yes, you'll want cat trees, they like to be high. Also if you can get your cat a tree in front of a window, put it a bird feeder out there.

  • Some free fruit
  • You might check out recipes for Indian lemon pickle. It's a way of salt fermenting them that results in a spicy delicious condiment that can last for ages.

  • Why do we have an internal monologue?
  • Can you summon a song in your head? A melody?

    It's that.. But it's your voice. And you employ it to think. It's how I argue with myself and reason my way through a thing. I'm not sure how I'd get along without it, except every once in a while I get stuck on a problem, so I do something different. Often, the right solution to the thing I wanted to do will pop into my head. Then I need to work backwards how I got there. Both are useful, I prefer the information up front though.

  • Why do we have an internal monologue?
  • I use it for reasoning. It's a way to talk to myself without having to do so out loud, which I do a lot.

    There is a segment of the population who, apparently, don't have one. Even deaf people apparently have an inner monologue of hand signs visualized. But this segment just lacks one entirely. I don't understand how they think, how they come to a conclusion. Things just pop into my mind, when I take my mind away from other matters and let my subconscious bake on an item... is this the way they think about everything? I don't know.

  • Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads
  • It's absolutely authoritarian. You're an idiot if you think otherwise. I'm not even going to offer an argument, you're just stupid.

  • Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads
  • Speaking as a "muh gunz" person that person is fucking stupid

  • I have to pay extra to remove ads from Prime Video
  • 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ oh boy here I go again

    I've cut off all but Disney+ and that's only because my nieces and nephews use it. Everything else just gets put into my 80TB raid now. Could probably do to start purging some of it, but also I wanna keep the writes to a minimum to extend drive life and I'm not anywhere near full.

  • 23andMe tells victims it's their fault that their data was breached | TechCrunch
  • Reusing credentials is their fault. Sure, 23&me should've done better, but someone was likely to get fucked, and if you're using the same password everywhere it is objectively your fault. Get a password manager, don't make the key the same compromised password, and stop being stupid.

  • The cycling through wood types, can I make that stop?
  • Yeah I've tried to learn to live with it but I've just decided to make a mod to return it to the old menu

  • The cycling through wood types, can I make that stop?
  • Yeah but I suck at the game lol

  • If only it was like that
  • Oh shit I better pull that ice out of my freezer then, I about blew up the world

  • If only it was like that
  • Weather/room temp wise we probably never will. I'd rather think of my environment in terms of 0 to 100 than in terms of -18 to 38. For science and engineering, Celsius is ideal, and I can convert between the two in the very rare occasion I need to because I'm not an idiot who can't do basic math.

  • If only it was like that
  • 50 is great for just a light jacket and jeans. You'll never get too hot, you won't get too cold. So, yeah, as long as you've got clothes on it's pretty perfect.

    If I want to wear less clothes then 70 is a good bit better, but 50 is damn comfortable.

  • Does anyone wish they could go back to the beginning of schooling and re-live their education/school experience from the start?
  • Self reflection is good. Learning from your mistakes is good. Regret is useless. It's just agonizing over something unchangeable. It's important not to confuse them, lest you end up dwelling on the past and missing the lessons.

  • The cycling through wood types, can I make that stop?

    I'm not much of a Minecraft player. But when I want to make some planks my crafting menu goes from oak to spruce to jungle to whatever... It's like I have to time the fucking thing.

    Is there a way to make this stop happening? I want to make my planks out of a specific material to save another material. That's annoying. I'd prefer it just have all the options. And the right click menu doesn't help. It lists pictures with no useful tooltips.

    What am I missing? Did I fuck up my installation by installing Optifine at some point in the past I don't even remember? Pretty sure it's v1.19.xx

    Just.. is this expected or is it something I broke? If it's the former.. is there an extension to disable it?

    Massachusetts Assault Weapon Ban Ruled Constitutional by Judge
  • The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    Tenth Amendment

  • Toshiba exec claims hard drives are 7X cheaper than SSDs and will continually evolve for large datacenters
  • And this isn't an enterprise thing. It's my home NAS. For business things I just use AWS like any sensible person.

  • Toshiba exec claims hard drives are 7X cheaper than SSDs and will continually evolve for large datacenters
  • A 16TB, a single one, right now is $1800.

    As I said, as they become available (read: affordable) then I'll use them. Until that point.. mechanical drives have worked well for 50 years and are fine for me. I can accept a margin of problem, it's the reason I use RAID.