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eldadoinquieto El Dado Inquieto

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Ideas for an expedition to Europa (Traveller)
  • For a thread of the conversation on the same topic I had in Mastodon you could follow this link, surely you will find the activity and the links very useful.

  • Ideas for an expedition to Europa (Traveller)
  • I'm planning to do it genuinely hard sci-fi, so it will have to deal with rather complicated things like those 5.4 Sv of surface radiation (see Colonization of Europa - Environment).

    As for the player characters I'm planning to have a crew of scientists and, probably, some military types.

  • Ideas for an expedition to Europa (Traveller)
  • Yes, the sub will need to be very strong and prepared to deal with depths of 100 km Europa - Subsurface ocean.

  • Ideas for an expedition to Europa (Traveller)

    I’m studying some ideas for a future hard sci-fi adventure using Mongoose Traveller 2ed and Orbital 2100, with player characters landing in Europa (Jupiter’s moon) to study the chance of life in the ocean under the moon’s icy shell.

    I’m thinking about giving them some kind of submarine vessels, like a bathyscaphe or armoured diving suits, and probably a mobile base. Have any of you thought about how to design a vehicle that can be at the same time a dropship and a terrestrial base/vehicle to travel over the surface of Europa and transport the bathyscaphe to a chosen site?

    Do these demographic numbers for borderland baronies check out?
  • You can also ask @[email protected] , he wrote about medieval demographics years ago

  • Need ideas for magic masks and lanterns
  • More ideas for lanterns:

    A lantern changing the color of its light according to the alignment of the character being illuminated: red for Chaotic, green for Good and yellow for Neutral.

    A lantern used to discover hidden doors and passages when illuminating them.

    A lantern used to protect the bearer from attacks using arrows: when an arrow is about to hit him the lantern shoots a flame that incinerates the arrow.

    A lantern enthralling all people seeing its light.

  • How to evoke the feeling of harshness?
  • Try to inflict the harshness of the setting to the players or their relatives during the character's creation process.

    Let's see some ideas:

    • Their family belongs to a lower class, despised by the rulers of their society.
    • The family of one of the player characters was cursed by an ancient magic-user, the effects of the curse are transmitted to all the family line.
    • As honorable warriors the player characters are binded to obey the orders given to them by their rulers. What will they do when ordered to commit some questionable acts?
  • Post-Roman Europe as a cultural reference frame
  • There could be foreign peoples taking advantage of the fall of the empire to conquer new territories (Goths, Ostrogoths, etc.) and the remnants of civilization forced to sign treaties with them for protection.

  • Post-Roman Europe as a cultural reference frame
  • Surely there will be people trying to recover the knowledge and science of the past and ways of mantaining surviving infrastructures (paved roads and aqueducts for example), see FALL AND REBIRTH 7 at Atomic Rockets for some ideas.

  • How to link osr adventure gaming with a life path mechanic?
  • Interesting, there could be traits or backgrounds related to a given origin or birth place for example (something that D&D 5 and other games already do).

  • Some thoughts about System Mechanics and Game Worlds.
  • A poor game session could be the result of many things (not necessarily related to the game), like the mood of the referee or the players at the moment of playing or if the referee have had enough time to do a proper preparation.

  • I'm going to be running a one-shot game for some newbies. How can I give them the best experience?
  • I completely agree with @[email protected] .

    I should add that if it's their first time better use an easy ruleset. In this case I would recommend this: Vieja Escuela: the role-playing game | VIEJA ESCUELA

  • So what are you working on?
  • Oh, yes. Very dangerous times for player characters.

  • So what are you working on?
  • Welcome aboard and into the rabbit hole 😉

  • So what are you working on?
  • These are some things I'm working on (in varied degrees of completion):

    • A Cthulhu Mythos campaign plunging the players into the Taiping Rebellion
    • Studying how to make a version of Eclipse Phase using M-Space (based on the Mythras roleplaying game)
    • Toying with some ideas using Mongoose Traveller 2nd edition and 2300AD
    • Toying with some OSR concepts using Axis Mundi by 77 Mundos
  • Happy labor day/ mechanics for a labor organization rpg
  • Of course, unions as we know them are a product of 19th century, and the guilds became less important.

    But in some of unions' characteristics evolved from the guilds, as can be read in Organized labor | Definition, Movement, History, Examples, Unions, & Facts | Britannica Money.

    It should be noted that if you want to organize the workers into a strike they need some organization and in medieval era a guild can be a way to do it, or could be other means of self-orgnization, see the links below:

    Deir el-Medina strikes

    Secessio plebis

    Peasants Revolt

  • The most influential RPGs since ODnD?
  • It could depend on which game systems are more famous in your country. Games like Call of Cthulhu and Runequest , both using BRP (a percentile system) were very famous and played in Spain for many years in direct competition of Dungeons & Dragons.

  • Big Bad Bag of Blogs
  • Hello, here you have my blog, it's written in three languages (Spanish, Catalan and English) and I hope you find it useful.

    There's all kind of themes available, all related to culture, history, science and, of course, tabletop roleplaying games.

    El Dado Inquieto