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eerongal eerongal
Posts 51
Comments 309
Your DnD Party is Too Big [the maths of scheduling]
  • Yeah, we have a set day and time, and will only reconsider if 2+ people are missing

  • Commons Side Effexts
  • So my immediate thought given this context would be to make the new strain/miracle drug/whatever be something that combats the existing evil virus as a counteragent. So it would provide some amount of resistance/immunity to it, but i like the idea of a (probably unknown) drawback. Something like cordyceps maybe that slowly takes over and/or controls the person like you mentioned.

    This could easily be told to the players through the NPC you mentioned who has control of the new strain/drug; he can slowly become more erratic/out of control, and his actions can start to get more suspect (along with any potential physical signs).

    So basic idea for a campaign would be:

    • Players run into NPC that has new miracle drug that provides resistance/immunity to super evil virus
    • NPC is being hunted by the AI because of it
    • Players try to protect and help NPC get to somewhere safe to begin process of creating/manufacturing/growing new drug at scale (current supply must be protected because it's so low, so player's can't have any, but they know the NPC has tried it on himself)
    • Over their time with the NPC, his motivation and actions begin to turn more sinister as the effects of the drug set in
    • Player's need to eventually make a choice as to if the current situation with the virus or the new threat from the miracle drug is the lesser evil.
  • Commons Side Effexts
  • What, exactly are you trying to replicate from the show? The miraculous super drug the powers-that-be despise? The plot premise of running from the authorities with a secret? The main character himself? All of it? Something else? Depending on what aspects you like, you can do different things for your game (fyi I know little about EP specifically, but translating plot into games can be universal).

  • Thoughts on Counterspell rework
  • well, to be fair, almost no one used counterspells back then because of the many failure points, clunkiness, and the high chance of it being a complete waste of your turn. Better to just cast your own fireball first.

  • Thoughts on Counterspell rework
  • Thats pretty similar to what 3e (and iirc older) counterspell did. You had to cast the same spell in reverse to counter a spell. So to counter spell a fireball, you had to have a fireball prepared and "counterspell cast" your fireball. That said, there was some action economy problems in 3e that made it not worth it (you had to use an action to 'ready' a counterspell on a specific target, when the target cast a spell, you had to roll to identify the spell, and if they cast a spell you didnt know or have prepared, you were out of luck)

  • Second breakfast??
  • When the d&d session runs until 1 am.

  • That's barely a threat
  • Presumably, someone attempting to mug you would probably be a bandit (+3 to hit, +1 to damage), not another commoner

  • is on sale for auction
  • Looks like it expired last month so they had a 1 month grace period

  • Issues uploading/loading images
  • yeah, i think that's actually a setting on the lemmy side, you can restrict the size of uploads to prevent abuse and such. We're using whatever the default is, i've never changed it.

  • Issues uploading/loading images

    Yesterday we had a bit of an outage with image storage on our instance; Got some messages about it at one point, but that said, everything should be back up and running. Is anyone else running in to issues? I had one user mention that they had a problem this morning, but I wanted to see if anyone else was running in to problems.

    Let me know! If there's issues, we can get to the bottom of it, and get things hammered out.

    Olympus Has Fallen
  • Actually, reddit is not coming. That's kinda the whole problem outlined above.

  • I feel like I should know this but seems like no
  • i second the comment that you need to consider why you want to do this. You generally need a pretty good reason to split your codebase into multiple languages.

    As far as actually doing it, you have a ton of different options, some of which have been mentioned here. Some i can think of off the top of my head:

    • create a library (dll or so file or the like)
    • set up a web server and use communication protocols (either web socket or rest API or the like)
    • use a 3rd party communication/messaging framework like MQ or kafka or something
    • create your own method of communication. Something like reading and writing to a file on disk, or a database and acting on the information plopped in

    basically every approach is going to require you to come up with some sort of API that the two work together through, though, an API in the generic sense is basically a shared contract two disconnected pieces of code use to communicate.

  • Dungeons & Dragons vs Pathfinder Rap Battle
  • Just like Pathfinder, OOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!

    nah, I'm kidding. But yeah, the video is kinda mediocre. The lyrics are ok, the delivery is meh, but like you said I appreciate the effort.

  • FF7 Rebirth: Valve Messes Up with The Verified Rating Again
  • same. Ive played it for about ~10 hours on the steam deck so far, and i have my FPS counter turned on at all times; never seen it dip below 40, and i dont think ive touched any settings. On an original steam deck, not an OLED, though

  • NPC Stat Blocks for Spellcasters?
  • for what its worth, the new (2024/2025) monster manual supposedly has spellcasting monsters with more "magical" actions built in. While they do still have a list of spells, they have more built in tailored "magic action" type things they would be using instead of spell casting in most scenarios, like having a "magic bolt" type attack for a mage or something. We don't exactly know how extensive this is yet, since we've only seen previews so far, but it could make running spellcasting creatures a bit easier.

  • I've been working on a new/custom sci-fi RPG system for the past year or so
  • yeah, i could see using a mix of windows midi fonts and like a real crunchy sega genesis like soundfont if i were to make/commission music for it or something (i can't make music in any way)

    As far as the game master term, I'm using "Knight Commander", it's one of the early intro sections somewhere.

  • I've been working on a new/custom sci-fi RPG system for the past year or so
  • Thanks! I've been working on it off and on, but i think its turning out pretty good overall.

  • I've been working on a new/custom sci-fi RPG system for the past year or so
  • yeah, like i said, the "main" book is done, i just wanted to write a pack in adventure (which ive been too lazy to even start so far). As far as what's next, i'm not sure. I usually focus on specific side projects without trying to think about what's coming up in the future. I've been working on a metroidvania game with a friend of mine (i make video games as a hobby), but i'm thinking i'll put my focus on finishing up that, since i've somewhat been splitting my focus between this and that for the past year or so.

    As far as my next tabletop project, haven't even thought about it. I usually make whatever i feel like at the time before tossing it on to my drive thru account.

  • I've been working on a new/custom sci-fi RPG system for the past year or so

    Just putting this out here to share some of the work I've been doing and to create some content for this community. Also because I'm not quite ready to share the full thing with larger groups.

    I've mostly been creating a system for fun, and to exercise my art/design chops. I've got the base rule book done, but I was wanting to create a "pack in" adventure to go with it, which i have yet to start.

    I'll include some screen shots as I go along and give some of the details around the setting and system. The title I'm currently running with is "Stellar Knights of Pendragon" and it is a sci-fi RPG based off of the myths of King Arthur.

    Stylistically, I'm trying to make the book look like something from the 16-bit/SNES Era of video games, mostly because I'm pretty ok at pixel art (and not much else), but also because the concept sounds like something you'd see on the sega genesis or SNES

    Cover Page:


    Table of contents:


    For a lot of the art, I tried to base it off of existing cover art/images from popular video games of the times, as you'll see (some are pretty obvious tracing/reinterpretation of famous images)

    For the game system, I tried to go with a fairly simple resolution mechanic that lends itself to a lot of depth when it comes to including character powers and abilities. The basic mechanics are that everything is an "opposed" check, where characters roll 4d6 + bonuses against a target number/DC. Every 5 points you beat the DC by is one success. Opposition successes cancel out your successes on a 1-for-1 basis

    So for example, combat is roll 4d6+stat+skill for your attack, vs a "target" number of the enemy's armor and the enemy gets to make an opposed defense check. If the enemy's armor is, say, 15, and your roll a total of 20, you have achieved 2 successes, but if the enemy rolls 1 success on their defense, it reduces you to 1 success, which represents the amount of damage you deal.

    There's also something similar to advantage/disadvantage called banes and boons.


    As stated above in the screen shot, the reason for a 4d6 resolution mechanic is partially because its novel, and in addition getting together 4d6 to play can happen virtually anywhere and doesn't require specialized dice to play.


    The setting takes place in space (duh) in a nebula. You can see the write up below, but the basic idea is that the gasses and all in the nebula cause psionic powers to be extremely common in creatures living within the space gas. Psionics obviously take the place of any sort of magic in this setting, as i'm a big fan of psionics in general. I just think they're fun.


    The king arthur stand in (Named Artur, which is barely a play on the name) is essentially an evil, paranoid, ruthless despot bent on dominating the galaxy, forming a large army akin to something like the empire in star wars.


    "Knight's Armor" in this setting is also effectively something akin to power armor, and there's rules for spaceship combat, though do note that it largely follows the same resolution mechanics.


    The game is class based, and each class has a list of skills you can be trained in and "knacks" you choose that give you character extra powers/abilities


    monster stat block:


    That's kind of a very quick write up around how the game works, there's obviously a ton more details to both mechanics and setting, since its about a 50 page PDF, which was approximately my goal for the length of the document. I didn't want it to get too long.

    What do people think about this premise/idea? Anything you'd like to hear more about? Anything that sounds off-putting to you? I'm open to all feedback, positive or negative.

    When it's done, I'll probably post about it, but also put it on my and on my drive thru RPG account. Note that i generally release everything i put out for free, so i'm not planning on charging anything for it.

    Character sheet:


    I got an old game working through WINE that wouldn't work through Windows' compatibility mode
  • windows can still play castle of the winds? i play it all the time. In fact, i just booted it up again a moment ago to make sure it didnt break recently or something. I dont remember ever having any issues playing it, and ive played it off and on for decades. In fact, googling real quick, it looks like my abandonware even has a "easy installer" for it.

  • I've never banned a user but have tens of banned users on my instance... What's going on?
  • If a user is banned on their home instance, that ban is federated out to all instances. If a user is banned on a remote instance, they're just banned locally on that instance, and their account remains active for all other instances.

    They're likely some remote users who have interacted enough with your instance to be federated over, and then banned on their home instance.

  • 1 in 4 is a damn lie


    World of darkness books, including VtM are in a humble bundle this month Humble RPG Bundle: World of Darkness: Month of Darkness 2024 Bundle by Renegade Game Studios

    Get the World of Darkness Bundle of tabletop role-playing games. Pay what you want & support charity!

    Humble RPG Bundle: World of Darkness: Month of Darkness 2024 Bundle by Renegade Game Studios

    Thought this might be appreciated here. Looks like a whole host of books, I have no idea how these particular editions are as I haven't played em


    WotC 2024 PHB reveal videos for weeks 7/1/2024 - 7/12/2024

    cross-posted from:

    > All premieres at 9am PDT: > > - Monday, July 1st - Spells Tuesday > - July 2nd - Crafting Sneak Peek (this is a short video; no premiere) > - Monday, July 8th - Monk > - Tuesday, July 9th - Sorcerer > - Wednesday, July 10th - Cleric Thursday > - July 11th - Bard Friday > - July 12th - New Dragon Designs


    WotC 2024 PHB reveal videos for weeks 7/1/2024 - 7/12/2024

    cross-posted from:

    > All premieres at 9am PDT: > > - Monday, July 1st - Spells Tuesday > - July 2nd - Crafting Sneak Peek (this is a short video; no premiere) > - Monday, July 8th - Monk > - Tuesday, July 9th - Sorcerer > - Wednesday, July 10th - Cleric Thursday > - July 11th - Bard Friday > - July 12th - New Dragon Designs


    WotC 2024 PHB reveal videos for weeks 7/1/2024 - 7/12/2024

    All premieres at 9am PDT:

    • Monday, July 1st - Spells
    • Tuesday July 2nd - Crafting Sneak Peek (this is a short video; no premiere)
    • Monday, July 8th - Monk
    • Tuesday, July 9th - Sorcerer
    • Wednesday, July 10th - Cleric
    • Thursday July 11th - Bard
    • Friday July 12th - New Dragon Designs

    Going down for postrgres upgrade June 25th

    Just an fyi, we will be going down temporarily for a postrgres upgrade tomorrow morning around 9AM cst, this is in preparation for upgrading Lemmy to 19.5. downtime shouldn't be significantly long.

    Edit: upgrade complete


    Week 6/24/24 PHB class reveals schedule

    cross-posted from:

    > 2024 Player's Handbook Reveals (all premieres at 9am PDT) > > Monday, June 24th - The Rogue > Tuesday, June 25th - The Warlock > Wednesday, June 26th - The Druid > Thursday, June 27th - The Wizard > Friday, June 28th - The Ranger


    Week 6/24/24 PHB class reveals schedule

    cross-posted from:

    > 2024 Player's Handbook Reveals (all premieres at 9am PDT) > > Monday, June 24th - The Rogue > Tuesday, June 25th - The Warlock > Wednesday, June 26th - The Druid > Thursday, June 27th - The Wizard > Friday, June 28th - The Ranger


    Week 6/24/24 PHB class reveals schedule

    2024 Player's Handbook Reveals (all premieres at 9am PDT)

    Monday, June 24th - The Rogue Tuesday, June 25th - The Warlock Wednesday, June 26th - The Druid Thursday, June 27th - The Wizard Friday, June 28th - The Ranger


    One Year of TTRPG.Network!

    Today marks one year since the TTRPG network was set up after the whole hubbub over at reddit. While we certainly haven't been the largest instance in town, we're still reasonably active, and overall i think things are going pretty good.

    Not really much to say, just wanted to point out our fedi-versary. Thanks for participating and hope everyone is still enjoying themselves!


    2024 Players Handbook | Everything You Need to Know | D&D - YouTube

    Wotc dropped a big video today all about the upcoming edition. There's a few articles breaking down some of the information out there already.

    1 is now certified green hosted

    Just a small FYI update, the host that we used just informed us that our website is now certified green hosted by the green web foundation, meaning that our site is completely hosted by clean energy.

    You should see the badge display in our sidebar about it starting today.


    2024 d&d books release schedule


    Pathfinder vs linux


    Wizards of the Coast confirms it is not selling the d&d IP to tencent


    Wizards of the Coast confirms it is not selling the d&d IP to tencent Wizards of the Coast dispels rumours that Tencent wants to gobble up D&D like a tarrasque: 'To be clear: We are not looking to sell our D&D IP'

    5th-level Banish Rumour (Abjuration). Casting time: 1 Action. Components: Verbal, Material (A single public statement).

    Wizards of the Coast dispels rumours that Tencent wants to gobble up D&D like a tarrasque: 'To be clear: We are not looking to sell our D&D IP'

    D&D Playtest Survey Results | Player's Handbook | Unearthed Arcana

    cross-posted from:

    > Discussion with crawford concerning the playtest feedback from the most recent playtest


    D&D Playtest Survey Results | Player's Handbook | Unearthed Arcana

    Discussion with crawford concerning the playtest feedback from the most recent playtest

    • Everything scored really well (in the 80s for most things, monk was the highest rated, most features in the 90s, might be considered "most improved class")

    • revised version of the healing spells scored high

    • Tasha's summoning spells will be imported into the PHB

    • 2014 conjuration/summoning spells rework scored really well and will be kept

    • They are deep in internal development for the upcoming PHB

    • May is not the release date as was purported before

    • "We will still be working on the PHB in may"

    • Dwarf art from pax is not the cover for the PHB. That's from the fighter section

    • This was the last unearthed arcana for the upcoming revisions

    • New encounter building rules are going through a lot of rework and playtesting

    • Revised DMG will have a significantly streamlined encounter building system
