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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

local fedia alt of @e-five

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Comments 19
Fedia stablility update
  • Just wanted to mention that some of the issues may likely have been due to issues with Mbin rather than on fedia's side, and we put together an emergency hotfix last night / this morning. The issues had taken out another Mbin instance, so hopefully now that this instance has grabbed those fixes, there will be slightly less queue/db issues (I'd like to say all solved forever but I've learned my lessons).

  • About the troll problem
  • A 404 just means it hasn't been added to the instance yet, I just added it now by doing! (though it'll need a local subscriber to get updates)

    On my list is to try to make it clearer on how to add remote magazines. In regards to whether that message means it was a local or remote delete for remote content... From my experience the only time I've seen deletes federate is when it's a remote instance A moderator acting on a remote instance A user post. Meaning if a remote Instance A moderator acts on a remote instance B user, it does not federate.

    OsaErisXero mentioned the issue for fixing that in the thread, but for some reason my reply didn't federate, so that's why I'm posting from your local instance

  • What happened to embedded videos?
  • The post you showed in the screenshot does look fine to me both in classic and compact view on an instance with latest.

    But I'd agree not all of your concerns have been addressed. I don't believe redgifs work (well), so will try to look into that if possible, but might be out of my depth.

    The playback continuing is interesting. I had made a change long ago to not download every time it was expanded / collapsed as before it would make a request every single time, instead I changed it to just hide and show it after the first load, so that sounds like a side effect of that. Perhaps there's some way for me to also indicate to pause media, I will check

  • Is anyone else finding it impossible to block anything from
  • As an update, this should be fixed as of this PR
    I was able to verify that I couldn't block before, and could after the change So it should get into the next tagged release version (which will likely be 1.5.0) and eventually be working on this instance

  • What happened to embedded videos?
  • I think at least the first part of this is

    It was fixed a couple weeks ago but there hasn't been a tagged release in a while.

    I'm not sure what the release plan is for 1.5.0, currently there's some very heavy migrations that require special upgrade instructions so I'd like to get a tagged release sooner rather than later to avoid instance admins running into issues, but I think there's still a lot of work in flight

  • Is anyone else finding it impossible to block anything from
  • Thanks, was able to get the logs for the error happening with some help. Seems to be related to their "allowlist" changes to lemmy (at least that's the error being thrown back). I'll try to track down in the code, as I believe I mentioned before I believe it sends a request to unfollow to remotes even when you aren't following, and make a patch soon(tm). (For jerry, this is an mbin bug, so feel free to move this to the mdev mag if you want or it can hang out here but isn't specific to your instance)

  • Is anyone else finding it impossible to block anything from
  • Can you describe the steps you're going through to attempt to block it and what you observe? For instance, if I go to and click block on the side, it instantly appears to work without any errors. I tried from other mbin instances as well and didn't see any errors.

  • How can mbin/kbin users subscribe or even just reach a lemmy community?
  • I don't completely disagree, hopefully the PR I linked, once complete, will make it a lot more obvious to people when this scenario occurs. I think from an instance owner perspective, they wouldn't want to constantly be paying the overhead on communities no one has an actual interest in viewing (edit: this isn't worded well, so forgive me, obviously people may want to view it but not have it show up in their sub feed, so perhaps another action item is a way to split subscription lists, which I think was already requested), as it has a very real financial cost to them. But I will keep this in mind, I meant to investigate how lemmy works (whether they also require a subscriber, I mean they do because this is how AP works but they might make a fake user or something, I never had a chance to look, but I'd be curious what tools they have to stop incoming messaging for when an instance owner wants to save bandwidth)

  • How can mbin/kbin users subscribe or even just reach a lemmy community?
  • I mentioned in the adjacent post but if you do see magazines acting oddly, it could be there are no local subscribers. Hopefully we get a UI fix in soon with the PR I had mentioned, because it's a bit of a bad user experience now. (I noticed world from lemmy world on debounced's instance was getting no posts, or rarely a post with no likes, and subscribed, and suddenly everything came in fine.) So probably a good idea for people, if you want to see posts from somewhere, make sure to subscribe.

    (This was technically always true, but a while back admins were auto subscribed so a magazine would always have 1 subscriber. That changed, and that change was even backported to kbin by ernest, so it should be like that back in kbin too for new magazines.)

  • How can mbin/kbin users subscribe or even just reach a lemmy community?
  • It looks like someone from the remote liked it recently, which, and I'm channeling Benti here because I'm not as good at the AP side of things, announced to subscribers which brought it in here. At least that's my best guess

  • How can mbin/kbin users subscribe or even just reach a lemmy community?
  • Make sure to subscribe to communities you want. It's not just searching for it and loading it, but if there are no local subscribers it won't get updates (and the last subscriber unsubbing would put it in this situation).

    This became a bit harder to tell ever since mbin switched to showing real subscriber numbers rather than local like kbin has. There is an active PR to try to address this issue so users are able to tell when data isn't coming in

  • Request for errors on
  • Everything about your post is slightly indicative to me of javascript failing, for some reason.

    So many actions taken, upvoting / boosting / replying, do javascript actions. However, all of these things have fallbacks in the case either: javascript hasn't fully finished loading on the page yet or javascript requests failed.

    For instance, if javascript had failed when I clicked reply to your message, instead this page would've loaded for me but since it worked, all it did was add a text box under your reply

    As I said this is true for all other actions, so when you vote or boost there are also http GET routes that handle those requests.

    It's hard for me to guess more than that, it could be the JS is loading a bit slow and you click before the page finishes loading, or it could be a different error like maybe the request fails. There might also be something else involved, I'd have to double check but mercure might involve itself in dynamic page updating as well... Do you happen to notice if pages are still loading when you take actions, or in fact just browse with javascript disabled? There's also that, last I checked, all the JS files had defer on them so don't block page loads, which is what makes this more likely to happen. Whether that's good or not, I can't say, it's been like that since I first looked but might require more research to know whether it can be split between JS that should block page load and JS that can be deferred

  • Request for errors on
  • @jerry there was a super fast follow up to 1.4.0 to fix a 500 that got introduced (the big warning at the top is to make sure people read the 1.4.0 upgrade docs since this release came in so quickly after it, in case they're running <1.4.0, but you should be all set since you already upgraded)

  • error 500 when trying to block some communities
  • Just to follow up on this a bit I took a look at the code to try to understand why this has always been a problem in /kbin/Mbin. It seems like from cursory reading it will try to send out unsub/unfollow requests on blocking magazines/users even if you aren't subbed or following them. Assuming this is accurate, this has some benefits to make sure the remote removes you, but has the downside of calls to the remote needing to be working in order for a block to happen. I'll try to take a look at making it only send those unsub/unfollow requests if you currently are according to local and see if that makes sense to others

  • Bug: blocks have no effect on search-generated timelines
  • Fedia runs Mbin at the moment, not /kbin, issues can be reported on github

    but assuming you may not have a github account or posting via the fediverse is easier, you can also try posting mbin specific, non-fedia instance questions, comments, or concerns to[email protected]

  • Federation is more broken than usual
  • Hmm... looking at their instance list and stuff, I get the feeling they might consider fedia an "inactive" instance (based on the information being out of date), which is a bug lemmy has where after upgrades it marks instances as inactive and never updates it again. I will try to get in contact with their admins to confirm

    Edit: quick edit, speaking with another german instance owner they said they have the same problem with right now and have already spoken to the admins and already taken steps to reset active state but it isn't happening, perhaps more debugging is needed or maybe this is the lemmy federation issue people have been discussing

    Edit edit: they say they're waiting for to be merged which looks hopefully soon

  • Federation is more broken than usual
  • I wouldn't exactly say mbin is behind kbin, as things have diverged much since the fork. For example, mbin has moderators from lemmy, and lemmy shows mbin moderators. As of latest, mbin gets moderator reports from lemmy (and maybe the other way, I didn't closely review that PR), things like sensitive groups are marked correctly, subscriber and follower counts come from source... Still, there's a lot of work to do for the user experience, many people have made that clear lately, so I'm hoping mbin will be able to gain the contributors needed to make the changes people want to see

    Also, yea a lot of /kbin tweaks won't work. I do want to make an eye toggle button to make visible all nsfw on a page, but that might be hindered a bit due to infinite scroll (as well as a user setting to just have it shown by default). In the meantime though, it's just the structure of data changing from javascript to css, so it's always possible to do. I wrote a tampermonkey script able to do so as an example:

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name         Mbin tweak
    // @namespace
    // @version      0.1
    // @description  Unhide NSFW entries automatically
    // @match*
    // @require
    // ==/UserScript==
    setMutationHandler(document, 'input[type="checkbox"].sensitive-state', checkThem);
    function checkThem(nodes) {
        nodes.forEach(function(n) { n.checked = true });

    based on this answer on how to check all checkboxes on a page

  • Federation is more broken than usual
  • It's also possible there are no local subscribers, or weren't until now. It's one of the things we need to fix after updating subscriber counts to show accurate information rather than just local information, as it's unclear if a magazine has no local subscribers anymore