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dpnash David Nash

Data engineer for a large company by day, #AmateurAstronomer by night, part of an amazing nontraditional family (three parents, four children) all the time. I blame syntax errors and file deletions on the cats (they admit it, at least sometimes). He/him.

Recent interests: #Astronomy, #Cats (I often boost pretty pictures involving either), #Neurodivergence (especially experiences of other people who are #ActuallyAutistic), #LGBT issues, #Ethics in #STEM fields.

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Parenting a Neurodivergent child
  • @Zumbador @TechyDad @neamhsplach A lot of it may boil down to this:

    Was #ActuallyAutistic a label chosen *by* you, as a result of accurate and compassionately-communicated information?

    Or was it chosen *for* you, by people who were more interested in trying to “solve the problem” that is you, and are ultimately not motivated by acting for your own well-being?

    (I spent most of my life in the second camp, and even on the best days, the term “autistic” is emotionally fraught for me.)