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What are your favourite 3rd action abilities?
  • I like combining Athletics action (Trip, Shove, etc) with Assurance on low(er) level enemies.

  • Pokemon Campaigns - Powered by the Apocalypse
  • Very cool, thanks for sharing! I did not get a chance to read the whole thing yet but a skim+your comments make me excited. How do you think your system compares to others out there? I'm always looking for a great Pokémon ttrpg to actually get to the table!

  • What's your favorite piece of GM advice?
  • I can relate. Our group's all time favorite NPC is literally named TBD 😅

  • Exploration from Ultimate Campaign (Pathfinder)
  • Never realized Pathfinder 1e had hex crawl rules!

  • How viable would a non-combatant character be in a standard adventuring party in a standard adventure?
  • Agreed, things like the Summoner's Eidolon also come to mind. As OP said, I imagine you could also find a group and adventure, potentially homebrewed, who just wanted to do an investigation/exploration and avoid fights but that is not bog standard Pathfinder and if that's your jam a different system focused on that style of play might be better. But back to your original question, I think it'd be tough as you need to do something in combat.

  • What app or tool would you recommend for building characters to use around the table?
  • Like everyone else, I can't recommend Pathbuilder 2e enough! I even paid for it although the basic version does almost everything (with ads). The only bummer is that the app and web version are separate purchase.

  • Has had an outage recently?
  • I experienced the same thing so I'm thinking it may have been down.

  • Guide to durable total concealment
  • Nice to see more guides! Any thought to how this works with (or against) party tactics? Is there some easy way for everyone to get concealment against an opponent?

  • Would like to play an Illusionist in PFS. Any class recommendations?
  • Good catch! I've been playing a Monk for most of 2e and stuck with 3.5/1e for a while before that so I'm still learning everything.

  • What is a good board game for beginners to expand in to? started with Catan, maybe looking to shake things up.
  • Some other classics I love that I haven't seen recommended yet:

    • Power Grid
    • Ticket to Ride
    • Puerto Rico
    • Agricola
    • Viticulture

    I agree with pretty much everyone else too! There are a ton of great boardgames to explore and starting with Catan and a regular group is a great place to be in.

  • Would like to play an Illusionist in PFS. Any class recommendations?
  • Just realized that Bards are actually three-quarters casters since they only get 3 spells per spell level (others normally get 4) and that Psychics are half-casters (2/4).

  • Would like to play an Illusionist in PFS. Any class recommendations?
  • I'd also throw out Bard, Sorcerer, and Witch then if you're interested in the Occult list. I really enjoyed my 1e Witch but I think the 2e version may need work according to random Internet comments... You could also try the Psychic but I know waybless there. Also, TIL basically all casters are full casters.

  • What happened to the Blueholme website?

    I went looking for Michael Thomas' (Blueholme's designer) website to link in a Mastodon thread and it seems to be gone along with his Twitter account. The books are still for sale on DTRPG and I found some info on his old Kickstarter. Just curious if this is a temporary blip or if I should keep linking people to his product page directly.

    Taxonomy of Powered by the Apocalypse Games, some flawed-but-still-cool research
  • I saw this on Mastodon and thought it was very cool (and informative)! Unfortunately I'm chronically on mobile so I can't read the key 😅

  • Dungeon World Wiki Now Available
  • Thanks for doing this!

  • A Call for Submissions: Character Guides
  • I always scan over the appropriate RPG Bot guide. I loved the 3.5/1e and 2e are good for some basic insights. I think they are all linked in the Zenith thread.

  • Switching from DnD 5e to Pf2e Ressources
  • AoN is Archives of Nethys, the official Pathfinder SRD (1e and 2e), which you can find at: (also linked elsewhere).

  • Switching from DnD 5e to Pf2e Ressources
  • This last bit is, I think, key. I've only dabbled in 5e but that was the biggest change coming from 3.5/PF1e was that it was no longer about optimizing individual character builds but rather playing smart team tactics that change from encounter to encounter. It's hard to make a truly bad character on accident but it can be equally hard figuring out how to contribute during each fight, e.g. you probably don't want to make the third swing at -10.

  • General TTRP Advice doggoblingames

    Recommended Apps?

    cross-posted from:

    > What sorts of tools/apps/programs/etc do people use to journal or record their solo adventures? I would love to have a fancy notebook and roll physical dice but being realistic I think something I could run on my Android as either a web or native app and handle both dice rolls and journaling would be ideal. I'm currently considering RoleGate since I use it for some PBP games with moderate success but I'd love to hear what other people use or have considered, either as all-in-one or standalone journals/dice/etc to make a complete system.


    Recommended Apps?

    cross-posted from:

    > What sorts of tools/apps/programs/etc do people use to journal or record their solo adventures? I would love to have a fancy notebook and roll physical dice but being realistic I think something I could run on my Android as either a web or native app and handle both dice rolls and journaling would be ideal. I'm currently considering RoleGate since I use it for some PBP games with moderate success but I'd love to hear what other people use or have considered, either as all-in-one or standalone journals/dice/etc to make a complete system.


    Recommended Apps?

    What sorts of tools/apps/programs/etc do people use to journal or record their solo adventures? I would love to have a fancy notebook and roll physical dice but being realistic I think something I could run on my Android as either a web or native app and handle both dice rolls and journaling would be ideal. I'm currently considering RoleGate since I use it for some PBP games with moderate success but I'd love to hear what other people use or have considered, either as all-in-one or standalone journals/dice/etc to make a complete system.

    Dual Classing Druid
  • Ah, very cool! Sounds similar to success with a complication mechanic in other games. I just assumed it was a deck of yes/no cards (along with other randomizers).

  • Solo Dungeon World
  • Thanks for the mini-review!

  • Which RPG is on your wishlist?
  • I have a huge list but I think they fall in a few categories: Mecha (Lancer, Jovian Chronicles), NSR (GLOG, Black Hack, Into the Dungeon, Mausritter, World of Dungeons, 6e, etc), One pagers (Honey Heist, Orcball, The Beast, Lasers & Feelings, All Outta Bubblegum, Planted, etc), and IP (Borderlands, Mistborn, Marvel, Outlaw Star, Warcraft, Diablo, Halo, etc)