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dmenezes dmenezes
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[NBD] 4x QB26800s - 10180 for "scale"
  • Thanks for the clarification.

  • [NBD] 4x QB26800s - 10180 for "scale"
  • Thanks for the link, really appreciated! This is exactly what I was thinking about, very glad to see you did it already, so now (a) I know it works, and (b) I don't have to start from scratch.

    I will look for a local for-hire 3D printer so I can manufacture that, thanks again!

  • SW LED Spectra
  • ZWB3

    Holy crap. I hadn't even heard of ZWB3 until now... :-)

  • SW LED Spectra
  • What's "filtered"? After coming through a ZWB2 filter? or something else?

  • Do all flashlights slowly discharge when not in use?
  • Oh man, don't even get me started on the NiCads. My beloved old Ti58C calculator used a pack of them and it was actually what killed her :-(

  • Soldering Saturday
  • The Pinecil is a good station

    And it has its own RISC-V MCU and runs opensource IronOS which really tickles my geek bone ... ;-)

    but you should also look for a larger bevel tip to use with it.

    I was planning on getting the whole set of "normal fine" tips; perhaps I should get the "normal gross set" instead? Or both? Or either/both of the gross or/and fine "short" sets?

    Now I'm confused... 🙃

    I’m using a flux syringe for easier application. And solder does have a flux core but that quickly burns away and is only useful if you’re feeding solder directly into the joint. I place extra flux on the wire and pad and then load my tip up with solder

    Thanks for the pro advice! Will be sure to get one of these too!

  • Emisar lights have questionable water resistance.
  • Oh no a reddit link /s

    An old reddit link ;-) At least while the effers there don't cut out completely, that is.

    They were so wet that water was dripping from the pcb. It wasnt a good felling

    Holy crap! :-( That would have freaked me out completely :-(

    Mind telling us exactly what those "wet conditions" were?

  • Emisar lights have questionable water resistance.
  • This is discouraging re: Hanklights. :-(

    Meanwhile, my much much cheaper TS10 was actually able to resist immersion for many minutes with absolutely no water ingress nor any ill effects:

  • Do all flashlights slowly discharge when not in use?
  • Good tip, but the OP should be aware that when at 3.7V they have only ~50% charge in them, so remember to also pack a spare or two (at the same voltage) to have the same total runtime.

  • Soldering Saturday
  • That's pro stuff, way above my league :-) Seriously, my current soldering iron is a dumb piece of crap, I do want to upgrade to one of these eventually:

    I don't think I've ever used (separate) flux; this is what you mean, right? Isn't it supposed to be incorporated inside the solder nowadays?

  • Do all flashlights slowly discharge when not in use?
  • Mechanical switch lights like the Convoy S2+ do not have any parasitic drain. But be aware that the batteries themselves have some self-discharge, Li-Ions are the worst at something like 5 percent in the first 24 hours and then loses 1–2 percent per month. Protected Li-Ions are even worse at 4-5% per month.

    If you need to keep them stored for long periods, get an AA-compatible or dual-fuel flashlight and use Eneloop batteries for rechargeables, or Lithium primaries if you don't need/want to recharge.

  • [NBD] 4x QB26800s - 10180 for "scale"
  • You mean, right? Just checked and could not find anything like these magnetic chargers there. Or am I missing something?

  • [NBD] 4x QB26800s - 10180 for "scale"
  • I recently purchased an SkyRC MC3000 and a couple of these:

    My plan is to 3D-print a battery "dummy" to insert into the charger, and then use copper tape on the poles to connect to female banana jacks to connect to the magnetic cables, that way I will be able to charge any sized batteries (ok, up to 50cm in lenght or so ;-)) and even better, charge them inside LiPo antifire asbestos bag for maximum charging safety. And with all the MC3000 goodness taking care of the process.

    The charger and cables and LiPo anti-fire bags are still on their way to me, tho.

  • [NBD] 4x QB26800s - 10180 for "scale"
  • Looks like the big guys are bullying the little one... :-)

  • Can we bring Hank with us?
  • Can't he just use a VPN? Or is using a VPN in China grounds for a long stay at one of their 'reeducation' camps?

  • NLD! First on Lemmy
  • Congrats! beautiful light, looks like a piece of jewelry!

    Is it too indiscreet to ask you how much you paid for it? It's been perennially out of stock on so I'm just wondering.

  • Well, that's not supposed to happen...
  • @[email protected] is the person you want to talk to about anything UV-related.

  • Soldering Saturday
  • If anyone ever doubts that electronics can be pretty, I'm just going to show them a pic or three from your soldering jobs, they never fail to impress. Congrats!

    Just out of curiosity, what soldering iron and/or other tools did you use for these?

  • DM1.12, KR1, and KR1 Cu are back on sale for 13 days.
  • Me, I'm waiting until Hank gets his sh!t together and move to the T1616 -- don't want to spend $17 on an obsolete 4+2 flashing adapter that is slower and more issue-prone to boot.

  • Reddit meltdown: Just created an account and joined Lemmy and c/flashlight, thanks to @Zak

    If anyone hasn't read his excellent blog post yet, I strongly recommend it:
