but id rather we invade israel, they shouldn't own the US, should be reversed
I made comments saying the us should just go in and take it for itself and be a real country again, one world nation, etc. but I thought I was clearly joking about an absurd situation thatd never happen
Check out deepseekapi + cline vscode, just toss 5$ in deepseek and itll take forever to run out, i dont reccomend autoapprove tho, it doesn't work that well and you don't learn much using it lol, it is nice when going through templates, instead of editing manually and finding stuff you just tell the ai to ask you questions based on what can be customized.
webdev, anything where you use github, houdini vexpressions, any time I have to use any expression or code something I don't know how to do.
They implied it wasn't something that could be caught up to in order to get funding, now ppl that believed that finally get that they were bsing, thats what they are freaking out over, ppl caught up for way cheaper prices on a moden anyone can run open source
So many tedious tasks that I can do but dont want to, now I just say a paragraph and make minor correxitons
Same im not going back to not using it, im not good at this stuff but ai can fill in so many blanks, when installing stuff with github it can read instructions and follow them guiding me through the steps for more complex stuff, helping me launch and do stuff I woild never have thought of. Its opened me up to a lot of hobbies that id find too hard otherwise.
thats that controversy feeding algorithim
I like the mlem testflight and arctic for iphone, mlem sometimes cant display an image tho
love mihon I use the yokai fork on my tablet, got me back into comics, mixplorer is also nice but zarchiver while uglier always works, mixplorer sometimes doesn't for me, so I keep both.
Davincis great, they lost some hype for me since you now need premium for the free user created addons
Also got back into 2d after many years, didn't want to pirate illustrator, tried inkscape and its all ill ever need
blender for sure, its amazing, especially when every comparable software is an expensive subscription
that would just confuse ppl trying to sign up, theyd think the whole forum is closed
it prob covers way more than 100
People act like server costs are hella per person here? Realistically one person donating 10$ covers like 100 ppl that month? Or am I way off? Vps are cheap.
they could run off donations, its entirely possible, we got blender over here a nonprofit making great software, wikipedia exists, we can have donation based platforms