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Butz Lachmann sagt Tschö
  • @alice23 Spendengeld reicht für Ausreise nach Thailand(?) Für ein Motorboot hat es auch noch gereicht.

    So weit hätte es ein einfacher Fotograf nicht gebracht.

  • By showing us how small in space mass can be, black holes continuously generate space.
  • @tobogganablaze My point is: How can you be so sure it has been dismissed? I just found about [1] from 2013.
    It appears, the SM doesn't disagree with shrinkage at all.

    But why does it seem your mind being blown by this idea? Maybe be because you didn't consider us being sucked in anywhere? If that's the case, here's why didn't you consider this yet: I didn't yet post my post despite the probability of not having a new thought.

    That's how blocking path dependencies in science can be so strong.

    "What instead of the universe expanding we’re just shrinking" is not what I posted because my brain didn't come up with it. If you want things simple and in your words, I suggest a solitary life.

    Finally, you don't know my age or experience. Your unfriendliness could just have hurt a kid's interest into space. Remember that.


  • By showing us how small in space mass can be, black holes continuously generate space.
  • @tobogganablaze
    Well you can't win a nobel prize while ignoring the standard model, can you? We sit on giant's shoulders.

    Once a constant speed of light has been assumed, we were able to confirm a lot of things. But we still can't explain everything, can we?

    We don't know what it's like in a black hole, do we? Except we would be sucked in by one right now. Which would explain why everything else is expanding exponentially.

    This gibberish is what this forum is for.

  • By showing us how small in space mass can be, black holes continuously generate space.
  • @tobogganablaze How can you tell? Maybe we're shrinking? Maybe entropy isn't increasing everywhere?

    But okay. Somehow everyone settled with constant speed of light so everything must be expanding inevitably.

  • By showing us how small in space mass can be, black holes continuously generate space.
  • @tobogganablaze Originally I had this idea: If the universe decreases in density since big bang but its radius is still the same, then a lot of space must be sucked inside space-bending structures like black holes. Also, may be matter has big bang density inside of black holes.

    So, black holes are maintainers of constant entropy in a constant radius universe. Thus they must be space generators.

  • By showing us how small in space mass can be, black holes continuously generate space.

    By showing us how small in space mass can be, black holes continuously generate space.

    \#showerthoughts @showerthoughts

    change my view Bifurkatus 🎭

    So many things behave exponentially that it makes sense to measure time exponentially.

    So many things behave exponentially that it makes sense to measure time exponentially.



    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    The Urge - Too Much Stereo (2000)

    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    Listener - Wooden Heart (2010)

    Listener - Wooden Heart [Spoken Word] (2010)

    @listentothis #nowplaying #spokenword #music

    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    The Himalayans - Dancing Dog Sessions (2022)

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    Social Burn - Where You Are (2003)

    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    wiv - breakcore-mix.exe (2023)


    Mit jedem Grad verschlimmert sich der Reifenabrieb

    Mit jedem Grad verschlimmert sich der Reifenabrieb \#showerthoughts @showerthoughts

    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    Carpenter Brut - Full Concert at Hellfest 2024 (2024)

    Carpenter Brut - Full Concert at Hellfest 2024 [Darksynth Metal] (2024)

    I didn't know they do concerts!

    @listentothis #nowplaying #concert #darksynth #metal #hellfest #music

    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    Beerlover - All Funk (2016)

    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    sleepmakeswaves - It's Here But I Have Names For It (2024)

    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    Hannah Diamon - Fade Away (2019)

    Portishead - SOS [Triphop] (2021)
  • @slingstone 4K registered listeners for that song.[1] Portishead are famous (2.6M listeners). You are not alone. #moreincommon


  • Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    Portishead - SOS (2021)

    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    xander, Rikard From - Evenings With You (2024)

    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    Of Romulus - Of Romulus (2023)


    ZEF - The Story of DIE ANTWOORD

    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    Franz Krauder - Fenster auf Kipp! (2024)

    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    Enomine - Deine Welt (2023 remastered)

    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    Amaranthe - The Catalyst (2024)

    Listen to This Bifurkatus 🎭

    Klute - Turnaround (2013)

    Kampf gegen rechts: Sag, wie hältst Du's mit der Antifa?
  • @xtapa @Random_German_Name

    Steht Fa in Antifa eigentlich auch für Fanatismus?

  • Kampf gegen rechts: Sag, wie hältst Du's mit der Antifa?
  • @xtapa @Random_German_Name Gestern sah ich, wie Unbeteiligte zu "Alle Zusammen gegen den Faschismus" satirisch Marschierbewegungen immitierten.

    Ja, militante Züge haben beide Seiten, jeweils mit (militär-)historischen Referenzen auf den Zweiten Weltkrieg. Wer sowohl antiantifa als auch antifa ist, der könnte z.B. Antimilitant sein.


    Umso wichtiger ist, dass die Antifa die monströsen Vorstellung von einer militanten Bewegung zivil de-monstriert.

  • Wegen Spende an AfD: Sparkasse schickt Brief an Kunden
  • @geissi

    "Ver|antwort|lich" beinhaltet, dass die Organisation, deren Individuum ausschert, sich nur im Nachhinein entschuldigen kann. Wenn das Ausscheren mit mangelhafter Kontrolle durch die Organisation begründet werden kann, handelt es sich aus Sicht der Organisation um ein Ereignis, das analog zu einem Versehen gesehen werden kann.

    Statt dieser Wortklauberei sollten wir diskutieren, ob Banken Spendenzahlungen ermahnen sollten. Genossenschaftsbanken müssten mEn zuvor ihre Mitglieder befragen.

  • Best OS for a NAS
  • @normalexit out of curiosity: Why not a plain debian? What are the benefits of Ubuntu server?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • @ImplyingImplications @alt_total_loser I think, probabilities are high, this includes those who confirm their proofs.

    Often the problem descriptions suffer from equivocation and unclear process frame.
