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destiel Cass


Posts 1
Comments 15
Better late than never Shittygaming Lounge Thread
  • It's not my birthday!! ;w;

  • Better late than never Shittygaming Lounge Thread
  • Friend sent me a song called "happy birthday to you" and I can't tell if she just wanted to share the song or if she got my bday wrong 😩

  • Too Hot for TV Shittygaming Lounge

    earth looks so desolate and dry from the ship, why?

    My man, the world has been destroyed by nuclear war

    Most observant fallout player

  • Too Hot for TV Shittygaming Lounge
  • r/wow managed to troll an AI news site

    Article for anyone curious

    Also reddit post 1 and post 2

  • Too Hot for TV Shittygaming Lounge
  • I'm watching a guy make bagels on yt and he went from kneading a dough to sawing a board in his kitchen with a circular saw

  • Too Hot for TV Shittygaming Lounge
  • LIBERAL FALLOUT be like:

    • Yaoi Guai
    • Synth(etic meat)
    • Homohood of steel
    • Rocket 69 (between two men)
    • Rail (a man) road
    • Transgender Cola
  • Too Hot for TV Shittygaming Lounge
  • What if it was all just a dream?

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • In another universe cats post pictures of human toddlers captioned "10g of proteins"

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • Me slapping pronouns stickers on the watermelons at the supermarket

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • I want to build the bunker from Supernatural in Minecraft but the only blueprints I can find online are for one floor only.

    There's supposed to be at least another floor and a garage :(

    Also I'm not sure if I want to build it in a server with friends or in singleplayer, my friends keep wiping servers out so loosing that would suck


    Ok I've found this and this

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • "I'm gonna be evil in this playthrough"

    NPC: "Don't steal my stull :("

    reloads save

  • Shitty 69th of July Lounge Thread
  • The prophet of God is a Gamer.

  • Title
