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dantescanline Dante Scanline

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hate computers / love computers ā€Ž :anarchy\_black: :anarchy\_white: :mario\_luigi\_dance: :agorism\_star: :stirner: :bop\_cat: :mutualist: :hamsterdance: :pirate\_flag: :chaos: :pet\_earth: :acab: ā€Ž

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Comments 2
Reddit Wave and the Threadiverse
  • @rysiek hear hear! growing at people-scale for the value of the actual people involved, nodes coming in and blinking out as load and social disputes change the landscape of federation, new UI and social customs emerging organically, successfully resisting the VC mindset by just doing our own thing distributed!

  • @DudePluto hope this gets pinned!

  • @baduk What made the difference for you to get to and below 10kyu?

    @baduk What made the difference for you to get to and below 10kyu?

    I'm hovering around 13k on OGS, sometimes dipping close to 10 but never feeling like i can quite 'level up'. There's a lot to study in terms of joseki and life and death problems, but its hard to know where to focus. I feel lately that holding onto sente is super important but in the early and mid games its very difficult to tell what region of the board to even be playing to cause a reaction in my opponent. Tips?
