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TIL: European Union has it's own mastodon instance
  • Is it the future? I personally like the fediverse because is private and intimate. Having the government on it kinda is uncomfortable, just like big tech

  • TIL: European Union has it's own mastodon instance
  • I find that a bit unsettling, government bodies spying on us is not what I envisioned for the fediverse

  • Why is Trilium so unknown?
  • I get it

  • I don't get why big companys are afraid of open source software
  • The one that redhat uses, I don't know the name

  • I don't get why big companys are afraid of open source software
  • Makes a lot of sense, but I was thinking more of a tech oriented stuff

  • I don't get why big companys are afraid of open source software

    I don't get why big companys are afraid of open source software.

    I know that monetizing open source is hard but in exchange they would have 8 billion programmers ready, for free!

    Even if they do like redhat , as controversial as it is right now, they would be better off than just closing the source.

    I would be willing to pay to have the license to modify my own software even if I couldn't redistribute it afterwards.

    Why is Trilium so unknown?
  • Amazing man, I'm so happy for you, I will check out minio too seems intersting, good luck with your research!

  • Rich Lives matter
  • I think to each their own home, if you are not willing to pute the effort to make your home a better place you don't deserve much, plus I love more my fellow citizen than some other person mostly criminals

  • what happened to my cherry tree? abd how to help him?
  • That is for sure the cause, try the fungicide

  • what happened to my cherry tree? abd how to help him?
  • Was it very humid lately?

  • Why is Trilium so unknown?
  • I see, thanks

  • Why is Trilium so unknown?
  • In my experience there are a boat load of note taking apps that are fire but unknown, apparently only the mid one get famous, I really don get man, i can't wrap my head around this

  • what happened to my cherry tree? abd how to help him?
  • Your best bet is to stop watering it and put it in dry place and if you are willing to put down some bucks you could buy a fungicide and spray it on every leaf not just the infected ones

  • what happened to my cherry tree? abd how to help him?
  • Looks like some type of mold or virus, I study agricolture but I'm no expert on cherry trees

    Edit: looks like apical mold to me

  • How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • You woke up and decided to speak facts, damn

  • Why is Trilium so unknown?
  • Thanks for the heads up man, appreciate it.

  • How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • How? The fediverse is our. If we don't comply the maximum they could do is defederalize and then we have the same old fediverse, thay can not kick us out of what is ours, we have the power here

  • Why is Trilium so unknown?
  • He does, what is his @? Thank you for the information.

  • How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • Form the hate I see here towards them I don't think anyone would do that, just my opinion tho. I think we would only benefit from it.

  • How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • I red tha article and I think there is a problem in who it was managed at the time, if Google or Meta wants to join they should to us not us to them so if they break federation we should not care and continue implement our stuff, if something usable comes out of them joining we could use that but we are not their slaves, they are going to play in our home so we establish the rules.

    Plus I think that if we don't become meta's costumer support and I don't think we will, we are not that dumb, meta joining the fediverse would only benefit us because we could see all the posts from Meta while being on a private add free server, people wouldn't have to choose between Instagram where all their friends are mad pixelfed ecc.

    What do you guys think? Open to talk.

  • Why is Trilium so unknown? GitHub - zadam/trilium: Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes

    Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes - GitHub - zadam/trilium: Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes

    GitHub - zadam/trilium: Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes

    I mean Trilium is fantastic app, lots of potential but the developer is struggling on his own, maybe it's because it's younger than logseq or maybe because is open source compared to obsidian. I think it's the best note-taking/knowledge-base/second-brain i know it virtually could link everything you posses toghter to create a gigantic wiki, so much potential. Plus it has its own self hostable syncing server and web app. Guys give it a look and tell me what you think
