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A few thoughts on Beehaw's design
  • I just want to say thanks for such an honest and comprehensive explanation. I don't think I have much to offer, but I feel very welcomed (is that a word?) here. The choices you made and the ethos you hold yourself and the instance against seem very well intentioned and a good way to circumvent some of the nastiest things social networks brought to this world. There are lots of places in the internet to get ethically subjective content, for those who want it. This doesn't need to be a place for it.

    The "growing" part of the network project it's very subjective. Of course that a network needs a good amount of users to generate enough content and discussion, but at the same time, crowds usually don't add much to the niceness of any place.

    Thanks once again for creating this.

  • People who think Lemmy is too political and refuse to join is good.
  • Oh no no no. Sorry, it was probably my fault since english is not my native language. I was referring to theirs instances! in your example, the neo-nazis instances.

    In other words, I was trying to say that I agree with instances (like beehaw) being able to block what they consider to be toxic instances, but I'm against removing instances from the lemmy fediverse if that's even possible. Like, removing them from the network.

  • People who think Lemmy is too political and refuse to join is good.
  • Sorry, I didn't understood what you meant. Especially the parenthesis part.

  • People who think Lemmy is too political and refuse to join is good.
  • Take my reply with a grain of salt because I'm also very new to this. From what I understood, although you can create instances and interact with everyone, other instances can choose to cut ties (blocking) with your instance. For example, beehaw blocked which can be seen at (on the bottom of this page there's a link in "Instances"). So, if your Lemmy account is on Beehaw, you won't be seeing posts. I don't even know if it's possible to comment on them (maybe someone can elaborate on this).

  • People who think Lemmy is too political and refuse to join is good.
  • I wish the fediverse is able to contain all the ideas, all the political positions and that disconnecting/blocking an instance is only used for behaviors like spamming. Not giving every political stance the opportunity to be a part of the same world fuels extremists.

    Beehaw and other instances can kick all the users with far-right beliefs. That's fair. But Lemmy users shouldn't be blocked to listen to or even interact with them, in their own instances, if they wanted. Don't help creating political ghettos.

  • How the web became unreadable
  • I'm not familiar with a lot of the stuff you just explained :) so I'll just compliment you on the great work! It looks great.

  • Hands on Impressions of the Apple Vision Pro
  • Yeah, I guess you're right.

  • Is the fediverse suitable for blogs?
  • That is very cool, thanks!

  • Is the fediverse suitable for blogs?

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understood so far about the fediverse, someone can host an instance with only one community (or create a community in an existing server) not allowing posting, but allowing commenting and use it as a personal blog. Correct?

    That way, Beehaw/Lemmy would be an aggregator of communities and personal blogs which conveniently one could see in the same feed (like in RSS).

    Is it doable or is there another recommended way to keep your blog connected with the fediverse?

    How can I see all comments in a thread?
  • You may need to select multiple languages (CTRL+). In my case that was the problem. I now have "undetermined, english and portuguese".

  • Hands on Impressions of the Apple Vision Pro
  • I just saw the video and was impressed by the amount of detail Apple puts in their "apple way of doing what already exists" but at the same time really discouraged to even try this stuff. Can't explain much better than saying: everything seems dystopian. Like Marques says: who would be at their child birthday party with a headset on their head? I just think it's another step in the long stair of individualism.

  • How the web became unreadable
  • Great Post, really inspiring. But I'm mesmerised by the design. How did you achieve this? Is it a template or did you built it from scratch? I'm returning to blog after leaving ten years ago and this is exactly the kind of look I was looking for. Congratulations.

  • Suggestion for the creation of new communities
  • That makes everything clearer. I see now that instances can be created with completely different rules (i had already noticed the "no downvotes" option) Thank you for that.

    It's great to have all this different flavours in the save universe.

    My next inquiry will be about clicking that colored symbol (maybe a fediverse icon?!) and being taken to a mastodon page. That really confused me. Especially because I'm also on mastodon, with the same username but the two accounts (lemmy/beehaw and mastodon) are not connected... It's really confusing for me.

  • Could you recommend me a game?
  • Cool. Probably because of saving also, right? Since it's a game you can play for a long time...

  • Could you recommend me a game?
  • Thanks. Do people play Dwarf Fortress Classic or the Steam version more?

  • Suggestion for the creation of new communities

    Disclaimer: I don’t know anything about coding or how this stuff works in the background.

    But I’m a fairly old reddit user excited with Lemmy who thinks that the the limitation to the creation of communities is a good thing and that there’s always a chance to make stuff differently.

    The concept I would like to brainstorm is: branching.

    Instead of simply giving the ability to create new communities to users, would it be possible (and desirable) to just branch existing communities? As an example, let’s imagine that DnD discussions start to dominate the gaming community (yeah, I know, it’s just for theoretical hypothesis). Could the mods at a certain point decide to create a sub community for DnD inside the gaming community? When people would subscribe to “gaming” they would see the existing branches and decide if they want to subscribe to gaming in general or just that one set of games in particular. Apart from the benefit to the user, a mapping of Lemmy’s communities would also be much more easy to visualize.

    I don’t know… this just occurred to me and wanted to share.

    Could you recommend me a game?
  • I didn't knew the game and a couple of replies mentioned it. Must say that it looks like something extremely fun and addicting but also very daunting!

  • Could you recommend me a game?
  • Just saved your comment and will use it as a guide. Like your say seems a bit daunting to role play in servers but honestly, in these times, it might as well be what I'm needing in my life. Thanks once again.

  • Could you recommend me a game?
  • Will check it. Thanks!!

  • Could you recommend me a game?
  • Minecraft is not my type of game but Stardew Valley is and I finished it :) (not 100% perfection though)

    I have Neverwinter Nights in my Steam library I now feel very tempted to finally start playing it! Do you happen to know where the community gathers?

    Thank you very much for your input.

  • Can't see my post on profile and all of the answers to it.

    I've posted this on /c/gaming. When I go to my profile and select "posts" it doesn't show anything. Also, a lot of people where kind enough to answer me, a replied and none of those comments show. The post has 52 comments and I can see maybe 5 of them (and none of my replies).

    I've tried on the site and now on jeroboa, no difference.

    Also, I can see the replies on my notifications but after clicking they won't show on the full comments on the post.

    Am I doing something wrong?
