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crumbleneedy sneedy maccreedy

on #Wurundjeri #WoiWurrung land. #music. #politics. bit of #crafting. mostly #shitposts. hobbyist #TheoryClown. all are equal. do unto others as you would have them do unto you. labor is entitled to all it creates. every act of violence you're tempted to attribute to mental illness is a policy failure. 'the division of the perceived universe into parts and wholes is convenient and may be necessary, but no necessity determines how it shall be done' (#bateson).

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Daily discussion thread: 🐈‍⬛🤢⚽ Wednesday, June 12, 2024
  • @just_kitten where are the hipster places in coburg or coburg north? true north? cedar fox?

  • The toll road scam: A government-made monopoly you pay for.
  • @alcoholicorn state taxes can be made progressive; profit is inherently surplus to cost

  • What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @LovesTha @nifty @ajsadauskas right - do you want to change a lightbulb or build a computer? home repair/DIY store (eg home depot, bunnings) seems like a better thing to have close by (though as someone who lives around the corner from one i can attest that it's also dangerous).

  • What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars we've been in coburg and although a few bits of gentrification are getring toe-holds it feels like it hasn't changed much in 50 years. surprised to see bar ranked so low - definitely best to have within walking distance.

    we can get to everything except hospital (though there are plans to build one in the next decade or so), sports arena (plenty of pitches around), university, and gas/petrol station (should have one this year or next).

  • Australia is bigger than some people overseas imagine.
  • @pandanus @ajsadauskas @australia my cousin is visiting for the first time. we have two weeks in australia. we're meeting in sydney and then flying to melbourne and it was harder than expected to get him to understand just how much time it would take to fit uluru into our plans (we aren't going).

  • In five years time, some CTO will review the mysterious outage or technical debt in their organisation.
  • @themurphy it's glorified autocorrect with no truth function. it's planet-killing garbage.

  • Are agile scrums an outdated idea?
  • @ajsadauskas @technology as with so many things it depends on the people involved. we have a daily 15-min standup that's good for raising issues and blockers, asking questions, keeping the team across releases and significant production issues, ensuring that everyone has work for the day, etc. it helps that it's run very effectively. all of that can be and is done in other channels but it's a good way to get everyone on the same page together. does it cost money? all meetings cost money. but i would argue that good efficient meetings pay for themselves.

  • The Cure - A Forest
  • @ren @alternativenation new to me - will check them out

  • The Cure - A Forest
  • @ren i swear i hear echoes of steve hackett-era genesis in deerhoof