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creditCrazy credit crazy
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Check the facts
  • Even this random as tortoise is older than the Confederacy

  • Chick-fil-A is reportedly launching a streaming service for some reason
  • I am completely out of the loop here but I already know someone important screwed up big time

  • History repeats itself
  • Someone correct me if I'm remembering this incorrectly but I do remember seeing a article explaining how we have discovered that plastic has been making men infertile due to the male body collecting micro plastics in the balls to the point that if not stopped in time the plastic will start killing sperms and making the man sterile Edit I think I found the video that informed me Upon searching I've found a lot of the sources claiming that there is a correlation between plastic count and sperm count seems to be coming from India which is odd but yet again if you want to study people surrounded by garbage India is the place to get a large sample size but I've also found some sources saying that plastic is more specifically affecting hormone production

  • The firearms subreddit is really unhinged
  • Yeah I've always kinda questioned why we have speed limits on highways because not only is the entire point of a highway is to go as fast as possible but there's also very rare actual enforcement with the few speed checks being the cause of accidents thanks to people braking to 50mph when they were going 80mph also we have laws dictating that if everyone is doing a faster speed then the limit you can get pulled over for doing the limit

  • It all floats..
  • How to out monster the monster step one:

  • Cheese board
  • After learning that there are guys out there that don't clean their dicks and the amount of people here that know what smegma is making me concerned about other men

  • Pill bottle
  • He must have mistaken the Krystal meth for ice

  • If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"?
  • After all why call it a hard drive if it doesn't make you hard

  • If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"?
  • Eh it's just words and they are more common than just computers every time I work on my cars I sometimes might have to bleed the slave cylinder or fill the master cylinder when doing brake work

  • I realize I may get some divisive answers, but if NATO Countries all agreed, mobilized, and went into Russia full force with no warning, what are the likely outcomes?
  • Like I mean after Rome fell the kingdoms that arose were pretty warmongering picking fights with other kingdoms for mearly having a different religion and even when Rome was a thing capital punishment was pretty common and brutal and Rome was a super power for being military strong nations only really started to be widely civil to one another by id say 1880 somewhere in the late 1800s leaving about 1,850 years of constant wars between all nations

  • I realize I may get some divisive answers, but if NATO Countries all agreed, mobilized, and went into Russia full force with no warning, what are the likely outcomes?
  • I do remember hearing that half of the users nukes were decoys that were only found out after the USSR fell so I do wonder if Russia is still bluffing with decoy nukes or if the decoy nukes were more prominent than we thought considering the a amount of fraudulent conventional weapons that the Ukraine war has revealed I suspect that Russia is still heavily dependent on bluffing with decoy nukes and the few that are intended to be real are poorly maintained or poorly made

  • 23 and me
  • Plot twist she knew and that's why she came in with the outfit

  • Technically, this is InsanePeopleSendingMail.
  • Honestly the only thing they got right is Halloween has been going celebrated way too early granted not as bad as Christmas is but yeah we really need to keep holidays in their months other than that these people can go to hell

  • showtime
  • Durex: I got some good for ya

  • Another year, another Cod
  • It's honestly pretty sad how believable a theory that is

  • We carry DNA from extinct cousins like Neanderthals. Science is now revealing their genetic legacy
  • They always tell us we have yet to discover them but we all know we'd all like to forget they exist

  • Disney wants wrongful death of LI doctor lawsuit tossed over Disney+ streaming terms
  • I was pretty confused thinking her name was straight up Li

  • Is there a more Transformers style than Bōsōzoku ?
  • アウトボトは外にロルします

  • Another year, another Cod
  • Agreed it's honestly pretty sad how so many games are "multiplayer" when without any sort of public chat or communication or anything it might as well be single player with NPCs that tea bag you on occasion even then I've noticed that people have stopped tea bagging so you don't even get that as a hint that there are people playing with you

  • hmmm
  • Pretty sure all the packaging was just papier

  • Where are some good places I can buy metric tape measures

    I live in amarica and noticed that every tape measures I find are imperial only. Hell even on Amazon I can't find a metric tape measure and you'd think they must exist considering us amaricans are the only people using imperial.

    Animemes credit crazy

    When a car guy gets esakaied


    When a car guy gets esakaied


    Help all of my games seem to number my controller buttons

    It seems that steam is the only application that understands what my buttons are supposed to be called is anyone else having this issue is this a driver issue

    Textbook Piracy credit crazy

    Can anyone point me to a PDF for genki 1 3rd edition workbook


    Advice wanted for a speedometer cable not fitting

    I've gotten a 1956 bel air and after searing for the reason why my spidometer doesn't work and just makes noise ive found that the cable connector is to big to screw into the spidometer how can I find another cable that can screw into the spidometer or make the one I have work


    Question Motorola users has your screens cracked for no reason whatever

    I’ve just came from using a Google pixel that’s lasted me for 5 years before the battery died and since then I’ve gotten a Motorola edge one year in and the screen cracked in half while it was sitting on a table as I was watching YouTube then I got a Motorola edge and while I was at work I put my phone in my pocket for a second and there’s a crack on the edge of my screen do I just have really rotten luck or are Motorola’s prone to braking
