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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Random cats love me and it makes me happy. They always just approach me and want strokes.
  • They’ve also killed an uncountable number of civilians and that makes me sad.

    Yes, civilian casualties are a sad reality of war. Currently the best estimate is 1.3 civilians for every Hamas fighter, which is considerably better than the US Army achieved in Fallujah (7:1).

    I’m sick of people who justify the actions of Israel because of the other guys

    Well, I certainly don’t. I justify the actions of Israel because they’re achieving real military objectives in a war of survival they didn’t start while acting with the utmost restraint with regards to the civilian population of Gaza.

  • Covid origins: Genetic ghosts suggest pandemic started in market
  • The lab location and research done means there is a lot of potential incentive for the Chinese government, the lab and even researchers in the field to not have it be a lab leak...

    They also have incentive for the origin not to be a live animal market that they very publicly had claimed to have already shut down.

    It’s equally embarrassing either way, so the embarrassment proves nothing.

  • Anon goes to dinner with coworkers
  • Other than the IPCC and ICJ and basically the entire world and even members of the Biden admin so disgusted by whats going on that they resigned in protest, sure!

    When would they have previously seen social media from intense urban warfare? Soldiers in the second Iraq war didn’t have phones.

    But simply being shocked by the reality of warfare is not evidence of war crimes. It’s evidence that war is shocking.

    We all know the best way to get your hostages back is to blow up buildings they might be in with a fucking tank cannon at point blank, because the hannibal doctrine of killing hostages that are too difficult to extract is more expedient

    That’s not an IDF doctrine, though. The Hannibal doctrine is merely to prevent, if possible, the enemies of Israel from taking hostages. How does that differ from any other nation? The US doesn’t allow hostage-taking, either. Neither do they where you live.

    Everyone_ other than Israel themselves has been claiming and reporting on Israel is _saying_ they are allowing food in when they _actually are not._

    No they haven’t. How can it be a lie? Everyone can see the food going in, the warehouses filling up, the chow lines distributing it to Gazans.

  • World demands end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine in landslide UN vote
  • You didn't really answer any of my questions.

    They were mostly nonsense. It actually doesn’t matter whether you can make the case that the British didn’t have the legal or moral authority to allow the Jews to create a state in the Mandate; they did, and it is now a nation of several million people, many born there and with no other citizenship whatsoever.

    That’s simply a fact, just as borders are a fact. If you purport to reverse the creation of Israel, you’re advocating for a genocide many times worse than the Holocaust. You’re advocating for the pogrom to end all pogroms; a vast, multi-national effort to commit ethnic cleansing in the Levant.

  • World demands end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine in landslide UN vote
  • can you please clarify which scenario you are pushing for

    I’m not pushing for any “scenario” save Israel’s military victory in Gaza - a victory that ends with every member of Hamas dead or in custody (and then dead by execution) and the province of Gaza returned to Israeli administration. Or not! Honestly, who cares?

    whose family hasn't set foot in the territory for 2000 years

    How do you figure “2000 years”? They probably have family there right now. They probably flew there for Seder!

    I would like to bring up jewish people living in any other country that is not officially Jewish, where "even when they were there, they did not rule it".

    That’s correct; Jews have been second-class citizens and subject to oppression, explulsion, and genocide in every nation on Earth save their own. Hence, control over their homeland is necessary to prevent the complete extinction of the Jewish people and their culture. Great point, thanks for making it!

    Or should Jews outside Israel be subject to the kind of treatment Israel reserves for Arabs?

    Arabs aren’t so treated in Israel. They’re first class citizens with their own representation in the government. Does the UK extend Jews their own member of the legislature or naw?

  • Anon goes to dinner with coworkers
  • When certain groups of people actually dorepeatedly act in certain ways more often than others do

    But they don’t, and in any case that’s not “psychology.” That’s just you being a bigoted fucking asshole.

    when its so commonplace to them that other people have to point out that they are behaving that way because they do not even realize it

    Isn’t that literally the described experience of being autistic? Having your behavior pointed out to you and you didn’t even realize you were doing it? Constantly?

    How about the people that actually do that regularly?

    Is that something you think is true about neurotypical people? That we’re constantly “assaulting and murdering”?

    How is this not you just being a giant gaping asshole? You can wrap it up in therapy terms if you want but surely you have to see how offensive this is?

  • World demands end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine in landslide UN vote
  • The source is well-known history. Open any book on the topic: British Mandate wasn’t just given to the Jews. The State of Israel was created for the Jews, and the Kingdom of Transjordan (now Jordan) was created for the Arabs. When they say “river to the sea” what river did you think they meant?

    Jordan is the nation that Palestinians already have. They don’t want another one; they want the Jews to not have one at all.