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cqst cqst
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Comments 31
Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • You can't overproduce electricity. You have to match the load.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • It having an inconclusive effect on wildlife, but wildlife clearly being able to survive in the region, doesn't really detract from what I originally thought.

    From the article you linked:

    "No matter what the consequences of lingering radiation might be, there were massive benefits to people leaving."

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • 100% renew

    All the countries that manage 100% renewable power use high levels of hydropower. Which is not an option for many countries and has it's own ecological problems associated with it.

    Also, these 100% renewable countries have very little electricity requirements.

    The United States produces at least produces four million Gigawatt hours of electricity per year. Compare that to some of these "100% renewable" countries.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • They can never accidently summon centuries of nuclear winter.

    Neither can nuclear power plants, lol. Nuclear power plants are not built in a way that can trigger a nuclear bomb explosion, which is inherent to the theory of nuclear winter of nuclear explosions leaving material in the atmosphere to blot out the sun.

    Maintaining a fission reaction is an incredibly complicated process that requires human intervention to sustain. If nuclear plants fell into "disrepair" the would just turn off and be useless, like windmills.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • with the incredible advancements in solar and wind it’s no longer the best option.

    I haven't heard of any advancement that makes solar generate energy when the sun doesn't shine and wind generate energy when the wind isn't blowing.

  • Protect your PC
  • I choose to use proprietary software (iOS) and I should be alienated for it.

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • Yes, but the originally free/libre licensed source code is still out there.

    makes improvements and put’s those under a proprietary license

    You could also make improvements and release them under a GPL license.

  • Protect your PC
  • Sadly, you should feel alienated. When you choose to use proprietary software, you further the injustice that it creates over society. Windows is so shamefully harmful, even outside of just being proprietary that choosing it in 2024 is choosing the side of unjust power, and you should be rightfully alienated for making that decision.

  • YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie
  • Maybe political repression and the mass killing of protestors and the internment of ethnic minorities has very little to do with a countries mode of production. Maybe you guys can advocate for an alternative mode of production without defending genocide and using the military to crack down on protests? And maybe liberals can do the same when Western Capitalist Countries do it?

    please... :(

  • ‘A catastrophe’: Greenpeace blocks planting of ‘lifesaving’ Golden Rice
  • If nuclear waste DID pollute water, it would still help combat climate change, specifically the warming of the earth. It doesn't pollute water, and nuclear waste can be stored deep underground or reused. But we are out of time to find a "perfect solution" nuclear power is the ONLY option to provide renewable and carbon neutral base load power that other forms of "green electricity" will NEVER be able to compete with.

    It's coal or nukes. You better figure out which one you want fast.

  • PoliticalCompass.exe
  • Leaving health insurance expansion to the states was because of the Supreme Court, not the Democrats. Specifically medicaid expansion with the ACA I assume you are talking about?

  • PoliticalCompass.exe
  • The Dems are more like 4 political parties pretending to be just one. The dems would be split up in any other country.

    have ignored doing anything to put abortion rights into law. But also Democrats have enshrined abortion rights into law at the state level. We are a rather large country.

  • PoliticalCompass.exe
  • Sorry I deleted my post, I don't mean to leave it like that where it looks like your talking to yourself. I don't think dems are uniquely of the left, I just think there are rising left wing factions in the Democratic party and I don't think the situation is as hopeless as people think it is as a binary choice between center-right and the right wing. And I really don't think Europe is really much better off in this regard.

  • PoliticalCompass.exe
  • We have it worse because we are a hegemon. Most countries don't have to take a stance on imperalism because they lack the resources to actually engage in it and outsource it to us.

    Overall, my point is to show that the Democrats are not a monolith and have internal factions, and on a number of issues, we are more left than other issues on the planet. If the main thing you care about is foreign affairs, you are always going to be disappointed, hell, I am. The Deep State is in charge of that and it's basically outside of the political system.

  • PoliticalCompass.exe
  • It seems to me that Europe is largely dominated by a largely center right consensus.

  • PoliticalCompass.exe
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Unless you've got a better plan in the next 6 months, grab a fucking bucket
  • No I don't. I was never talking about whether US involvement in WW2 was justified or not?

  • Unless you've got a better plan in the next 6 months, grab a fucking bucket
  • It's uh, from the link I was replying to. By start, it really means choose to engage in. I don't think the US started WW2 but a democrat is who got us involved in it.