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1% rule: 1% of users actively create new content, while the other 99% only lurk.
  • I lurk 99% of the time and post 1% of the time

  • Cheating
  • I don't "cheat" because I feel it takes the fun out of the game, except for spoiling myself, and even then the game is very hard. However you just have to trust in the RNG god, I've found that in every game I get something 'lucky' happens (unlucky too, but you try to avoid those), just now I finished the mines and I'm on my way to another altar. I passed by a fountain and decided to dip fruit juice, then got a water demon who gave me a wish!

    Praised be the RNG god!

  • Various Variants
  • There's also variants that are meant to make the game more beginner-friendly. I have won ADOM, but I still haven't been able to get to the castle in NetHack (despite NetHack being my first roguelike) but I've gotten a lot better in the last few months, and my current character is a very promising rogue with a 16 strength and a large dog pet at the Mine's End, so we'll see what happens if I don't hit a snag at Sokoban :)

  • YSK: In addition to Reddit, StackOverflow is on Strike
  • I'd say that leaving your request pending forever is definitely the wrong way They are trying to hide their rejections

    But the great thing about federated instances is that even if you are wronged, you have options You're never between a rock and a hard place

    What I plan to do is just create accounts in the server I'm interested in, and link between accounts so people know I'm the same person. It even works as a backup

    There will be instances that will delete your account if you have an account at other instances, however my life experience is that I'm better without the kind of people who does that, so their self-revelation as such an agent is also a plus

  • Daggers vs darts vs bolts for a rogue
  • That point about the Gauntlets of Power and the darts is interesting... I know there is a strength bonus but I didn't count with them

    EDIT: and indeed, my character died before it could make proper use of the crossbow bolts, where with darts you can make use of them right away since they are plentiful. It died due to me experimenting with my character, wondering 'what happens if I try this?' tho

  • Your worst and most preventable DYWYPI?
  • Indeed

    I've found that NetHack is a game where you have a brush with death once or twice every one or two levels.You just need to know how to get out of it, and you'll be fine. Screw up that one time... and you're gone

    My current character is in early stages. I just ate two poisonous corpses that took my strength from 13 to 6... but at least I got poison resistance out of the second one. I kill a golden naga hatchling which is complicated because I have to throw more daggers than I have to kill it. Then a red naga hatchling appears, I try to kill it but it just won't die. I decide to run, but the only place is downstairs. I kill a dwarf which nets me sweet new armor, which I risked equipping without curse testing, because I might not survive the hatchling that's next to the stairs upstairs. Then for some wicked reason a Marilith appears at depth 8... so I run back upstairs (I do have a blessed scroll of tport ready tho) turns out the naga hatchling was in it's last HP, so it died in two turns. I'm safe for now, but I'm going up to Sokoban to get some of that strength back

  • Aspartame: Sweetener used in Diet Coke possibly causes cancer, WHO set to declare
  • There was a study that found that Aspartame increased cancer risk, which was used as the base for all the current claims. The study was found to be flawed and it has not been reproduced since then, but due to confirmation bias and the desire to manipulate others the idea keeps communicating. That's one weakness of science, you can make up research and the average person will use it to confirm their biases, even if it's one study versus a hundred

    That being said, there may be other risks with artificial sweeteners, I'm just talking about that specific study

    Science is complicated and most people don't know how to apply it. For example, an university graduate does not know how to read published research and how to apply it to the real world, because beyond training that needs a lot of practice and feedback. People think that hearing the news or reading the paper will let them know the truth; it won't because they haven't developed the capacity to do so, yet they ask for a source they can't really understand. That's why you are supposed to go to a professional instead of doing what you think you should do on your own

    The only people I've found that are worth giving sources to are PhDs or experts in their fields. Everyone else just fucks up interpreting them

  • Think we are missing this masterpiece of a site on the side bar.
  • Agreed, maybe should be given as an intro to NetHack

  • Your worst and most preventable DYWYPI?
  • The problem is that I have so many

    • I fall in a pit of spikes, when I get up there are 2 chickatrices, I could kill them but I'm not going to risk it. I try to escape and suddenly a panther is in the way. I try to use the E-word but don't have any means to do it fast and permanently so I use my finger. I fail until I'm a couple turns from dying. I pray... oops I forgot I still have the penalty from that werejackal I ate (thinking it was a regular jackal corpse). I try to kill the panther, and I manage to do substantial damage but I'm not sure how far I am from killing it... so let's use an escape item. I thought it would be safer to keep my escape items inside my sack so I take another turn to take out my scroll of tport... The panther hits! You die...

    • I was at a point that I could one-shot basically anything in melee. A monster spams a wand of create monster. I take it easy and mow through the enemies. A monster is generated with a wand.. misses me three times... then it hits me... it was a wand of death

    • I'm in a shop. There's a gas spore, but it's not attacking me and I won't attack it. I look through the items and a yellow light blinds me. I walk into the gas spore and kill it. The explosion hurts the shopkeeper, he goes crazy with his wands and kills me before I can act

    Just a few off the top of my head

  • Away to the stars, a sci fi exploration adventure
  • Also I got a bug! I just loaded and this happened The ship was just moving laterally without input

  • Away to the stars, a sci fi exploration adventure
  • So I played the game, no controller

    The first thing is that there should be some kind of indication at the very beginning that you should click on the text to continue, maybe lightly flashing text (I know it changes color when you click on top of it) or an arrow. Whichever visual indication you prefer

    The second thing is that when I found the ship, I got to the inventory and used the power cells, but I couldn't figure out how to get on the ship. I saved, reloaded and voilá I was flying inside the ship

    It might also be nice to add some minimal acceleration to the ship just for effect