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My people!
  • Did you hear about it on 'LeftEurope'?

  • The role of the police is protecting capitalism
  • This what happens when free staters become the government

  • Opinions on the death penalty?
  • This is the most reductive view of punishment I've possibly ever seen.

  • How many grams of protein do you eat each day?
  • I don't count anything by grams except cannabis

  • Actual school quiz questions in the USA on China - 6th grade
  • True or false: the British prime minister was voted on by the 'people' of the UK?

  • The Sex Worker Question
  • I've got a spicy hot take: I think sex work freaks out Marxists because there is a fear that even in a post capitalist society, sex workers can still operate as petty bourgeosie capitalists, sneaking around and getting money, undermining the idea of an anticapitalist society. I think it just causes a deep fear of women's ability to 'exploit' the system of solidarity, because in reality most of these people are women, and even if not women most of the people consuming are men. It kinda begs the question, "how much regulation and force can and should be used in society to stop sex work or any other petty bourgeosie business endeavor. If its a streetside vendor - easy, shut it down. But shutting down sex work is much harder, much like drugs. It's a really hard one which leads to question like the limits of police powers in a communist society, and it makes us confront 'greed' and especially 'women want money' prejudices head on. This isn't an answer to the question of 'what are the alternatives' but just a musing about how it's so hard.

    TBH I appreciate you OP asking about alternatives. What about sex bars much like milk bars? Just a thought. Or sex only for people who have game? I hope this isn't too controversial, just musing about why I think this question is really TOUGH