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30s • 🍁 pnw • libraries • STG/puzzle head • board gaming • got parry? • shaped like a friend • he/him

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Comments 4
Any solid Indie game suggestions available on PS Store or Switch?
  • From what I’ve heard from friends, the Switch version currently has awful performance, to the point it is near unplayable. It’s not just frame drops, but fully freezing for several seconds at a time before starting back up only to do it again a short while later. Hopefully something they’re able to fix but the current state doesn’t sound like a good one to have released in.

    Other platforms seem to run well however.

  • does anybody around here play fighting games?
  • I used to play a lot back in the PS3/360 days then my group fell apart, but have gotten back into them in the last year. Nowhere near competitive but it’s so hard to top the experience of playing fighting games with friends of similar skill levels and helping each other improve!

  • how long is your To Read list, Beehaw?
  • Used to be 1000+ as it had accumulated for something like 15 years but early 2020 I made use of time I had available to go through it and trimmed out a lot of stuff that no longer appealed to me.

    Got it down to under 200 but now it’s close to 400, but! All stuff I want to read and will get to once I’ve got the time and don’t have reading to do for courses I’m taking.

  • What happened to the Ridge Racer series?
  • I think a lot of it is just, the market changed. People wanted games with licensed cars, either more realistic or way more arcade-y (think kart racers), and the last few RR entries didn’t do so hot, so they packed it in.

    It sucks but I can kinda see why it happened. I’d love to see them come back but I think it’s increasingly unlikely from Namco, just because the cost to make one vs the risk is likely to deter them from trying it. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised to see more games in that style in the indie space!