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codefolio Noah Gibbs

I have benchmarked Ruby and graphed the results, including at I write at, where you can get on my email list for free chapters. I wrote Rebuilding Rails, Rebuilding HTTP and Mastering Software Technique.

I live in Inverness, Scotland with my wife, three kids, and two cats.

In the Scottish Highlands?


Posts 0
Comments 4
Crowdstrike takes out last remaining threat vector (the users)
  • From a lovely response to the Crowdstrike error and various speculation on what caused it ([email protected]/112824202708490681), comes this gem:

    > all modern software lies upon a rotting pile of ancient mistakes.

    To be clear: this is 100% true. As we slowly, painfully work our way toward being less awful at software engineering, we are better than we have ever been. As fucked as modern code is, old code was worse.

    The lower in the stack you go, the more horrifying the revelations, just as a rule.

  • How do you guys remember the early days of the internet? What do you miss about it?
  • @Tooden @keith @4am @swan_pr

    Unfortunately, no. The answer to "ads drive off good content with ad-friendly content" is not going to be more ad-friendly content.

    That's already driven the payments for ads down well below liveable levels. Making the content more cheaply is only going to increase that trend.

    You can still make content better than what makes sense for ad-supported. But it's going to be buried even deeper in the ad-ecosystem deluge, so it won't really be findable.

  • How do you guys remember the early days of the internet? What do you miss about it?
  • @keith @4am @swan_pr

    It's still hard that it cuts off the early internet. Ads driven by search engines means SEO, which mean making it *very* hard to find the kind of instructions you can't sell ads on.

    It's understandable that people write what they can get paid for. It's hard that the early Internet methods of doing this are now effectively dead, with no replacement.

  • How do you guys remember the early days of the internet? What do you miss about it?
  • @4am @swan_pr And it's much harder to sell ads on text instructions 😞

    The ad-driven nature of the internet means we get that instead of what we want.