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cleverusername cleverusername
Posts 4
Comments 99
What is your preferred way of downloading youtube videos?
  • +1

    Nice and easy to use too with powerful automation if you want it.

  • It's winter. so what is your favourite icecream / gelato / frozen yog flavour?
  • It was -4° this morning, I'll go outside and crunch on frozen grass, mmmmmmm.

  • Tucker Time: Thu 27 Jun 2024
  • Something quick from the freezer, kids have a school disco, butter chicken probably.

  • Tucker Time: Wed 26 Jun 2024
  • Tried Aldi's salmon wellingtons... Yeah nah, we like seafood in this house, but that was just nah not again.

  • Sullied, by StrangeTrek
  • So did they start laughing at his micro penis that going back inside of him with her stands up?

  • Would it be possible to run two OSs simultaneously by hibernating one of the OSs?
  • Probably easier to just run one, or both, as a VM.

  • Tucker Time: Tue 25 June 2024
  • Satay chicken kebabs, baked potato and something green.

  • Lemme Help cleverusername


    I can't log in, can't reset my password, my account just seems to be dead.

    How do you contact an admin from an instance I can't log into?

    Daily Discussion Thread: Mon 09 Oct 2023
  • That's a pretty good way to think of season 5 actually!

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Mon 09 Oct 2023
  • Season 4 ends nicely, mild cliffhanger, you won't miss anything.

    Give season 5 ago, just have a little break first as not to ruin the high of the first 4 seasons.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Mon 09 Oct 2023
  • Awesome show, one of my favourite, but skip season 5 and just pretend it ended with 4 seasons.

  • .....
  • Well that was definitely the most boring race I've seen!

  • What's for dinner tonight? Sat 07 Oct 2023
  • It's race weekend, I live near the track and I've got 9 extra bodies in my house...

    Sausage sandwiches is what we had, boring as that is, the guests cooked and fed every one.

    Go Holden, or whatever, I just enjoy the grog they leave behind.

  • What's for dinner tonight? Thu 05 Oct 2023
  • Aldi's slow cooked chunky beef pie is the best frozen pie you can buy!

  • Coffee o’clock
  • Coffee On'clock

  • .....
  • Mate, I literary live a short walk from the track, I can see the build up of campers across the top and can't wait for my loungeroom windows to rattle.

  • NSW Labor rejects renewed calls for pill testing after festival deaths
  • Functional alcoholics reject testing of different drug for recreational users.

    There... Fixed the heading.

  • World history in a nutshell
  • Shut the fuck up!

    Actually, rage on wanker, blocked!

  • Australian Supercars Championship cleverusername


    I'm watching replays and best bits in preparation!

    Gimme breakfast
  • Sooooooo much poooooooo!

  • What's for dinner tonight? Mon 02 Oct 2023
  • Tacos!

    I know it's a day early, but they're easy and tasty.

  • The rights are afraid of all the CoMmUnIsT mEmEs
  • Yay... More American political memes in every sub... Woooooooo.