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clegko Clegko
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Google Feed alternative
  • It’s not self hosted, but I spent some time curating the news feed on Bing. It works well enough that I felt comfortable switching from Google Feed, and I don’t have to worry about self-hosting random news feeds.

  • Unsmart a smart TV
  • Uhhh. No.

  • Costco is testing out a new system for entering stores
  • The one place where Sam’s beats Costco is its scan and go app. You literally scan the barcodes of the items you want to purchase as you shop, check out in the app and walk out the door. Never have to speak to anyone or wait in the checkout line.

  • meme
  • There's quite a number of ARM laptops, even ignoring Apple.

  • meme
  • We're being extra pedantic now? Good, I like it.

  • meme
  • So is POWER. Or basically anything not x86 lol.

  • Toyota recalls 1.9 million RAV4 SUVs as batteries can shift, catch fire
  • This is the real issue. Gas cars burn quick and it's done. EVs can burn for days.

  • Researchers warn that Windows 11 restrictions could send 240 million computers to landfills
  • Not wrong calling the rabid fan base that though...

  • Fed Up with DigitalOcean
  • Give Oracles always free tier a try. I shuffle over a TB through them every month with no issues.

  • Google announces April 2024 shutdown date for Google Podcasts
  • Have you tried Pandora? I always thought Pandora was better at recommending music than GPM was, but it was close.

  • Soon, Google has even more leverage against adblockers
  • There are but sometimes you want shit to just work. Annoyingly, a real windows computer is the easiest sometimes.

  • Soon, Google has even more leverage against adblockers
  • Lots of those fucking proctoring softwares detect when you're in a VM and refuse to run. 🙄

  • Soon, Google has even more leverage against adblockers
  • They are defining web standards. They control chrome and chromium. So all of the alternative browsers that aren’t safari and Firefox are using Google’s web engine. Even Firefox and safari are beholden to Google as they fund both these web browsers through their default search deals.

    🎶 I think I've seen this film before... 🎶

  • Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout, some stores removing them
  • The store near me stops the scanning process and makes an attendant come check your shit. Literally sits on a screen saying "AN ATTENDANT WILL BE WITH YOUR SHORTLY, PLEASE WAIT".

  • Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout, some stores removing them
  • You say that, but Walmart and SamsClub's Scan and Go is extremely well received because it allows people to scan shit as they put it in their cart and pay on their phone.

  • I've tried ownCloud.
  • Just block it.

  • Do you configure your servarr docker containers from one docker-compose file, or individual ones?
  • I have all of mine in their respective directories and have a master script that I run to bring them all up or take them down. Easier to exclude services from start up if I end up not needing them or something.

  • Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout
  • The issue is that you can't run 240V under the sidewalk, where all townhouses have a sidewalk between your front yard and parking spots.

  • Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout
  • This is the #1 reason I won't be able to get an EV any time soon. We live in a townhouse, and while the HOA gracefully 'allows' us to install chargers (because its illegal for them not to allow it), the way the rules are set up it's practically impossible to actually install one.

    For example, here's our bylaws regarding EV chargers:

    1. All Charging stations require approval – The application should discuss where the charging station will be mounted, the type of post used to mount it, and, in the townhouses, the path that the charging station wiring will use to get to the common ground. The townhouse owner is also advised that the installation of a charging station on HOA common ground requires a legal agreement between the HOA and the homeowner regarding maintenance and liability of the charging station.
    2. Chargers of 120V (Level 1) or 240V (Level 2) are allowed. It should be noted that while it is possible to use a 240V extension and there are some 240V extensions sold as charging cables, at this time, the use of such extensions is illegal in Maryland and will not be approved in an application. All 240V outlet plugs must be directly wired to the electrical panels of the house.
    3. Under no conditions is it acceptable for a charging line to be stretched across a community sidewalk. For a temporary installation of less than 6 months duration, residents may apply to have permission to place a tube under the sidewalk in order to run a 110V extension while their permanent charging station is installed.
    4. All permanent electrical lines must be buried in conduit according to code and go under any sidewalks, ramps, or gutters. No 240V electrical wires are permitted to be installed under community sidewalks.
    5. A charging station must be placed inside a single parking space. It cannot straddle the dividing line nor can it be centered in the parking spot as that would interfere with the numbering of the parking space.
    6. For single family homes a charging station can be mounted directly to the house or garage or mounted on a post that allows easier access to the parking spaces. If post mounted, it should be mounted in the half of the driveway that is closest to the house.

    There are a number of things in there that are contradictory. You can install a L2 charger, but if you're in a townhouse, you're not allowed to wire it up using 240V. You also can't place it on your house, because the cord wouldn't be able to reach and that's not allowed anyway, because it'd cross a sidewalk. Neat.

  • recording OTA shows?
  • I’ve used Plex DVR and Emby DVR to record OTA programming with an HDHomeRun. Works great, just like you’d expect a TiVo to work.