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cityboundforest Cass.Forest

Creative burnt out gifted kid just trying to exist On Mastodon @[email protected]

Posts 8
Comments 49
What would you do if you won the lottery?
  • Pay off mine friends and my student loans, pay for moving costs to a European country for me and my friends, pay for US citizenship denouncing for me and my friends, set aside an amount of money for myself and my friends for savings to live comfortably, pay for first month's rent for me and my friends, pay for food for a month for me and my friends, and then if there happens to be anything left, donate it to charities.

  • Ubuntu 23.10’s New Software App Will Demote DEBs (Apparently)
  • I was using EndeavourOS when I ran into the wall that a lot of stuff didn't have builds on AUR that I needed (and didn't feel like compiling myself or they didn't provide source code)

  • What streaming services do you pay for?
  • Just Spotify at the moment. I might look into trying to stream from Netflix without streaming from Netflix sometime while using friends' passwords for other places. Once my currently roommate but soon to not be roommate (moving back in with parents soon) doesn't renew their Dropout subscription, I'd be willing to sign up for that only because I am willing to support the people over at CollegeHumor.

  • Some Experimental Synth Music for your consideration by Yours Truly

    These tracks are an assortment of tracks I made while studying modular synthesis in university and created with VCV Rack and Ableton Live. The link listed here is for my Bandcamp (as that supports me more than streams) but my music is also available on most major streaming platforms.

    Bevy: How to Load Multiple Texture Atlases
  • Hello! So I ended up fixing this issue with sprite loading and figured out how to load multiple sprites in the scene. It turns out that I can't load the images and then spawn in the sprite objs in the same function because of Rust rules 🤷

    Anyhow, I am having a different issue now, and I've made a new post about it here.

  • Bevy Scene Conundrum

    cross-posted from:

    > So as a sort of follow up to this post, I got my texture atlases to work finally. However now I'm trying to work on the battle scene for my JRPG. I've run into some hurdles, but first, a small synopsis of how I conceptualize this system of a game could work. > > So extrapolating all other irrelevant details, I basically have two "scenes": a battle scene and an overworld scene. Both are templates that read in data that is relevant to them (i.e. enemy and player data for the battle scene and map setup, NPC data, etc. for the overworld scene). I'm not entirely sure how to do this with Bevy, my chosen game engine, however I did come across a semi-relevant example. > > Enter Dungeon Quest, a game made in Bevy and Rust albeit an older version of Bevy and has multiple scenes that are separated into Plugins. Each Plugin is then only activated when the game is in the correct state. I tried implementing this sort of paradigm for my game, however I got some kind of Schedule error that I couldn't even find in Bevy's documentation. > > So my question is this: should I try reworking my code to work like Dungeon Quest, or is there a better alternative?


    Bevy: How to Load Multiple Texture Atlases

    So I'm currently working with Bevy to make a game with a style similar to that of Octopath Traveler. I'm using the bevy_sprite3d crate to render sprites in the 3D space. I'm currently working on writing the code for the battle scene of my JRPG. However, whenever I try to load multiple sprites into the scene, it gives me the following error:

    error[B0002]: ResMut<bevy_asset::assets::Assets<bevy_sprite::texture_atlas::TextureAtlas>> in system load_sprites conflicts with a previous ResMut<bevy_asset::assets::Assets<bevy_sprite::texture_atlas::TextureAtlas>> access. Consider removing the duplicate access.

    relevant system code

    ```rust fn load_sprites(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, sprites_in_scene: Res<SpritesInScene>, mut texture_atlases: ResMut<Assets<TextureAtlas>>, mut sprite_params: Sprite3dParams) { // Load first player sprite commands.spawn(AtlasSprite3d { atlas: texture_atlases.add(get_texture_atlas(&asset_server, sprites_in_scene.player_sprite1 /* u32 */, (37, 38), 19)),

    pixels_per_metre: 32., partial_alpha: true, unlit: true,

    ..default() }.bundle(&mut sprite_params)) .insert(AnimationTimer(Timer::from_seconds(3. / 60., TimerMode::Repeating))) .insert(Transform::from_xyz(-5., 0., 0.));

    // Load second player sprite if it exists if let Some(id) = sprites_in_scene.player_sprite2 { commands.spawn(AtlasSprite3d { atlas: texture_atlases.add(get_texture_atlas(&asset_server, id, (1, 1), 1)),

    pixels_per_metre: 32., partial_alpha: true, unlit: true,

    ..default() }.bundle(&mut sprite_params)) .insert(AnimationTimer(Timer::from_seconds(3. / 60., TimerMode::Repeating))) .insert(Transform::from_xyz(-2.5, 0., 0.)); }

    // Load first enemy sprite commands.spawn(AtlasSprite3d { atlas: texture_atlases.add(get_texture_atlas(&asset_server, sprites_in_scene.enemy_sprite1 /* u32 */, (42, 42), 21)),

    pixels_per_metre: 32., partial_alpha: true, unlit: true,

    ..default() }.bundle(&mut sprite_params)) .insert(AnimationTimer(Timer::from_seconds(3. / 60., TimerMode::Repeating))) .insert(Transform::from_xyz(5., 0., 0.));

    // Load second enemy sprite if it exists if let Some(id) = sprites_in_scene.enemy_sprite2 { commands.spawn(AtlasSprite3d { atlas: texture_atlases.add(get_texture_atlas(&asset_server, id, (1, 1), 1)),

    pixels_per_metre: 32., partial_alpha: true, unlit: true,

    ..default() }.bundle(&mut sprite_params)) .insert(AnimationTimer(Timer::from_seconds(3. / 60., TimerMode::Repeating))) .insert(Transform::from_xyz(2.5, 0., 0.)); } }

    // The signature for get_texture_atlas: fn get_texture_atlas(asset_server: &Res<AssetServer>, id: u32, tile_size: (u32, u32), row_num: usize) -> TextureAtlas ```

    Am I doing this wrong? Is there a better way to load multiple texture atlases for the different entities in my battle scene? Thanks in advance!

    Rust and Game Dev
  • For the past few days, I've actually been working through the Bevy Chess example and updating it to Bevy 0.10.1 on my fork of it here. Pretty much the only thing the tutorial lacks is embedding images, mostly because I don't remember how to do that with GitHub's markdown 😅.

    I do think I'll use Bevy now that I have a better understanding of how the ECS system works, but thank you for the recommendation!

  • Other Fediverse projects
  • Re PeerTube, as a creator, is it worth it to try an find an instance that suits my content right now?

  • Other Fediverse projects
  • As someone who is already in debt because of a bad month with work, I'm not sure if I'm able to put out for a VPS. And as for the "server" thing, what I meant was I don't have a computer I can dedicate to near 100% uptime for running the instances I'd want to.

  • Other Fediverse projects
  • I do hope that Tumblr gets on ActivityPub soon because I do love the idea of interacting with Tumblr posts here on beehaw or on Mastodon, or whatever other thing uses the protocol.

  • Other Fediverse projects
  • I would start using Owncast however, a) my current lease at my apartment prohibits me running a server (because internet is included in the rent), and b) I don't have any kind of computer to run a server on for Owncast.

  • What are peoples thoughts on games requiring always online? How does it affect your enjoyment of those games?
  • Singleplayer games have no reason to require an internet connection to be able to play the game.

  • That does make me wonder if there's an option in Lemmy to add tags to posts.

  • wrinkly flags
  • I did not need to be called out at 11:37 at night

  • Stages of autism realization
  • You missed the stage where you don't want to openly identify as autistic because of the stigma surrounding both autism itself as well as self-diagnosis

  • Introduction
  • Hi everyone! I'm an autistic person, I have ADHD, along with a couple of other ones I generally don't talk about online for various resons.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Absolutely not. I trust Meta with my data as far as I can throw any of their workers, and last time I checked (which tbf was in high school, but hey, not much has changed on this front), I can only lift like 40 lbs (again, it was high school and I'm trying to make a joke).

  • Rust and Game Dev
  • I believe the first time I used Rust, it was because I wanted to practice the language I had just learned but this time, I think it's spurred on by seeing the development of Veloren.

  • Rust and Game Dev
  • You do make a good point, but to be fair, Game 1 is a fan game for something.

    Edit: on that same coin, I do have the know-how to make a game in Minecraft.

  • Rust and Game Dev
  • Octopath Traveler is 2.5D, sort of. It's more like Paper Mario, I think.

  • Rust and Game Dev
  • I've heard of Go but I haven't really looked into it. Also, Ebitengine only works with 2D games, so I wouldn't be able to use it for either project I'm working on.

  • Rust and Game Dev

    cross-posted from:

    > So I'm currently looking to move my game design project(s) over to Rust because I do truly like the language (albeit being frustrated when I tried using it the last time, but I think that was because I let things get complicated without blackboxing them). However, I'm looking for a good framework or engine before diving in with OpenGL/Vulkan and getting my hands dirty with that system (which is what I was using initially). > > For the record, one of my games is going to be in the style of Octopath Traveler and the other I'm looking at either doing the same or doing a voxel game. Game 1 is a JRPG and Game 2 is gonna be a combo Tactics/Puzzle game. > > I've bounced back and forth a bit with both game engines in Rust but also just implementations for this project in general (Game 1, that is). I've moved from C to C++ to Unreal Engine to Rust back to C, then to C++ then now back to Rust again. Within Rust specifically, like I said, I did use I believe it was glium and egui to for my OpenGL calls and GUI respectively, but this time around, I've looked at specifically Bevy and Fyrox, but I'm not too settled on either. Fyrox seems like a lot to deal with for the projects I'm going for (which is one of the reasons I switched off of Unreal Engine), but Bevy is a little bit difficult to get a handle on with my project (Game 1). > > Does anyone have any advice for me on how to go about this? Thanks in advance!

    "We'll cross the bridge when we get there"
  • I was just reminded of the time I took an app dev class where my prof attempted to simulate the client-team relationship when someone wants you to make a program. It was fairly straightforward (to be fair to that professor, it was more about working in a team and learning to program as a team than working with a client), and I wonder if the class would be better or worse if he attempted to add in stuff like this.

  • Rust and Game Dev

    So I'm currently looking to move my game design project(s) over to Rust because I do truly like the language (albeit being frustrated when I tried using it the last time, but I think that was because I let things get complicated without blackboxing them). However, I'm looking for a good framework or engine before diving in with OpenGL/Vulkan and getting my hands dirty with that system (which is what I was using initially).

    For the record, one of my games is going to be in the style of Octopath Traveler and the other I'm looking at either doing the same or doing a voxel game. Game 1 is a JRPG and Game 2 is gonna be a combo Tactics/Puzzle game.

    I've bounced back and forth a bit with both game engines in Rust but also just implementations for this project in general (Game 1, that is). I've moved from C to C++ to Unreal Engine to Rust back to C, then to C++ then now back to Rust again. Within Rust specifically, like I said, I did use I believe it was glium and egui to for my OpenGL calls and GUI respectively, but this time around, I've looked at specifically Bevy and Fyrox, but I'm not too settled on either. Fyrox seems like a lot to deal with for the projects I'm going for (which is one of the reasons I switched off of Unreal Engine), but Bevy is a little bit difficult to get a handle on with my project (Game 1).

    Does anyone have any advice for me on how to go about this? Thanks in advance!

    Edit: Per this comment, I do agree that it's a good idea to find something to work with and stick with it to make something good. I like Bevy and its modular plugin system but outside of the tutorials (which are quite small and focused) and examples from plugins, I don't really know how the engine works. I also don't really have any idea how to combine these plugins (e.g. I have a plugin for embedding assets in my executable, a plugin for animating sprites from a sprite sheet, a plugin for loading 2D sprites into a 3D scene, etc.) into what I want to do. I'll try to do some more reading, but if anyone has a better option, let me know.


    Hello, World!


    "We'll cross the bridge when we get there"
