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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 1
Comments 76
North Dakota voters pass measure to impose age limits on congressional candidates
  • Well, people don't really have the choice to not vote for people they deem to old if they are the only person running for their party. If we had rules for maximum ages that would force parties to offer us younger candidates to vote for

  • Protesting_IRL
  • That's exactly what I mean, though. All these wars happen even though they aren't profitable, so I don't see how that's relevant.

    Not saying politics can't change for the worse, just that I haven't seen voting, etc. change it for the better in a long time. It used to and I think peaceful protests and activism could help, just saying it's not very visible as helpful right now.

    I don't even see how you ended up getting into a tirade about vandalising from this post, especially if you agree that attacking billionaires directly has a chance of helping - isn't that exactly what the cartoon shows?

    I agree with you that riots and vandalising aren't currently helping - but I also don't see them as a prevailing problem. Where is this currently going on? Most of what I see are peaceful protests with limited coverage and even more limited consequences

  • Protesting_IRL
  • I would really love an example for a war that didn't happen because it wasn't profitable, or a relevant leader toppled by social media. We live in a world where there aren't any politicians we can vote for to actually lead to any change, and wars are closer to many of us than they have been in a long time, both physically and through the visibility of social media and globalisation. If there's a peaceful way to stop this that you're aware of, please do enlighten us

  • rule
  • I understand it as less "being in this party" and more "sharing an anticapitalist worldview, how do you not let feelings overwhelm you", which seems like a very valid question

  • rule
  • I second Anark's content. Haven't seen those two videos yet, but do feel like the focus on building a community that does good and does better seems like the way out of leftist depression (or at least to less of it)

  • Bayern beschließt Verbot von Gendersprache
  • Der Sinn hinter vielen dieser Sachen, vor allem dem Binnen-I, von dem Rest weiß ich's nicht so genau, ist doch gerade Texte und Reden kürzer zu machen, aber trotzdem explizit alle mitzumeinen. Alles auszuschreiben ist noch deutlich lästiger, auch fürs lesen. Würde aber den Leuten oben im Thread zustimmen, dass man lieber Gendern2.0 sollte, wo auch für die männliche Form eine Genderendung drangehängt wird und die Grundform dann neutral ist. Dann haben wirs alle einfacher und trotzdem wird niemand diskriminiert

  • France to offer four-day week to parents sharing custody of children
  • That's a very good point of course - brain drain is a problem and we shouldn't encourage it. I suppose I'd rather propose encouraging countries to offer refugees good educations. I am explicitly talking about jobs that require training and come with an expectation of a good life - I agree that the jobs in agriculture and slaughterhouses and such are inhumane.

    I don't think we should tell people not to have children. I just think that we should stop telling them that putting more humans on this world is the moral option or their duty. I think we should at least encourage people thinking of having kids to consider the consequences that has, and then leave the choice to them.

  • Wo sind denn alle?

    Hab über die Weihnachtsferien nicht so gut aufgepasst, jetzt fällt mir auf, dass ich von ich_iel gar nichts mehr sehe. Wurdet ihr defederiert oder so?


    Spannend, der Post scheint direkt bei allen angezeigt worden zu sein, denn die Kommentare, die ich sehe, sind alle vom gleichen Tag. Bei mir sind sie aber langsam angekommen, die meisten erst drei Tage später.

    Viel Erfolg an die Devs, die das zu reparieren versuchen!


    Stellt sich heraus, Kommentare kamen durch, als alles wieder federiert und heil war. Vielen Dank!
