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chloyster Chloyster [she/her]

Trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️ (she/her)

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Posts 40
Comments 53

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Have you done anything recently that you're proud of?
  • I finally got myself to work on voice training exercises at home 😌

  • Server issue?
  • They know. There are discussions regarding it

  • /kbin meta Chloyster [she/her]

    Lemmy Avatars on Kbin

    Hey all,

    Just curious if anyone knew why some Lemmy avatars appear as blank on kbin. Mine appears to be blank, but I see others from Lemmy that work fine. Just was curious about that

    Is there a computer game, or a specific moment, a fight etc that you wish you could do fresh with no prior memory of it?
  • This is my answer too. I would erase this game from my memory every year and replay if I could (outer wilds specifically. Obra dinn is amazing too)

  • What mobile games are keeping your attention these days? (Preferably iOS compatible)
  • I've been quite into the zachtronics solitaire collection lately. It's a solid collection of 8 unique solitaire iterations that were featured on various zachtronics games. The one made specifically for this collection especially is really good and I've spent hours over the last few weeks getting better and better at it

  • eyoo lightly drunk chat on meeting ppl?
  • Things were pretty rough for me socially after I graduated. I immediately started to work at a job in town, while all my friends I made at school left. Then 6 months later the lockdowns started and any hope of meeting locals not from school faded. Fast forward 3 years. This month marks my first pride month being fully out, and I decided it was finally time to meet people again. I volunteered at all our local pride events and ended up meeting a ton of really amazing people. And I'm now planning on being involved beyond pride month and being a part of the org that ran our events

  • Do audio books count? Wanted to share this amazing adaptation of Sandman!
  • They better count as that's how I consume all my literature!

  • Todd Howard thinks Elder Scrolls 6 May Be His Last Game
  • I know Todd is kind of a silly guy and people have mixed opinions on him. But it will be pretty weird to be in a gaming industry without him. Like him or not dude is a legend

  • Any good detective games you all would recommend?
  • Yeah I def get what you mean. I have a lot of games in early access on my wishlist that I want to wait for the EA period to end.

    But for this one, with each case being different and randomly generated, I felt like I could experience it now without diminishing any experience I'd have when it has a full release

  • Any good detective games you all would recommend?
  • This game (Shadows of Doubt) is in early access but is super promising so far. I'm in love with it!

  • Twitter CEO pledges ‘world’s most accurate real-time information’
  • At first I was curious why they weren't just saying Elon's name. Then I read and realized that apparently Twitter has a new CEO. Had no clue

  • Happy to see them win it.

    But I always find it weird when the owner is the first one for holding up the trophy and photo op....

    Like come on the players deserve that so much more lmao

  • I hate battle royale games
  • BRs are a game type that sounds awesome to me on paper but I never end up actually enjoying. Too much time with nothing happening with it all to just abruptly end. It's a cool idea I think. Just not for me

  • rule
    What are y'all's all time favourite game OSTs?
  • Steel samurai theme my beloved 🙏

  • What are y'all's all time favourite game OSTs?
  • I definitely love hollow Knight's, if it wasn't obvious by my pfp.

    I also love mother 3 / earthbound

    kingdom hearts

    most persona games

    outer wilds


    Chrono trigger


    Ace attorney

    Paper Mario

    I could go on and on tbh

  • [Possible spoilers] For those who played Outer Wilds, what was your favourite part of the game or your most "Ha-Ha!" discovery ?
  • Echoes of the eye spoilers


    Discovering the like, "wireframe" mode in the dlc was my favorite. I got so giddy when I found that out!

  • Jusant - Reveal Trailer
  • Yeah they made Vampyr not too long ago, which is like a 3rd person action rpg

  • Starfield Official Gameplay Trailer
  • Yep, same here. Its been on my radar, but I finally am like.... oh wow I am hyped now

  • Current Wheel of Time: The Great Hunt thoughts 42%

    @[email protected] Keeping a promise to share my thoughts on wheel of time periodically!

    If anyone reading this hasn't read it, there will be spoilers up to where I am in the books!

    According to my audiobook app I am 42% through the great hunt, the second wheel of time book.

    So far I am enjoying it a lot more than the eye of the world. Having time with the characters has helped a lot. I often found myself getting annoyed by the 3 main boys in the first book and the decisions they made. However, when the audio of the first book finished, there was an interview with Robert Jordan I listened to. I began to understand kind of the whole point of the books (at least as he said when this was recorded) was that the "chosen ones" really just had 0 interest in being any of that. With that in mind, I began to be less annoyed by the decisions Rand and the others would make.

    I do have to say, I got very apprehensive when the concept of parallel universe things got introduced. Where I'm at Rand and the others just got back to their world, so I still don't know a ton. But with so much media these days having multiverses and parallel universes, my knee jerk reaction was definitely an eye roll. But we'll see how it plays out. I know the books are beloved, and I've really enjoyed them so far, so I'm optimistic.

    Excited to keep listening!


    My black cat Bean
