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Discussion: Do you donate financially to any OSS projects?
  • @makeasnek When I found out how easy it is to send Bitcoin on F-Droid, I started sending a couple of bucks each month to the apps I use. I wish donating was always this easy, more people would do it.

  • The major Organic Maps June update
  • @something_random_tho Try this - compare the route from organic maps with route from strava, find the first place where they differ, and then look at that point in openstreetmaps editor - anything strange there? Anything why the algo might choose differently? I once found sloppily connected roads, the algo thought it's not able to turn right and was sending me on a 1km detour instead. Another time it was missing a footbridge so walking route was sending me to a highway.

  • The major Organic Maps June update
  • @something_random_tho The pathfinding algorithm is in the client app (like Organic Maps) and the data are in openstreetmap. Different apps can find different paths and there is not much we can do about it, because changing the pathfinding algorithm could break it for many other places. That's why I would rather modify the data, such as marking roads unsuitable for bikes, or making sure the nodes are properly connected, adding speed limits, road surface types... nudge the algo into the right path

  • The major Organic Maps June update
  • @something_random_tho @lqwlxxxdxq

    You should make an account on and modify the map to make it select a better route. You are part of the ecosystem of open-source software and crowd-sourced data.

  • Interesting OSS project: Holesail creates instant P2P tunnels between networks (like a VPN)
  • @makeasnek @chris

    I have a whole list in my bookmarks:
    - everybody knows Tailscale (and Headscale)
    - Slack Nebula
    - NetBird
    - NetMaker
    - ZeroTier
    - OpenZiti
    - Wesher
    - PineCone
    - n2n
    - weron
    - innernet
    - vpncloud
    - tinc (the OG)

  • What to do when a giant company refuses to honor a GPL claim?
  • @ExtremeDullard You are too kind and thoughtful, they really don't deserve you. A company is just a collection of the people who work there. Maybe the reason why they violated GPL in the first place is because Stu, Phil and Tom didn't care about their work at all. The comments paint a picture of a toxic work environment, and again, that's just the result of the people working there. Good people need to leave bad companies, it's the only way to let the bad die without hurting the good.

  • What to do when a giant company refuses to honor a GPL claim?
  • @ExtremeDullard just publish everything, they gave it to you under GPL so you can. Sounds like they deserve all the embarrassment they can get.

  • My open source "proof of useful work" captcha alternative (python)
  • @makeasnek Does BOINC have any verification or protection from malicious actors finishing the work incorrectly just to get through the captcha? If not, this might actually poison the BOINC network, because bad people will have a motivation to get credits without performing the work.

  • Some interesting distributed networks (non-centrally controllable networks)
  • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ see above, I refuse to run in circles

  • Some interesting distributed networks (non-centrally controllable networks)
  • @Alphane_Moon You are the one saying it's unreliable but also you are not using it. Here is someone using it and saying it is reliable ok. Go figure.

  • Some interesting distributed networks (non-centrally controllable networks)
  • @Alphane_Moon @makeasnek

    > you shouldn’t even try sending transactions valued more than a few hundred dollars

    this is true about all of the alternatives too, Lightning is just the only one honest about it. And as someone who's been using lightning to pay my phone bills, I can say it works ok.

  • Is there any closed source android app that you wish had a good open source alternative?
  • @Dogyote @Zetaphor

    And we also explored the AI option, it always turned out unrealistic. Either you would have to scrape the content and send it to the AI to parse the info, but then you'd be paying for every scrape, or run a powerful rig nonstop, but the results would still be hit and miss. Or you might let the AI generate the code for the scraping module, still not ideal, they were constantly hallucinating things that weren't there.

  • Is there any closed source android app that you wish had a good open source alternative?
  • @Dogyote @Zetaphor

    I've been webscraping in my job for 6 years. Yes, it's a constant headache, they keep updating their sites and improving their antibot protections. But it can be done and some companies are doing it (on a biiiiig scale). It's just not very realistic that an open-source project would be able to invest that much effort into all the updates. Well some do, youtube-dl is basically webscraping and they are pretty up-to-date. It's just very rare.

  • How is everyone handling the 2FA requirement for GitHub?
  • And there will be more and more cases where their systems got it wrong, marked the real owner as an intruder, blocked the account, made it impossible to recover. It's quite surreal that someone who understands security, has a good password, is doing everything right, can still be locked out because some badly designed background check didn't pass. Like using "the wrong" browser or using a vpn, or other privacy protecting tools.

  • Open Source Initiative tries to define Open Source AI
  • @toastal I don't need to compare each license to each other and get lost in wicked little words, arguing with anonymous accounts on the internet. I can instead see which change was a move towards, or away from, a world ransacked by corporations. That is clearly binary. Would you argue that Redis made the world less ransacked by their license change?

  • Open Source Initiative tries to define Open Source AI
  • "source available" licenses are making the commons MORE ransacked by corporations. Which direction do you want to go?

  • Open Source Initiative tries to define Open Source AI
  • @vrighter @ylai
    That is a really bad analogy. If the "compilation" takes 6 months on a farm of 1000 GPUs and the results are random, then the dataset is basically worthless compared to the model. Datasets are easily available, always were, but if someone invests the effort in the training, then they don't want to let others use the model as open-source. Which is why we want open-source models. But not "openwashed" where they call it "open" for non-commercial, no modifications, no redistribution

  • Question: How does one open source their stuff?
  • If you find a piece of code in a forum without any license text, and you use it in your software, you could be in a lot of trouble, and not just because the code might be bad. Code without a license is NOT open source, nor public domain, nor free to use, It needs to have a license that explicitly allows use, modification, redistribution, only then it is open source. You may have seen some "openwashing", someone trying to redefine the term to make them look good

  • Why FOSS projects are using proprietary, privacy invasive infrastructure?
  • @tyler Did you just break some code of conduct by telling me to F off? For what exactly? Arguing for open source software here on the open source community? Interesting...

  • What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • @uzay Try Syncthing. If there is any conflict, syncthing keeps the conflicted file, and then keepass is able to merge them, so in the worst case some of your deleted passwords will come back, but you'll never lose any.

  • The federation between mastodon and lemmy is strange. If a M account wants to follow a L community, they need to follow an automated M account which represents the L community. But if any M post

    The federation between mastodon and lemmy is strange. If a M account wants to follow a L community, they need to follow an automated M account which represents the L community. But if any M post mentions that L community, the post will get boosted by the community's M account, so everybody who follows will get a notification. And I'm not sure if this can be moderated from the L side, because it seems like it never goes through L. Such as - do you see this @opensource ? Does a L mod see this?
