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What do you call this place?
  • I seriously have a fantasy about hiking/backpacking the length of one of these. I wonder if there's a legal way to do that.

  • Burrowing Owl Facts (Video Link and Bonus Pics)
  • Dang I copied the link and had just come to post it. Well played friendo.

  • Please stop the ride, I want off
  • You forgot the mercury in fish

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • That's good. The wife and I always say 'sprained my eyeballs'.

  • Title
  • Brilliant`

  • Stay on target
  • Now see if fish can taste salt and report back

  • Ok, how do I start self-hosting?
  • I just wanted to thank OP for this post. I have the same question, as this is where I'm at. I also plan to run my server from a raspberry pi 4 on a 5T SSD for storage. Is this an adequate setup for a server?

  • Ok, how do I start self-hosting?
  • I just wanted to thank OP for this post. I have the same question, as this is where I'm at. I also plan to run my server from a raspberry pi 4 on a 5T SSD for storage. Is this an adequate setup for a server?

  • Started my fist dose of antidepressants this week
  • This being said I remember starting mine the first week 20+ years ago I felt the same. Right off within the first week I noticed changes in my body and it was good. I know how it feels to take them and to not take them. Taking them is better.

  • Reddit communities with millions of followers plan to extend the blackout indefinitely
  • don't care if they choose kbin/Lemmy/Squabbles(?)/Pr0nhub Comment section/Whatever or a combination of those things

    It the fediverse so it can be all of those, some of those, one of those or whatever! Right? Am I getting it yet? I'm never going back to reddit.