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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Pope allegedly used derogatory term for gay people
  • It's the Catholic Church. I think they can afford an Italian tutor or something for the Pope, my dude. Maybe the use of this word points to their stagnant (repugnant?) ideals that (apparently like the Pope's grasp of....language?) haven't evolved in the past 100 years.

  • Medical freedom vs. public health: Should fluoride be in our drinking water?
  • It’s not fluoride poisoning. You’re asking for something you’re assuming is the issue before understanding the problem. I think that fluoridation was useful when it was needed as oral health would have suffered and not having it wouldn’t have been better. Now the science is shifting and instead of assuming you know, just read something or watch a doctor talk. Maybe your friend isn’t the one to be fighting for water fluoridation. And maybe, just maybe, you are both not knowledgeable in the subject. I’m not either! That’s why I listen to doctors who present the science clearly and correctly (and without a monetary interest!). - Why I Changed My Mind on Water Fluoridation

  • Medical freedom vs. public health: Should fluoride be in our drinking water?
  • Even prominent evidence based nutrition doctors have changed their tune on fluoride. WFPB promoting non-profit put out a couple videos detailing the history of use, current and past medical literature on the topic, as well as the recent change in support by some doctors. The issue here shouldn’t be the crazies, as they will always be crazy. The issue here should be the changing science which has recently changed some minds.

    Fluoride does in fact reduce tooth decay and cavities. It can also have effects on young children which has been a recent development. Some doctors have even recommended that children under 2 not use fluoride.

    I always think the crazies need to be dismissed, as they will always be crazy, but the media will try to paint all who are sceptical with the same brush for ease and to preemptively insinuate if anyone questions fluoride, you’re joining their company.

    Vid1 - Is Water Fluoridation Safe?

    Vid2 - Why I Changed My Mind on Water Fluoridation

    Vid3 - Medicines Response to the Changing Science on Fluoride Safety

  • [Win] Omega 3 Bottles Found at Nanaimo Costco
  • Absolutely B12 should be taken by vegans. This is not something I would ever recommend against. There’s a difference between supplementing something you can’t get vs. supplementing out of convenience.

    I take a B12 supplement daily and encourage all vegans to do so. Supplementing with B12 when there’s no way for vegans to get B12 isn’t the same reductionist science as supplementing Omega 3 because it’s easier than reducing Omega 6.

    B12 is a necessity for healthful living while omega 3 pills are not (though I absolutely cannot disagree with their convenience) as there are other ways to achieve the omegas balance you desire. Reductionist science gives us this “convenient” pill to take (and market to us) instead of affecting the understanding of the industry (or individuals) into reducing omega 6s overall so everyone can be even more healthy.

  • [Win] Omega 3 Bottles Found at Nanaimo Costco
  • People talk a lot about balancing omega 3s and omega 6s but we only ever think to take an omega 3 pill to raise our omega 3 levels to the appropriate ratio instead of what we should be doing for our health which is decreasing the amount of omega 6 in our diets instead. Also, a lot of this stuff comes from oils when you can use water to cook vegetables instead. Oil should be used as little as possible as it’s so calorie dense and often high in omega 6s.

    Supplement companies are not your friends and they rarely have your best intentions in mind unfortunately. Reductionist science focuses on individual nutrients instead of a wholistic approach, which can lead to higher levels of omega 3s and 6s while maintaining the correct “ratio”. In reality we need less omega 6, not more omega 3. But they can’t sell you less of something, just more of another!

    It’s true that an increase in Omega 3s in the diet (with the goal of bringing the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio closer to 1:1) can help weight loss and health BUT instead of paying for another pill from these despicable companies who profit off misinformation, we can simply reduce omega 6s instead.

    “Because a high omega-6/omega-3 ratio is associated with overweight/obesity, whereas a balanced ratio decreases obesity and weight gain, it is essential that every effort is made to decrease the omega-6 fatty acids in the diet, while increasing the omega-3 fatty acid intake. This can be accomplished by changing dietary vegetable oils high in omega-6 fatty acids (corn oil, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, and soybean oils) to oils high in omega-3s (flax, perilla, chia, rapeseed), and high in monounsaturated oils such as olive oil, macadamia nut oil, hazelnut oil, or the new high monounsaturated sunflower oil”


  • Vegan Food Revolution Summit Join the Food Revolution: 2024 Docuseries with Top Food Experts

    Embark on a journey to a healthier you with the 2024 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries. Join 45 top food experts in this 8-part series. Sign up for free now!

    Join the Food Revolution: 2024 Docuseries with Top Food Experts

    This is my second year watching Ocean Robins' Food Revolution Summit and the topics sound great again! Curious if anyone here has heard of it or is watching along. The summit is 8 daily (11am EST) episodes that began today with great topics from great hosts and incredible guest interviews. Lots of great personalities from the vegan and whole food plant based communities, including my favourite, Dr Gregor!

    Bird flu virus found in pasteurized milk, though officials maintain supply is safe
  • Interesting take. As if dairy cows don't then go to slaughter to become meat. You're feeding the problem while ignoring the end of the production line that you have a hand in upholding. Occasional anything is not the problem. But when milk is in chips, crackers, cereals, baked goods, etc. we're getting too much of it. There's a difference between having a single glass of milk and mass overconsumption, since we don't solely get dairy from occasional milk, cheese, cream, etc. This is where the issues come in. The dairy industry is an issue, dairy itself is an issue, the pervasiveness of dairy in the food system is a problem, and you ignoring your part in climate change and factory farming by supporting the dairy-to-meat pipeline (not to mention disingenuously equating vegetable farming with animal agriculture) is an issue. I won't be responding again but enjoy your milk! Your hormones, heart, and bones won't!

  • Bird flu virus found in pasteurized milk, though officials maintain supply is safe
  • That's a fair angle! I would urge you to consider that the existence of lactase in humans should not dictate our eating habits today. Especially with more current, direct examples and studies of dairy's impact on climate change, health, and chronic illness. Maybe we should look at today's evidence instead of "we've done it for a while now". We can change our habits, I believe in you!

  • Bird flu virus found in pasteurized milk, though officials maintain supply is safe
  • Lol. You should keep trying raw cow's milk! I'm sure it definitely won't have any negative consequences! The only thing stupider than drinking milk and eating dairy is specifically searching out raw milk with even more puss and health risks in it. There's a reason this stuff is illegal in some countries you dolt.

  • Bird flu virus found in pasteurized milk, though officials maintain supply is safe
  • And knock knock jokes are typically not that funny once you pass a certain age. Lol. I get that it's a joke, and have (spoiler) even heard it before! It shows more about the person making the joke I think. Maybe reach a little higher, use those tippy toes!

  • Bird flu virus found in pasteurized milk, though officials maintain supply is safe
  • That is absolutely better than most. Factory farming is abhorrent and I grow lots of my food too! Hunting is definitely better but meat can still have an effect on health. Worth investigating but it's a personal choice ultimately. But to each their own and within their own limit. Getting better is the goal, if more people took small steps there would be less suffering in the world. I get vegans can sometimes be angry but there are also some who recognize the efforts of individuals.

  • Bird flu virus found in pasteurized milk, though officials maintain supply is safe
  • We're literally the only species to drink another species milk. And you think the person criticizing your action is aggressive? I get you have a victim complex but seriously, are you a baby cow? Because if that comes off as aggressive, you may need to take a break from the internet for a while.

  • Bird flu virus found in pasteurized milk, though officials maintain supply is safe
  • Civility has its place. Expecting civility when faced with the lack of it? I get taking the high road but now you're talking down to vegans? Lol. Must be nice up on your high horse with all the rules and regulations to abide by! Angry Vegan tropes need to stop and it's not up to the vegans. Lol. It's almost like it's a silly, purposefully played up caricature. You don't know better, people need to learn and it's not always with kid gloves. Grow up and have a discussion. Lol

  • Bird flu virus found in pasteurized milk, though officials maintain supply is safe
  • Find the one who is constantly critical, not just of tech bros? Lol. I think people have forgotten how to be critical of their actions and then judge those with a healthy dose of it. It's up to the individual but comments like these divide more than help. Maybe read a book or try to not be as antagonistic online. Start with just 1 day!

  • Bird flu virus found in pasteurized milk, though officials maintain supply is safe
  • Couldn't agree more! Can't believe people ignore everything in their milk. They must really love the puss particles in it! Doesn't seem to bother anyone! Or the 1000s of different cows milks in your single cup! Absolutely disgusting and not to mention countries that drink the most milk have the highest amount of osteopetrosis cases. It's not helping! Drink up, chumps!