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brezelradar embix
Posts 14
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Infinite Loop
  • Just rewrite it with 80% functionality and force migrations on the users. Once the remaining 20% "edge cases" that require serious effort hop to the next job - where you where hired to "maintain" such a system and "just add a small feature here and there". Ooops.

  • Infinite Loop
  • all other employers demand modern technologies

    There are a lot of employers that'll throw good money at you for maintaining and extending their outdated crap. Have you ever considered learning COBOL?

  • Spuk von draußen | ARD Mediathek (bis 22.03.2024) Spuk von draußen - Videos der Sendung | ARD Mediathek

    Videos zu Spuk von draußen | Die Berliner Familie Habermann siedelt nach nach BĂ€renbach im Erzgebirge um. Sie finden in einem alten Haus eine schöne Wohnung. Doch die Dorfbewohner sagen, dass es in diesem Haus spukt.

    Spuk von draußen - Videos der Sendung | ARD Mediathek
    This does put a smile on my face
  • They played us for complete fools!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Hassige Aufwahl

  • It's surprisingly easy to mix up a couple of coordinates
  • Yeah, there is a wide spread in distribution. Some blood cells, skin epithelium and some gastric cells only live for a few days.

  • It's surprisingly easy to mix up a couple of coordinates
  • As most of the human cells die and get replaced within a few years, humans are already beings of Theseus.

  • Oh bother, it happened again.
  • You deliberately left out the third panel. Thank you for that.

  • He had the keys too.
  • Nah, Tucker worked on the Moonlander Project (which got the Starfleet recruitment officer to believe that he has actual experience in aerospace engineering and landed him his current job).

    ZSA Moonlander Keyboard, a 70-ish ortho split keyboard

  • "Wir sind nicht ĂŒberlebensfĂ€hig": Das System Volkswagen droht zu zerbrechen
  • klingt ein wenig wie "bis zum bitteren Endsieg"

  • Die VIVA-Story - zu geil fĂŒr diese Welt! - Videos der Sendung | ARD Mediathek
  • Sagt viel ĂŒber die Nachwuchsförderung bei den anderen Sendern aus. Aber hey, letztes Wochenende lief Wetten dass mit Thomas Gottschalk - was zur Hölle hatte ich erwartet?!

  • Die VIVA-Story - zu geil fĂŒr diese Welt! - Videos der Sendung | ARD Mediathek

    Videos zu Die VIVA-Story - zu geil fĂŒr diese Welt! | Stars, Popkultur und das LebensgefĂŒhl zwischen Mauerfall und 9/11 zeigt diese Doku zum 30. Geburtstag des einstigen Musiksenders VIVA, der erst den Zeitgeist prĂ€gte – und dann von ihm ĂŒberrollt wurde.

    Die VIVA-Story - zu geil fĂŒr diese Welt! - Videos der Sendung | ARD Mediathek

    Keiner hat darauf gewartet. Niemand hat daran geglaubt. Doch der erste deutsche Musiksender VIVA setzte MaßstĂ€be und verĂ€nderte die Pop-Kultur fĂŒr immer.


  • Unless it's a Sidewinder, or if you're really fancy an AMRAAM

  • Doctor Who - Der Film (bis 24.12.2023) | ARD
  • Url hatte ich zuerst in den Post gepackt und anschließend Bild dazu. Scheint wohl nicht beides gleichzeitig zu gehen. (oder ich bin zu doof)

  • Doctor Who - Der Film (bis 24.12.2023) | ARD

    we've been outjerked and it's beautiful 😍😍😍
  • An American air-to-air missile modified for naval use, deployed on a land based Warsaw Pact launcher. Now that's something!

  • Unlimited Suffering!
  • Cardassian justice system - you can take only two.

  • AI memes are probably the freakiest thing I've seen .... so far
  • Three fries short of a Happy Meal.

  • Du, du duras
  • God no. Cookie Monster is still great.

  • Du, du duras
  • I can't, literally. It's now what comes to mind when hearing those songs. They kinda have that abusive dom vibe.

  • Du, du duras
  • I used to enjoy this, sadly I no longer can.

  • Echte GefĂŒhle

    Guck's dir an, ich bin der geilste.


    Drei Teile




    Image Credits: NASA / Patrick Wright (Media Usage Guidelines)

    The Proteus high-altitude aircraft incorporates a gull-wing shape for its main wing and a long, slender forward canard. Designed by Burt Rutan, obviously. For more details see its Wikipedia page.


    Boeing X-48B Blended Wing Body aircraft


    YRB-36 and YF-84F (Fighter Conveyer project)

    Image Credits: National Museum of the United States Air Force (Public Domain), VIRIN 060829-F-1234S-005

    While the "six turning four burning" B-36 already is a decent WeirdWing, this modification for the FICON project is probably the cherry on top.


    Besson H-5 flying boat / quadruplane

    Image Credits: author unknown, original publication 1922 France (Public Domain)

    Initially intended as marine recon / bomber this machine only made a few test flights.

    More images of this beast on More info on Wikpedia.


    Grumman X-29

    The No. 1 X-29 advanced technology demonstrator aircraft banks over desert terrain near NASA's Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility.

    Image Credits: NASA (public domain)



    This photo shows the X-29 during a 1991 research flight. Smoke generators in the nose of the aircraft were used to help researchers see the behavior of the air flowing over the aircraft. The smoke here is demonstrating forebody vortex flow. This mission was flown September 10, 1991, by NASA research pilot Rogers Smith.

    More info on Wikipedia


    Yakovlev Yak-40 OK-020

    Image Credits: Jozef TĂłth (CC BY-SA 3.0)

    This particular plane served as Testbed for the M-601 engine used for the Let L-610.


    uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:

    Powermetal Speedmetal Epic Music etc. embix

    NANOWAR OF STEEL - Der Fluch des Kapt’n Iglo (Official Video) | Napalm Records

    0 - LĂ€cheln Sprechen Arme Hoch

    LSAH[^1] ... (yt, direkt)

    1. LĂ€cheln, zeig deine ZĂ€hne
    2. Sprechen, fang an zu reden
    3. Heb die Arme hoch

    [^1]: this is just a footnote

    <!-- hidden? nope -->
