In all seriousness, and a nutshell, is that something to avoid? Trying to learn!
Well, me in particular it's the whole gay AND disabled thing. But in broader terms: still lots of scammers to watch out for, lots of flakes (even if you're only looking for a hookup), varies WILDLY by area (mine is mostly tractor riding DL types last time I checked), etc. Not bad, but not super either.
Trust me, it's not much better for us either. 🤣😭
They didn't used to, at least many didn't, before Match Group bought them all. Many, such as OkCupid, used to be quite good.
Not speaking for OP but for a lot, meds can significantly impact one's libido, often negatively. I'm sure there's some other ways they can to - brain chemistry is weird - but that's one common side effect.
I'd love to even get a reply from support. I just got the same "reason" on all my accounts to check my other accounts for details on why - not one has it. Haven't ever gotten a reply from support.
I could understand if there was some reasoning, or even something temporary with some reasoning. But that sucks so hard *that bots or admins can just decide "you don't get to participate anymore despite your good standing," arbitrarily and without recourse.