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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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  • It's very much possible. Look up Noah Hannibal, Nimai Delgado, John Thomas, Brian Turner, Lifting Vegan Logic, Lakshay Naidu, Patrik Baboumian.

    They all eat Tofu and other soy products like edamame regularily, often for decades and can't exactly be called feminized.

    So tofu is really your friend. Many benifits like high calcium content, isoflavones preventing specific cancers and the most complete protein in the plant world, IIRC. Quinoa and hempseeds have a pretty good amino acid profile too but are more cumbersome to consume than tofu. It tastes bland on itself but it can transform into many delicious dishes if prepared right.

    If you want to learn more about the body building aspects you find a ton of information on the respectice YT channels of above mentioned body builders.

    I'd refer to these channels if you want to learn how to cook good whole food plant based dishes:

  • Trump’s mass purge of state department likely to sow chaos, US diplomats say
  • I'm from Germany and we know to good how fast bat shit crazy and intelligent guys with authoritarianistic aspirations can hypnotize the masses and let them commit crimes against humanity (in fact we're just witnessing it again with the AfD). Those same guys have the absolute will to win the next US election. Doesn't matter if they ran into a few roadblocks on their journey. Doesn't matter if they claim they are not associated with the Nazi mentality or that Hitler was an abomination. They essentially pursue the same goals.

    I have no will anymore to discuss this out with internet strangers, so I let others speak:

    "Author and legal analyst James Zirin, said in an op-ed in The Hill on Nov 13 Trump wants to “terminate the Constitution to restore himself to power, an insurrectionary act in and of itself. That power would be in the hands of the president with neither checks nor balances.

    Trump has vowed on Day 1 to invoke the Insurrection Act to deploy the military to violently crush any protest or dissent. He plans to purge the Justice Department of anyone deemed disloyal and deploy across four federal agencies a 50,000-strong bloc of loyalists to defense, legal, judicial and regulatory slots."

    From the perspective of people who understand that Project 2025 is just fascism hiding behind the MAGA hats:

    And a podcast for to share with friends & family:

  • Trump’s mass purge of state department likely to sow chaos, US diplomats say
  • The playbook for Project 2025 is about 1000 pages long. A think tank with decades of experience about US politics is behind it. Heritage Foundation heavily influenced a lot of policies of past GOP presidents.

    In a german podcast I recently heard about a few of the keypoints of their plans. Let me just say: 2017 wasn't the most important election in the USA. It's this year. Especially when regarding what's happening in Europe and also with the climate. The world can't afford "Drill baby drill" or guys like DeSantis getting blank checks and other foobar situations like mask bans everywhere or leaving NATO.

    If you're not considering Dark Brandon you're just not informed enough.

  • Careful what you wish for
  • He basically did only bad things for Germany and the world. From the get go.

    Are you aware of what's happening in Germany right now?

    We're witnessing the same as with the MAGA movement right now. Millions of people from the ex-GDR chose to elect the far-right extremist AfD into the EU parliament. Millions of them Gen-Zs who were allowed to vote for the first time at the age of 16. They were mobilized by AfDs strong TikTok game and their parents who clapped when refugee homes burned in the 90s.

    Most of the people of east Germany are as lost as MAGAs when it comes to reintegration into society. Most of the 25M of people with immigration background are way better integrated.

    One of the key figures of the AfD Björn Höcke wrote articles praising the Nazis under the moniker Landolf Ladig. He said in an interview with Wallstreet Journal "You know a great problem is that we depict Hitler as the absolute evil".

    In addition the magazine uncovered a Wannsee-Conference 2.0 at the beginning of the year organized by another Austrian neo-nazi and members of the high society and AfD in which the planned the mass deportation of immigrants when AfD will come into power. Those immigrants are the back bone of many societal branches like health care.

  • Solve a puzzle for me
  • Someone in the comments to the original twitter-thread showed the Claude solution for above "riddle". It was equally sane as in your example, correctly answered that the man and the goat can just row together to the other side and correctly identified that there are no hidden restrictions like other items to take aboard. It nevertheless used an excessive amount of text (like myself here).

    Gemini: The man rows the goat across.

    Work ethics 404

  • If you like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Silicon Valley you might want to check out Mythic Quest
  • I recently tried to get a boomer uncle into IASIP and started with episode 1. Don't be like me. Second try was with my aunt and her husband and "Hundred Dollar Baby". Jackpot. They stayed for another episode which was of course "Sweet Dee has a heart attack".

  • Transformation complete
  • Pretty flawless skin though and he claimed he shaved his head (provided this was really his post). So he wasn't bald before. Would make it 2 bonus points from the lottery. Could also be that it's just fat on his neck, he posed or it's a thyroid or iodine issue. May his liberation from the vanity of hairdoism will initiate his Super Saiyan tranformation.

  • Guy who tortured a wolf and paraded it's body around is now receiving death threats
  • Wonder if their thriving has anything to do with scumbags like the one from Wyoming posing with a crippled, defeated wolf in a state where basically no restrictions exist about how many and in which ways apex predators are allowed to be murdered. Looking at Montana, Dakota, Wyoming, Pennsylvania and Utah. No that can't be it. The natural way has to be to gun them down from helicopters with gatling guns. That's how it always has been done in good old america.

  • Guy who tortured a wolf and paraded it's body around is now receiving death threats
  • There have been 21 lethal attacks of wolves on humans in the recorded history of North America EVER and 2 lethal attacks in the last century.

    The reintroduction of wolves transformed the ecosystem of Yellowstone for good. They not only hunt but disperse ruminants so they don't concentrate on specific locations and interrupt plantlife there. They hunt weak prey, maybe those that suffer from illness (like CWD) already. They leave carrion for scavengers who can spread seeds of specific trees like willows which also had a comeback in Yellowstone. Through dispersing the ruminants they enabled the comeback of the beaver who also worked towards restoring the plantlife via new waterways.

    I'm from Europe but I see the stupidity and sadism of North Americans especially in Wyoming, North- and South Dakota, Montana, Utah & Pennsylvania everyday on my timeline. The depicted case is no singular event. They systematically hunt down apex predators like foxes, wolves, coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions and also very advantageous animals like oppossums (ticks) and beavers (preventing wildfires and restoring nature) and racoons (pestcontrol).

    The images I've seen made by Pennsylvanian firefighters(!) hunting down foxes in fundraising hunting events were just harrowing.

    Then those sick in the head hunters & trappers and their spoiled kids pose themselves as the only viable solution to regulating overpopulating tick-ridden ruminants or the recent superboar infestation after they killed of all their natural predators.

    I wish them good luck with CWD and Alpha-Gal ticks in deers when they've exterminated the species that could effectively render CWD harmless:

    But thank god your precious livestock can live. Who needs the 4% wild animals (opposed to the 60% of livestock biomass)?

  • Egg Rule
  • Aquafaba. Can be bought readymade but is also a by-product of cooking dried chickpeas. After soaking chickpeas in water for a night discard the soaking water. Bring fresh water to boil and cook the chickpeas for 1/2 an hour or so. Collect the cooking water. You can even also freeze it for later use. It's important to bring it to room temperature before using it in baking. Can bring a good amount of fluffyness to your doughs.

  • Who do you consider a Great Author of the last 50 years or so (first well-known work after 1970)? I'd like to get a feel for who's who in modern literature. Any language/culture. Fiction only.
  • Diamond Age is my all time favourite (although I read it just one time as I do with all books). In the current age of AI it is very relevant. If nano technology and AI will progress we'll maybe head into the depicted scenario and I hope I'm still alive then.

    Cryptonomicon, Anathem, The Baroque Cycle are wild rides and masterpieces too. Anathem was a bit hard to get into but it got really exciting after the first 300 pages (of ~1000) or so.

  • Plant-heavy ‘flexitarian’ diets could help limit global heating, study finds
  • In my note app I've saved my old replies I'm fairly confident of regarding research, impact and links to sources and fire them up against the standard arguments. It's cheap but it would be madness to answer the age old cliches popping up in mass under a controversional vegan post with individual new answers. The definition of Sisyphus work. I refine the posts to take deviations from standard arguments into account. I don't spam them in a thread of full of the same cliche answers but tactically under one of them with a lot of upvotes/likes. This saves me some headaches and at least I know I countered the disinformation at least once and will maybe make some people see that the most regurgitated answers are not per se the most correct just because of their prevalence.