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OpenAI’s ChatGPT Mac app was storing conversations in plain text
  • Depends on the system, but normally, the OS provides a way to encrypt a file using the user credentials. It's completely seamless while the user is logged in and using the computer. It's true that any program running with the user privileges and within its session can open the file, but once the user logs out it's unreadable.

  • Why do I puke more than once when I've been drunk?
  • Puking is good, it helps to get rid of toxic stuff in your stomach. The fact that you need to puke is bad, because it means you ingested toxic or poisonous stuff.

  • What you do when you have TOO MUCH free time?
  • Bet you're fun at parties, huh?

  • With all the pride art going around, what flag has the best colors?
  • I really like blue and teal, so the gay men flag looks really cool to me. I also like the asexual flag, but I have no reason for that one. It looks cool.

  • The Condiment Wars
  • Honey & mustard

  • This company is the laughing stock of gaming right now
  • The launch was terrible, but there are some things that keep them apart from the rest of terrible launches.

    Cyberpunk 2077 was a really ambitious game, with a lot of new mechanics and incredible graphics. Beasts like that are really difficult to optimize for a large range of computers with different specs, so at first it ran poorly on some.

    The most notably buggy release was the PS4 one. And rightfully so. They were trying to run a truly next gen game on a console which was more than a decade old. They not only had to optimize the game, but they basically made a completely different game, with different assets and engines, which was really difficult to do. Still, it was too much for the console, especially old PS4s that were full of dust or had old fans and were overheating.

    Another important fact is that users were also pressuring CDPR into releasing Cyberpunk 2077. It was delayed at least once (maybe twice, I don't remember), and people wanted to play the game. They probably had to choose between delaying it another time or releasing it without polishing it that much.

    I believe it was Cyberpunk 2077 that started the trend of "release now fix later" games. However, I don't think they really did it on purpose. The game was too ambitious for its own good, and having to develop, optimize and test two basically different versions of it was too big of a task for a studio that in today's terms wasn't even that big. The rest of the AAA producers just realized that CDPR still won loads of money at launch, and decided to release incomplete games on purpose, after seeing that CDPR could make profits that way.

    But must importantly, CDPR did an amazing job at fixing the game, unlike many other studios releasing broken AAAs. They optimized the code, fixed most of the bugs, improved the AI massively and made the game really stable, to the point where I've seen it running at 40 FPS on 10+ year old overheating laptops. Even though it took a while, they still delivered the game they promised to their buyers.

  • Why does everyone hate Microsoft for adding LLMs into Windows and spying on users, but not Apple?
  • Someone said it before on the internet: Apple is not a tech company, Apple is a marketing company.

  • Anybody using a framework laptop?
  • I don't know about the framework laptop, but about the Minecraft question:

    Yes, you can absolutely run Minecraft on Linux. It runs on top of Java, so it doesn't really see the difference between the 2 OS. In fact, I've found that Minecraft runs faster for me on Linux than on Windows. The only thing that might not work is the official launcher, but that can be easily replaced (with the added benefit of improved functionality). I can recommend Prism Launcher, but really anything works.

    About Bedrock, that's a different story. Microsoft revamped the PC port of Bedrock, and now calls it "Minecraft for Windows". It's fully compiled, and it won't run natively on Linux. However, I still believe it can be made to work with some Wine trickery.

  • What thing could your parents do the most significantly better than you?
  • My 8yo self had way better handwriting than I have now

  • What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it?
  • Normally the cold is carried by the gas to your room. The less gas you have, the less efficient this transfer is, and the colder your outside unit will be.

  • Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats
  • It is surprising how much the landscape changed in just 5 years. All the right wing parties got a boost, but most importantly, the ultra right and christian right parties. All those are surely going to want to implement ChatControl and measures like that because "We need to protect our children!"

    I'm also scared of all the new Q-Anon type parties that last time didn't even exist and this time won a few seats. Ultra right conspiracy theorists that now have more seats than even the pirates.

    Also look at the results from Gernany or Austria. AfD and Orban. Pro nazi and pro russian parties. We're going back in time for a remake.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Discord customer service is abysmal. I've had to contact them twice, and twice I have been ignored. They answer 10 times with the same AI generated response: "Have you tried turning it off and on again? Have you tried logging off and on again? Have you tried resetting your password?" I tell them I have tried everything, and they still answer with the same response, just paraphrased a bit differently.

  • The master race condition
  • Master/slave indicates a relationship between two things. You can have masters and slaves in mechanics, for example. We've also had masters and slaves for decades in the tech field. Drives and floppy readers used to be configured in a master/slave setting. And of course, you have masters and slaves in programming.

    None of these examples have anything to do with race or human slavery. They're just a way to describe how two things interact with each other. Human slavery is called that way because the relationship between the slaves and the masters can be described by that word, not the other way around.

    It's clear that we should stop using racist words with racist intentions. No-one argues that human slavery should be allowed. However, in this case, there's no intention of racism in the words, and we shouldn't stop using words just because they can be used in a racist setting. Same thing goes with black paint. It's clear that the word black is describing a color, and it is needed to correctly describe it.

  • Governments hate what they cannot control
  • Wait, what happened now? Do they want to ban Lemmy?

  • Don't
  • 🔫🔫🔫

  • In your country, what "common" animals are tourists most excited to see?
  • But it was supressed with tan-

    "Individual found dead in his house after typing a comment on a social media. Allegedly he tried to kill himself with 2 shotgun rounds to the head"

  • After the April 8th eclipse, what do you think will generate the next conspiracy theories?
  • Yeah, where did you think square roots come from?

  • JUST TODAY I was going to buy WinRar. I've used the software forever, for free, and I just thought... I appreciate this, they've never given me grief, and I'm going to pay them.
  • While the Windows implementation works, it's not the best one. Even WinRar will compress and uncompress faster, and 7Zip also beats WinRar. The compression ratios are also higher on 7Z, regardless of the file format (Rar, Zip, 7z).

    Besides, 7Z can open other (arguably better) formats, like the aforementioned 7z or tar (tar, tar.gz, tar.7z, tar.zst, ...)