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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

New profile: /u/[email protected]

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Comments 32
Pipewire vs PulseAudio, general question
  • I believe that PipeWire is really solid piece of software, but I couldn't just let go of JACK just yet. JACK just works and it's easy to modify important parameters like sample rate or buffer size. On PipeWire I still don't know how to quite do that, I get lost in all those configuration files, but I will get it someday.

    Also one more thing that might be niche, but it's important for me is JACK timecode (for synching i.e. a DAW with video player) which PipeWire doesn't support at all at the moment. Getting it work on PipeWire (converting JACK timecode to LTC or MTC) gets ugly pretty quickly. So I'm glad PipeWire allows to use it however I like it, either as JACK server or client.

  • Pipewire vs PulseAudio, general question
  • I have had some problems with PipeWire as JACK replacement, mostly it was some tearing artifacts that were very annoying. Recently though I learned how to use PipeWire (which is great for general desktop audio usage + works with Bluetooth really good) with JACK for pro-audio applications. By using the JACK DBus detect module it is possible to turn PipeWire into JACK client when ever the latter one is started.

    So this way it is not required to use PulseAudio at all with JACK. There's also possibility to use PipeWire as JACK server because it also provides such API.

  • Should I switch to Wayland?
  • Well, not really. KeePassXC works properly apart from the Auto-Type feature, which is not that big of a problem because you can use browser integration or just copy and paste it. As for the screen sharing thing - it works, i've had problem with capturing sound with it but apparently it is just Discord for Linux thing and not really Wayland. I never had any issue with DPI, neither on Gnome or KDE. I don't remember what is was on Gnome, but UI scalling on KDE works fine.

  • ZFS backup strategy
  • Yeah, I guess it may be risky to remove drives from pool, so maybe it would be better to build to just move the whole secondary pool as the other commenter pointed out (at least for the first time, smaller increments should be easier to handle). But do you think my strategy with snapshots as backup is good overall or should I use something else?

  • ZFS backup strategy
  • Thanks, I guess it's even better solution and doesn't involve kinda risky removing drives from pool. But do you think my strategy with snapshots as backup is good overall or should I use something else?

  • iPhone vs Android
  • Well, I'd say to support content creators directly if they provide such option rather than through YouTube ads or YouTube Premium. I think that even donating 1$ one time is more that channel would have earned from like thousand of your views.

  • datahoarder biscuits

    ZFS backup strategy


    I've been lately thinking about my backup strategy as I'm finalising building my NAS. I want to use ZFS and my idea was to have two drives in mirror (RAID-1) configuration and just execute periodical snapshots on such dataset. I want to the same thing in a second location, so in the end my files would be on 4 different drives in 2 different locations and protected by snapshots from deletion or any other unwanted modification.

    Would be possible with this setup to just swap one of the drives in one location and have ZFS automatically rebuild data on the new drive and then I take the drive to second location and do the same so all drives would be exactly the same, instead of copying data manually? Though I believe all of the drives would need to be exactly the same size, is that right?

    Is it a good idea in general or should I ditch it, or maybe just ditch the part with ZFS rebuilding and use instead some kind of software for that?

    Thank you for your help in advance!

    Should I switch to Wayland?
  • I've fully switched to Wayland some time ago (it could be already a year) after I learned about how insecure X really is and I honestly do not experience any issues that I sometimes see on the internet. I've been using Gnome for few months, but now I switched to KDE. I think a lot of apps are working natively on Wayland, but for other cases you have XWayland that also works flawlessy in my opinion.

    One of things that was issue for me was that I couldn't use Auto-Type feature in KeePassXC, because Wayland doesn't let apps pretend to be a keyboard or capture windows as easily as X does. Funnily enough, I've managed to get it working by running keepassxc --platform xcb, but it stopped working some time ago and I'm not entirely sure why. Other thing that is a problem for me is screen sharing. Wayland doesn't allow apps to capture screen as I mentioned earlier so it heavily relies on PipeWire for this and PipeWire has its own sets of problems. It seems working correctly for the most part, but I couldn't really figure out how to share screen with sound. Not a dealbreaker for me, and a workaround would be to route audio as a microphone input for example, but it is an issue nonetheless. This is only a problem on Discord, in OBS you can easily select video and audio sources.

    If you're using KDE already, you could just select Plasma (Wayland) in your display manager and play with it a bit to see if you like it and experience any issues.

  • Should I watch mirrored videos through Invidious or Peertube?
  • Kinda. PeerTube is a self-hostable application that creators can use to host their content, so it doesn't have ads per se. Invidious, just like youtube-dl, fetches video files from YouTube servers, so it also doesn't play any ads that would normally be played before and during video.

  • What is the best for privacy among the worst companies?
  • Google is intrusive. The story where Google literally send police on a dad that had stored photos of his son on Google Drive that he meant to show to a doctor or countless stories with scanning emails. For the first one a mitigation could be to encrypt files before hand, but it's not at all convenient for regular people that want to have their photos automatically synced and backed up. For the second one, you could also encrypt emails beforehand using PGP, but yeah, pretty much no one does that. And none of this potential mitigations make Google any less intrusive. And I think I could even argue they allow themselves to be like that because they are this big.

    That being said, I'm not arguing that Google Workspace, that integrate tools, storage and emails for way cheaper that other alternatives, is not great value for companies. But it's still Google, so no matter how you look at it, it's still bad choice for privacy. But the other choice being Microsoft, there's hardly a better way.

  • Alternative to Google sheets + forms
  • Also keep it mind that, while Grist looks like a spreadsheet, there are some key differences between it and a typical spreadsheet (see here). You may need to spend some time with the documentation (which is really good btw, and they have video tutorials as well), but in my opinion it's really worth it.

  • Alternative to Google sheets + forms
  • I use Grist for this purpose. Check out this template, this may be just what you want and using widgets it is quite easy to create a form to append to the expenses database (just like here). Grist works really nice on mobile too and is also pretty easy to self-host if you need an extra degree of privacy, but you can use the official instance as well.

    If you want I can send you my Grist template that does pretty much all things you want.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You need parser for that, so a piece of software that takes a text file in given format and transforms it into data structure that some program expects. Some parsers can be pretty complicated as formats like JSON or YAML are complicated themselves (because of objects, arrays, etc.), but other can be pretty straightforward.

    If we assume file format like INI that is structured like "keyA = valueA" with every pair of key and value in a new line, then the parser could go over every line and just split it in half. Then you have the first part containing name of some option and then the second part with value for that option.

    It would be also great idea to sanitize inputs in case there are any special characters in either key or value. Also, if you take a look at the INI file Wiki page, you'll see that the INI format is a little more complicated itself, so a good parser would need to account for that as well, but the basic functioning is just like above.

  • hooray, second Archlinux upgrade breaking in 3 years, guilty: systemd
  • It really depends what other init system you mean, but openrc checks all the boxes. It uses shell scripts, but I've never seen any that would be 500 lines long (at least in Alpine). Services can have defined dependencies as well can be classified into groups so you don't need to configure for any specific service, you can just say 'depend on dns' and any available will be run. And openrc also supports running services in parallel.