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Part One: Kissinger - Behind the Bastards
  • You know whose actions won't result in the deaths of between three and four million people?

  • [discussion] Season expectations
  • Absolutely agree, though I think top 4 is a greater priority than EL trophy.

  • [discussion] Season expectations
  • I'm setting expectations low. For me a good season is one where the new midfield integrates quickly, and 'pool play football that is competetive. Sadly its the reality of 3+ seasons worth of inaction when it comes to midfield rejuvenation transfers, instead cramming it into one off season.

    Also really excited to see the attacking line up grow in cohesion and understanding. Nunez looks more lean which could be exciting.

    Finally, Trent in midfield - how this looks long term, whether we miss the goal assists from Rb will be interesting.

  • Sell Me On Your Shows
  • Gets mentioned but not proportionally to its quality. Peep Show is such a comfort show for me. So many quoteable lines that crack me up weeks after watching. Often the side characters are the best, Johnson, Tony and Toni etc.

  • Watching The Wire for the second time after a year
  • S1 gets better if you stick it out. Stringer Bell is a great character. I was underwhelmed by TW, stopped watching 3/4 through S2. It had been over-hyped for me which is a shame because its obviously a good show.

  • Sell Me On Your Shows
  • Also one of my all time favourites. The way they handled the timelines was really well done. Amazing cast and performances. Love the idea of being a post-apocalyptic travelling performer.

  • [Weekly Discussion Thread] July 31st, 2023
  • Logical decision imo. Think the added pressure & responsibility will help him get back to best form.

  • 500 Subscribers and looking for feedback!!!
  • Thanks for keeping us updated. Imagine that things will pick up as the season commences.