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big_duck_energy Big Duck Energy


Posts 6
Comments 36

dumb question about delta vapes and regular vapes too I guess...

I saw somewhere, in multiple places, that it does NOT get you higher to hold it in when you inhale. That goes against everything I've ever heard of. I don't think I know anyone who doesn't hold it in with every hit. Is this common?

Can someone advise me re: delta 9?
  • I'm probably using the wrong word. The medical ones here have "thc from full spectrum oil and terpene", and I think there's a little cbd in there as well. They aren't super strong, but it's definitely thc. They're from Batch Extracts.

  • Can someone advise me re: delta 9?

    I hope this is okay to post here. Long story short, I have extreme, intractable chronic pain 24/7. I use medical cannabis vapes on occasion to help me deal with it, but I'm not able to get it right now.

    I'm seeing all these websites that talk about delta 9 as if it gives the same effect as regular thc products.

    For example, a cookie that says it has 100 MG per cookie, and you're supposed to divide it into doses.

    Anyways, is this stuff legit, or is it like CBD which in my experience had no effects on me? I'm in a great deal of pain, and just considering my options, but I can't afford to spend money on anything if it doesn't actually help. If anyone could advise me on this I'd be very thankful.

    Edit: thanks everyone for the input. I decided to get a vape, and it's helping a great deal. I'm glad that I asked here.

    Pixelfed + Account Migration, almost ready for showtime!
  • Does anyone know if there's a way to get an image direct link from Pixelfed with it being a file name with 200 characters in it? I would use Pixelfed more, but the image URLs are just ridiculous. They aren't bad if you use the link from the sharing menu, but that links to the album and I'm wanting a. Link just to the image.

  • How to download images in native Android app?

    In the PWA, I can long-press an image to download it, but in the native Android app, when I long-press an image, downloading or saving image is not an option. Am I missing how to do this somehow?

    Why must it be this way? (but also I'd like shark please)
  • I buy strawberry shampoo, but I also like citrus smells.

  • Thanks for making a native android version!
  • Wow, they've accomplished so much so quickly.

  • Thanks for making a native android version!
  • This is probably a dumb question, but is it still a Progressive Web App?

  • I'm gettin' Reeeeeeaaaal TIRED of hearing the word "Federation."
  • That's just the way the Federation federates.

  • Say goodbye to the name Twitter’s Bird. Elon Musk changing Twitter logo to ‘X’
  • It's like... is he doing this on purpose?

  • [D4] Character names in seasons?
  • Even if there were more than 16, they can do it. Your unique identifier is your battle tag. Your display name can be anything.

  • Anyone have any niche builds they’re enjoying and finding success with?
  • Loving my bear druey. There's a couple aspects that turn pulverize and trample into earth skills, and allow you to pop landslides and earth spikes every time you trample or pulverize respectively.

  • Aspects... can only be used one time?
  • Thanks. If you put an aspect on an item that is already a legendary, do you lose the existing legendary power?

  • Aspects... can only be used one time?

    I'm just now getting into aspects and I want to make sure I understand. You can only use an apect one time? Is that true for both aspects you extract from a legendary and an aspect you get for completing dungeons? I think you can use the dungeon ones more than once?

    I'm confused by this since I put it off for so long. One of the first ones I'm to get according to builds is from beating a dungeon. It allows you to keep your barrier up for longer. It was actually suggested to pick up at level 20ish (am currently 53).

    So since this one is from a dungeon, I can use it more than once, righr?

    What series did you rewatch most often?
  • Buffy for sure. I've watched it through several times.

  • What type of games do you enjoy playing?
  • My favorites from a mechanical standpoint are typically 3rd person shooters or action games. Games with perspective like the Arkham Games or the Resident Evil remakes.

    As for genre, that's a tough call. It's easier to say what I don't like. I don't typically like jrpgs or anything with an anine art esthetics, although there's a lot of exceptions.

    I also like old-style 2D Zelda games and those like them. Also twin stick shooters.

    As for the settings, I like a good horror over pretty much anything else.

    I like my games to have a story. I can enjoy any game mechanic if the story is good enough.

  • Does anyone regret deleting their Reddit account?
  • I regularly deleted my Reddit accounts anyway.

  • Meta will kill small instances! Please read.
  • That's exactly what I meant, they don't need Threads, it's all public (except possibly email addresses?) , but @[email protected] commented to me and said it doesn't work that way, so now I'm secend guessing myself.

    Either way, they can scoop all that post data up anyway, to me the data is almost becoming a red herring. IMHO, Facebook's history of being a platform of hate-fueled content, violence, trolling, social manipulation, etc. is of greater concern.

    I'm also wary of the day that Facebook is the driving force of the Fediverse due to it's sheer size. All those users come along with a great deal of inertia, and Facebook could end up being the mega-Corp who decides all the protocol standards forcing others to keep up with their "contributions" or get left behind.

  • Will there be a fediverse app anytime in the future?
  • It's my favorite Mastodon client. Would be really cool if you could just swap over to a Lemmy account.

  • Adrift on the Fediverse

    I'm a former IT/Help Desk/Something with SQL dude with deep-seated feelings regarding super hero movies, bi-erasure, and Applebuddies. When not actively fleeing the steaming shit show over at Deaddit, I enjoy comic books, vidya games, horror films, cooking out of leftovers, and bringing about world peace. My star sign is “necrotic” and my favorite place is “in a wheelchair wearing a sombrero”.



