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balerion balerion

fake gamer | sporadic shitposter | pro-ship | BLM | trans rights | head of the antifa PR department | 🚩 🏴

i block tankies, right-wingers, and others with garbage opinions lol <o/

Posts 37
Comments 134

Who are some good political writers who are queer, POC, and/or women?

I've read a decent amount of theory and the like, but I'm ashamed to say most of it has been written by straight white guys. However, I did very much enjoy Racism without Racists by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva.


People who had unconventional first words, what were they?

Mine were "here, kitty, kitty."

What is a good hobby/skill that most people should give a try, and why so?
  • I mean, look up "mindfulness" on Amazon. There are a million books for sale out there. And people like John Kabat-Zinn have made plenty of money selling mindfulness to everyone from mental health clinics to the military.

    Mindfulness in this context is generally just defined as paying attention to the present moment. But that's ethically neutral and can be used to, for example, make the horrors of late-stage capitalism more bearable for its subjects, or to help soldiers focus on the act of killing rather than the horror of it.

  • What is a good hobby/skill that most people should give a try, and why so?
  • I'm not saying mindfulness can't have serious benefits. However, I would caution anyone who's into it to read the book McMindfulness. A lot of the "science" behind it doesn't stand up to scrutiny, there can be genuine drawbacks to it, and it's often used in unethical ways--like to make CEOs of ruthless companies more able to shove aside their feelings of guilt, or to sharpen the minds of soldiers for killing.

  • /r/antiwork should vote on the next place to move to and delete their sub
  • I can't back this up, but I've heard the mods there are literally feds.

  • Reddit balerion

    I just got warned for "threatening violence" because I told a racist to choke on shit. I then received a message informing me that the racist had not violated any site rules. Fuck you, reddit.

    I don't see how politely suggesting what a racist should do with their time is "threatening violence," but even if it were, we should at least both have received warnings.


    ADHD/autism/etc. and justice sensitivity

    ADHD and autism are both strongly correlated with justice sensitivity. If you need an explanation for what that is, here's a quote from this article:

    >Justice sensitivity is the tendency to notice and identify wrong-doing and injustice and have intense cognitive, emotional, and behavioral reactions to that injustice. People who are justice sensitive tend to notice injustice more often than others, they tend to ruminate longer and more intensely on that injustice, and they feel a stronger need to restore justice.

    Do y'all experience this? If so, how does it manifest?

    For me, I can't see injustice and do nothing. Failing to stand up for my beliefs makes me hate myself, and I'll usually do it even if I know it's a bad idea or I'm surrounded by people who disagree--if anything, I feel more compelled to do it then. Since some of my beliefs are wildly unpopular, this often winds up in me feeling ostracized, rejected, and depressed.

    I don't know what to do about this. I can't just not stand up for what I believe in--it's clearly the right thing to do. But it's a deeply unpleasant experience I keep repeating. I'll choose standing up for my beliefs over not being hurt if I have to, but that doesn't make it fun.

    The woke left!
  • yes i have, and his argument is fucking stupid. marx is all right, but i straight-up hate engels.

  • The woke left!
  • yes i have, and his argument is fucking stupid.

  • The woke left!
  • yes i have, and his argument is fucking stupid. "oh yeah???? well doing stuff is authoritarian!" isn't the own you tankies seem to think it is.

  • The woke left!
  • as a woke leftist, i hate tankies because y'all aren't leftists in any meaningful sense. the only difference between you and libs is which countries whose atrocities you justify.

  • The woke left!
  • i've read marx. at precisely no point does he say anything justifying the various atrocities state capitalist countries have committed. i think he's wrong about some stuff, but even if you accept that his word is gospel, tankies are still just people who took leftist principles as an excuse for the imposing the kind of brutal authoritarianism that leftists are supposed to be against.

  • Is it okay to own a car in a rural area?
  • Exactly. Blaming individuals for systemic problems never gets you anywhere. If you can reduce your car dependency, sure, do that, but don't beat yourself up if you can't.

  • What time of day/night were you born?
  • See, I was born around 8:00 AM and I hate mornings. I figure it's the trauma of being ripped out of my nice comfortable home into this weird, loud, cold setting I never asked to go to.

  • Texas Mandates Panic Buttons In All Classrooms In Response To Mass Shootings
  • why? so the police can get there and stand around staring at the punisher logos on their phones?

    i'm not against this, i guess, but it's just... less than the bare minimum.

  • Who are some of your favorite socialist writers?

    I'm a huge fan of David Graeber. Bullshit Jobs was part of what radicalized me, and I read it whenever I'm feeling isolated and misunderstood by an unjust world. He gets it, man. His other works are amazing too, and I'd highly recommend them all to anyone interested in socialism. I'm still heartbroken that he died so young.

    Peter Kropotkin is another beloved author of mine. I'm not an ancom, but A Conquest of Bread is a great introduction to anarcho-communism, not to mention being beautiful and inspiring.

    Who do y'all like to read?


    Reminder that your boss steals from you.


    Reminder that your boss steals from you.


    A great podcast episode that helps explain why China isn't socialist The Chinese Economy Demystified: The State Owned Enterprise - It Could Happen Here | iHeart

    <p>Mia discusses the emerging expert consensus on the Chinese economy and how the actual structure and function of Chinese State Owned Enterprises confounds and refutes it.</p> <p>You can now listen to all Cool Zone Media shows, 100% ad-free through the Cooler Zone Media subscription, available excl...

    The Chinese Economy Demystified: The State Owned Enterprise - It Could Happen Here | iHeart

    It's common among anti-tankie leftists to claim that China is a state capitalist economy, but as Mia Wong explains, the "state" part of that phrase is debatable. China is arguably just another neoliberal country with a more complicated chain of ownership for its corporations.

    It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society
  • Yeah, I'm not fond of the anti-therapy/psychiatry bent a lot of leftists take. Therapy and psychiatry can be enormously helpful and would be necessary in any world. Capitalism contributes to mental health problems, but I personally would still be profoundly mentally ill even in a socialist utopia.

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 3
  • But wait. I have a NSFW subreddit, and reddit doesn't allow you to upload pictures directly to reddit if you're on an NSFW subreddit. Right? So how can it be the primary host?

  • It looks like a lot of people think the blackout is pointless and support Reddit's choice
  • they've been eating corporate boots for so long they don't know how to stop

  • What is your process for belief formation?
  • Ha. As if there's a process. I just stumble across a hill one day and realizing I'm willing to die on it.

  • How to cross-post?
  • See the little overlapping squares under your post? Click 'em!

  • oof size request
  • you're acting like this is some kind of new thing. it's not. trans kids have already been using puberty blockers, and it's been fine. it's only new to people like you who didn't care one way or the other about trans people until you were told they were on the wrong side of the culture war.

  • Marriage
  • just don't get married then. christ. we need an /r/arethestraightsokay.

  • oof size request
  • unlike cigarettes, trans kids getting healthcare hurts no one. bad post op

  • Rare footage from the inside of my brain


    me irl

    Anarchist Memes balerion

    Don't mind me, just posting some anti-tankie memes.


    I was late to feeding the girls this evening, and they had complaints. Sound on for squeaks and chirps.


    Shere Khan: Myar!

    Sansa: MEEOO

    Sansa: MWEEW

    Me: Sansa, are you hungry?

    Sansa: meww

    Sansa: MYOWOW

    Me: Myow!

    Sansa: moo

    Me: Mow!

    Sansa: Myowwooo

    Me: What about you, Shere Khan?

    Shere Khan: Myap!

    Me: Yep. Sansa!

    Shere Khan: Myarreearr!

    Me: Oh, goodness. Sansa!

    Sansa: myoo :(

    Me: Moo!

    Sansa: myew!

    Anarchist Memes balerion

    A helpful diagram illustrating the differences between tankies and liberals


    Sermon of Swords - Powerwolf

    Anarchist Memes balerion

    One of my favorite anti-tankie memes


    Reminder that your boss steals from you.

    Anarchist Memes balerion

    I made a shitty meme. Please enjoy.


    NFTs explained


    trying to figure out how bullet points work


    -do -they -work?





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    Lemmy Support balerion

    How do I subscribe to a community outside my instance?

    Hi. I've subscribed to several communities outside my instance already, but I'm having a problem where I can't seem to repeat the process for certain communities.

    For example, I wanted to go to /c/test on But going to takes me outside of Beehaw, my home instance, so I can't post or subscribe from there. So I checked how I could visit this community, and its URL is[email protected]. I then tried going to[email protected], but that gives me an error page.

    What do? I can't find /c/test on the communities page, either.

    Apologies if I'm being dumb.
