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azforeman A.Z. Foreman

Russian-American linguist, medievalist & 1st amendment nerd. Posts re: poetry, translation, and history of sundry Indo-European & Semitic languages

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My readings of Shakespeare in reconstructed early 17th century pronunciation continue with Sonnet 64 ("When I have seen by time's fell hand defac'd...")

My readings of Shakespeare in reconstructed early 17th century pronunciation continue with Sonnet 64 ("When I have seen by time's fell hand defac'd...")

@literature @linguistics @poetry @bookstodon


Here's me reading the whole of Canto 1 of Dante's ( in my English verse-translation.

Here's me reading the whole of Canto 1 of Dante's #Inferno in my English verse-translation.

Basically, I enjoyed the Chantilly manuscript of the Inferno so much that one thing led to another and I wound up making this.


@literature @medievodons @bookstodon @poetry