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azalty azalty

Discord: @azalty


Posts 9
Comments 226
Apps to track which movies / series I watched (JustWatch, ...)
  • I tested it and didn’t really like it. The UI is confusing and seems to want me to mark all episodes as watched instead of 1 by 1 when that could be a more logical option.

    When marking episodes as viewed through my list, I can only mark one as viewed, and then I have to reload the UI

    It just overall seems less intuitive than JustWatch, but I appreciate the suggestion :)

  • Apps to track which movies / series I watched (JustWatch, ...)

    I would like to know if any of you use an app or website/service to track your progress in series, or which movies you’ve seen.

    The platform should also indicate where (streaming services) the movie/series is available

    I’m currently using Justwatch but they probably sell a lot of user data, and some of the availability infos for some shows is wrong, and after contacting them to report this, they were of no help and didn’t understand what I asked. Seems like they only check the US catalog of the streaming services and don’t report it country per country, which is preferable.

    VPN reviews that aren't paid-for articles
  • I'm just thinking about but they don’t really review everything, just tries to give an objective opinion on tools and services that they recommend

  • Sweep/churn my Monero balance more or less often to improve anonymity?
  • It’s just that the decoy selection algorithm picks decoys in a specific way. Its patterns can be exploited, but don’t stress about it. Churning will make up for it, it’s not that big of a deal. Just avoid spending outputs exactly after 10 blocks as it’s waaaaay more common for real spends than decoys (we can see that the Monero blockchain has way more spends on <20 blocks old outputs than the decoy algorithm proposes), especially when churning. Wait at least a few hours to a few days between churns

  • Sweep/churn my Monero balance more or less often to improve anonymity?
  • I didn’t really understand anything x)

    Either are fine, as long as you have churned enough. Typically, the more time between transactions, the better it is. Withdrawing once per month will probably be absolutely fine.

    The recurring usage patterns of XMR are either spend outputs quickly, or wait a long time. Spending old outputs will stand out a lot, but spending newly created outputs (like 15 blocks old) will also stand out quite a bit.

    More time also means more chance of your outputs being included in transactions of other people, so more decoys at the time of spend.

  • Sweep/churn my Monero balance more or less often to improve anonymity?
  • I’m not exactly sure of what you meant.

    I’ll try to answer the best I can, can you reformulate pls?

    --- The text below is not directly related to the post ---

    And yea sorry it’s pretty much always me that goes on the statistical things and traceability because that really interests me, but as you can see most people will tell you that it’s not really needed, and realistically, for 99% of people, no efforts will be made to monitor their transactions. It’s still nice to know that and churn if you’re extra paranoid like me, or you have a threat model that justifies you go this route.

    XMR is a lot less traceable that regular crypto, and no one will follow a random person's transactions for no reason. But on the other hand, churned XMR is a lot less traceable than XMR used directly. It’s all about how far you need to go and you’re willing to go.

    Do note that churning might harm the amount of decoys overall, as you’re creating 2 outputs, 1 of which is a 0XMR output that you’ll never use, so you’ll never generate a transaction with it, and as such, won’t blend it with 15 other transactions. It’s not significant, but if everyone churns, that might lower the average amount of transactions your output appears in. We’re still very far from that happening though. And no, statistically, generating a 0XMR output will not help other people find the real output with value (or know that you churned) because it’ll only on average reduce by 1 the amount of transactions your output will appear in. The current average should be close to 16, so that's not reliable enough to track you.

    And again I spoke too much and talked about another subject that you didn’t ask for x)

  • Sweep/churn my Monero balance more or less often to improve anonymity?
  • Depends on your threat model. If you’re not being monitored, then repeatedly churning might be too overkill

  • Slow mail transfer

    Don’t you find that mail transfers are a bit slow compared to when directly using an email? I receive mails in under 2 seconds without addy, and it takes 10 to 30s with addy to receive mail

    I would have hoped for faster mail delivery, it can slow things down when receiving 2FA codes by mail

    It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
  • Damn I never understood it but now it makes sense thanks to you

    Yea it’s ugly 😭

  • Truly though, it is a nice smell.
  • The sweet smell of cancer

  • It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
  • Bro used <> instead of !=

  • When i churn/mix multiple account's XMR and then combine the outputs into a single account, i have compromised my anonymization effort?
  • You’ll have to explain me how 15 decoys are enough to make you untraceable, there is still roughly a 1 in 16 chance that a transaction your output is the real spend in a transaction where it is included.

    Imagine you are A, and B and C are two different third parties

    If B -> A -> C, then all good

    But if B -> A -> B, then there is a 1 in 16 chance (in the best scenario for you) that in B's eyes, you were the real spend. Add to that the fact that most people don’t churn and B doesn’t have many customers, and it becomes a lot more likely that you were the real spend (I'd bet my money on it).

    CEX or not, you’re still traceable

  • When i churn/mix multiple account's XMR and then combine the outputs into a single account, i have compromised my anonymization effort?
  • Seems good!

    About the Monero software, try using Feather Wallet. It gives you more infos about your outputs (you can select each one individually), handles everything better, and usually syncs faster (with remote nodes). I advise using Tor nodes (Tor support built-in) or using a VPN

    Use a trusted remote node, as they’re currently pretty much able to track which outputs are used as decoys, as your client asks for them

    Locally syncing by downloading the blockchain is still the best way as you will leak less things, but is super slow. Pick your poison (or run your own remote node!)

  • When i churn/mix multiple account's XMR and then combine the outputs into a single account, i have compromised my anonymization effort?
  • Seems good!

    About the Monero software, try using Feather Wallet. It gives you more infos about your outputs (you can select each one individually), handles everything better, and usually syncs faster (with remote nodes). I advise using Tor nodes (Tor support built-in) or using a VPN

    Use a trusted remote node, as they’re currently pretty much able to track which outputs are used as decoys, as your client asks for them

    Locally syncing by downloading the blockchain is still the best way as you will leak less things, but is super slow. Pick your poison (or run your own remote node!)

  • When i churn/mix multiple account's XMR and then combine the outputs into a single account, i have compromised my anonymization effort?
  • The more outputs you have/use, to more traceable you get. The more churning you do, the less traceable you become

    I would advise to mix your outputs at different moments rather than all at once in a final big transaction, as those kind of transactions really stand out. If you’ve made enough churning it shouldn’t be a concern anyways but 🤷

    On the other hand, mixing outputs early will also make you more traceable (but will lower the cost of churning, as churning many times many individual outputs is expensive), so I’m not sure it’s the best option either

  • When i churn/mix multiple account's XMR and then combine the outputs into a single account, i have compromised my anonymization effort?
  • False and false

    Using CEX and sending multiple transactions to the same person will make it really easy to trace you. You just need to have an opponent that is willing to do it and has what’s needed (your government for example)

  • I need to do how many Monero transactions between my wallets before i break the trace?
  • You got it right! It’s exactly that.

    I personally put everything on the same account and use coin control to spend only specific outputs but that’s just because I don’t like changing accounts

    You’ll have to know that one you spend an output on the second account, it will pretty much result in a change output that isn’t as much churned (still no link to the original withdrawal, but could be statistically linked to the transaction you just made with it). In the end it’s all about what you think are the capacities of your opponent, their motivation to get you, and the risk for you if that happens. Most of the time and with the current situation, no one is good (nor interested) at statistically tracing XMR, but that might happen in the future.

  • You have 15$. How would you spend it so that you'll be the happiest you can be for 15$ ?
  • And I hope the same for you brother!

    Best $15 spent :)

  • Pixeldrain (filesharing website) now accepts Monero!

    Just a little announcement to say that Pixeldrain (a file sharing website) now accepts Monero for its prepaid subscription option. Minimum deposit is $10.

    I’m not paid or anything, it’s just a website that I like that is developed by a solo developer (+ they open sourced a big part of the website). After begging for some time they accepted and added Monero to their BTCPay server.



    Serveur Mastodon français sans censure politique

    Quelqu'un pourrait me conseiller un bon serveur Mastodon français ou francophone sans censure politique orientée ?

    De mon expérience, les instances qui disent que seules les fausses infos et les discriminations sont bannies ont tout de même tendance à censurer certaines opinions. Le plus visé est évidemment les propos d'extrême droite, mais j'ai aussi trouvé des cas censurant toutes les opinions de droite ou d'extrême gauche.

    Ma liste des serveurs qui semblent ou sont politiquement orientés et/ou pratiquent une censure politique et selon moi injuste sur certains sujets :

      • Raison: "Est interdit toute tentative de retournement d’une oppression systémique. Par exemple : « racisme anti-blanc », « sexisme anti-homme », « hétérophobie », « cisphobie »."
      • Raison: J'ai été banni de l'instance et de leur discord lorsque j'ai demandé des explications. Mon post n'était pas spécialement orienté. Je peux fournir plus d'infos si nécessaire. Visiblement ne pas être d'accord avec des anti-capitalistes est interdit.
      • Raison: "Les tentatives de retournement d'oppressions systémiques ("racisme anti-blanc, sexisme anti-homme, hétérophobie, cisphobie, etc) sont proscrites."
      • Raison: Toutes les idées de droite sont interdites. A éviter. ("Pas de diffusion des idées/propagande d’extrême droite, des droites et LReM")
      • Raison: "Pas de diffusion des idées d’extrême droite"
      • Raison: "Les propos, écrits, idées d'extrême-droite prônant l'intolérance ne sont pas bienvenu⋅es. Il en va de même pour le confusionnisme." -> en soit rien de perturbant, mais ça laisse penser que la modération est orientée, et que la censure est très fortement possible.
      • "Pas de prosélytisme, sous quelque forme qu'il soit." -> peut laisser penser qu'il y aura une censure sur les débats et discussion religieuses, spécifiquement sur les pro-religion.
      • Raison: "Sexe, violence, extrémismes en tous genres, et trolls ne sont pas les bienvenus"
      • Raison: Certaines règles peuvent laisser penser à une censure de certaines opinions politique, à voir.
      • Raison: "Pas de propagande" -> au sens strict ou large ? Tout embellissement ou avis positif envers un/des sujets politiques peut-il être considéré comme propagande et donc être censuré ?
      • Raison: "Est interdit toute tentative de retournement d’une oppression systémique. Par exemple : « racisme anti-blanc », « sexisme anti-homme », « hétérophobie », « cisphobie »."

    On a donc 10 sur 13 serveurs français dans la catégorie "Général" sur qui sont dans cette liste. Je trouve ça plutôt alarmant.


    Can’t delete or edit posts

    I can’t seem to find how to delete or edit posts from the app. I manage to edit and delete comments properly though.


    Bug: Saved posts can’t be unsaved when focused on

    Browse posts, click on one, save it.

    You can’t unsave it anymore from this page, you have to go back to the posts list to unsave it.


    Posts d'une communauté invisibles

    Les posts dans [email protected] ne s'affichent pas, mais s'affichent bien sur l'instance

    Se peut-il que soit surchargé ou qu'il y ait un délai pour la synchronisation ?

    Pour info je suis abonné à la communauté vu que j'ai vu que ça permettait de la synchroniser, mais il n'y a toujours rien après quelques minutes.


    How to switch accounts

    I have 2 accounts on 2 separate instances, but I don't get how to switch the currently used account in the settings, I'm stuck on the second one I added
