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ashestosea ashestosea
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  • Lower left is Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks

  • The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin
  • You should give The Left Hand of Darkness a[nother] try. One of my favorite aspects of the book is that, as the story progresses, the layers of seperation between the narrator and the native people are stripped away; how he gradually drops his air of detatched "science" and begins to see them as fully persons.

    There is a fair bit about the Gethens sex/gender, and it's quite political/sociological (all of which drew me in) but there's a beautiful humanistic story that blossoms as the narrative transitions thru its many different stages.

  • Rate my setup
  • Luxury!
    In my day we shared a desk with the next-door office and had to fight for desk space!

    A man in a tiny office split down the middle by a wall, pulling the shared desk more toward his side. From the movie Brazil

  • Ponybert Rule
  • Trotskyist Scott Adams arc

  • Freedom
  • They have gloves in the title card tho

    Steamboat Willie Title Card

  • Cannot login on instances with Lemmy v0.19.0
  • It worked for me when I logged out and back in again

  • The Answer is Not a Hut in the Woods [Rule]
  • I found this after a little bit

    He raped Pieke Roelofs (who collaborated with him on youtube) and harrassed her to cover it up. He was even too shitty for reddit mods

    The Dutch authorities found him responsible but declined to charge him

    Roelofs founded Stichting Cassandra, a foundation that defends the interests of victims of sexual and psychological violence

  • 9-26-23
  • I'm Larson being spied on by myself

  • What have you been reading this week? [June 26-July 2, 2023]
  • I'm almost done with Wyrd Sisters and my love for Pratchett only grows the more I read him.

    Wyrd Sisters has a bit of a bumpy start (more like a few molehills) but once it hits it's stride it really flies. Every paragraph has a gem but they wizz by so fast that I find I can't remember anything but the feeling.

    Also lovely audiobook with Indira Varma narrating. They did great managing all the stage direction and other odd formatting in the book. And she does just the right amount with all the oddball voices.

    I've read a few Discworld books here and there but this time I hope I can really dive in. Pratchett puts me in such a good headspace especially with gestures around generally

  • Rule
  • I never noticed their hat says ROUND BOMBS lol

    bob-omb with "be gay do crime" in rainbow letters on top

  • little joelur

    Image description: A youtube comment and replies

    @amycatass: I always make direct eye contact with you when we watch you, Little Joel.

    @greyfox4838: who is "we"? WHO IS "WE"!? HOW MANY OF YOU ARE THERE!!?

    @joelman1989: This comment has me dying from some stupid reason. I can’t stop laughin. It’s too early for this 😂

    @ellayatchi1721: @greyfox4838 161 so far

    @aSentientJarOfEyes: But not Big Joel. That guys too intimidating, yknow?

    @RealGlowup: 👀

    @manboy4720: @greyfox4838 WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!?

    @megamillion5852: I love the way this somehow only comes across as sinister.
