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arwengrey arwengrey

"When in doubt, follow your nose." — Gandalf

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Comments 7
[Meta] Looking for Moderators
  • Ah I see great to see the psychics related subs here 😄

  • I'm something of a Wolverine myself
  • I used to do this as a kid 😆

  • Landlords Throw Party to Celebrate Being Able to Evict People Again
  • Your username makes me hungry... now I want pizza.

  • [Meta] Looking for Moderators
  • Are you the same mods from r/mediumreadings and r/psychic?

  • The Best Password Managers in 2023
  • Bitwarden, been using it for 3yrs

  • How Not browsing reddit feels like
  • Going on 24hrs woot 😎

  • Landlords Throw Party to Celebrate Being Able to Evict People Again
  • So who deserves the rent? The government ? That's even worse taxes are damn too high why do you think neighborhoods are being gentrified? Real Estate Investment Companies and banks are buying all of the properties and land. I used to be homeless thanks to these jabronis