Eigentlich 3000, auch wenn es nichts ändert
Loos like no one knows of Enpass
Ist es so? So weit ich vom Artikel im ADAC verstanden:
Zwar erreicht diese Gruppe in der Regel nach sechs bis sieben Stunden einen Wert, der unter 1 ng THC/ml Blutserum liegt, bzw. können nach drei bis fünf Stunden bereits Werte unter 3,5 ng/ml erreicht werden. Unabhängig davon sollte allerdings eine Wartezeit von zwölf Stunden, bevor man sich wieder ans Steuer setzt, nicht unterschritten werden.
Weird and impressive!
The article for this condition in German Wikipedia mentions that there’s a training which can help, but I have not looked into this yet
Everyone keeps mentioning them, but no one links to the information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_processing_disorder
One of potential symptoms is indeed "Difficulty hearing in noisy environments"
I have a nice workaround: good earplugs. They lower the overall volume, and all of a sudden I can understand spoken words again. Too bad they actually increase for me the sound of my own chewing.
I guess I should have confirmed my three months old information before commenting. Looks like the new maintainer is on fire!
Nowadays the developer barely has any time for it at all
This is why I asked: to learn. Thanks for the link!
With Google’s RCS, they have an account on Google’s servers.
Do they though? I had a feeling that RCS works through the carrier, that’s why a carrier needs to support RCS for it to work.
I vaguely remember the idea of firing a powerful laser in the trajectory of the projectile before sending it out. Presumably the laser will turn air molecules into plasma and get them out of the way. Maybe this was for rail guns where individual remaining ions are of less concern.
I had the impression that we are talking about telecom in this post
Nokia smartphone brand or nokia telecom hardware company?
Nokia smartphone brand or nokia telecom hardware company?
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