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\+/- | amour l'espérance (he/they)

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ActivityPub author is writing a book about ActivityPub
  • other co-author have a very different way to handle criticism. some are really clear about the limitation of the protocol, even stating that it was not ready to be adopted by mastodon.

    the issue with evan p. for me is that he's being really vocal, try to be a public figure, attract a lot of followers by design, but blocks anyone with a divergent point of view. that's his prerogative of course, but you can't pretend to be public figure and censure any criticism.

    the discussion around activitypub is really interesting, and yes the protocol is far from perfect. how can we get there if the main goal is just to push its name and not design a better and efficient decentralised network? (I don't care about the protocol being used. If we are to build a new way of designing social network, we need to build it on a good code, and create new soft to interact, not just copy of the gafam products.)

    to be clear, evan p. blocked me after I asked him (we were mutual on mastodon) if the co-authors thought about the efficiency of the protocol when designing it. he answers me "No." and blocked me, because this was a subject that he would rather not think about (server load / electrical consumption / efficiency / reducing our impact).

    I can't stand this attitude. I've read him lecturing some of his followers when talking about the impact of our way of living. But when the subject was close to him personally it was not ok. This is hypocritical and led me to see him as a total narcissist.

    I don't do narcissist. They are a total waste of time.

  • ActivityPub author is writing a book about ActivityPub
  • he surely knows the tech. what's concerning is how he's blocking anyone trying to contribute to work on it if it doesn't fit his agenda. very concerning and self centred. a total waste.

  • ActivityPub author is writing a book about ActivityPub
  • unfortunately he's not one of the interesting co-author of the protocol. too self centred.

  • 41% of fediverse instances have blocked threads so far!!!
  • define these people. define these instances. etc etc

    what's your point? anyone can do a screen shot and share it too.

    if you want to have a conversation about the content of my post, please keep it on topic : without authorised fetch and a domain blocked at the instance level, the content is pushed.

    if you have technical knowledge to add to this or can correct me about the protocol I'm glad to hear it. if not I'm not interested.

  • 41% of fediverse instances have blocked threads so far!!!
  • Yes and that’s their right.

    But thankfully they don’t impose anything to anyone. You had me worried for a minute.

  • 41% of fediverse instances have blocked threads so far!!!
  • where did you see that the fedipact main purpose was to impose defederation? that would be rich.

  • 41% of fediverse instances have blocked threads so far!!!
  • I came to the fediverse in 2017, so nothing to do with reddit or meta or twitter.

    The fact is here, we have a choice. So you do you.

    On mastodon I have an account on an instance that blocked meta and is using authorised fetch (so the proper way to block a domain) : great, my content won't go there or on any other blocked domains : it's my choice.

    I have another account on another instance that didn't blocked meta : great, my content will be shared with threads users and I will be able to browse threads.

    Choice, isn't it great?

  • 41% of fediverse instances have blocked threads so far!!!
  • protecting your content from being pushed to an instance that you though your blocked.
    protecting your content from being shared where you though it won't because of the way things are worded.

  • 41% of fediverse instances have blocked threads so far!!!
  • yes, on Mastodon when a user block an instance, it's more like a mute than a block. Your posts will still be available to them, but you won't see their content.

    The only solution if you want to protect your content from being shared on an instance is to block it at the instance level AND that the instance use Authorised Fetch.

    Not all instances have this feature on.

  • I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
  • I don't think that it's off topic at all, in the contrary. If you analyse the situation described by the OP, the issue is not the fact that our actions are transparents, the issue is due to the consequence of downvoting a post and how this action made another person feel and how they acted on this feeling.

    Downvoting is not a constructive tool and should be abolished. It's not a matter of the users not using it the right way, it's a matter of psychological behaviour.

    We should design tools that help us to bring the best in us, not the worst. We are not here on a commercial platform who need to hook us with dopamine shot, and trigger us on engaging by frustrating us. We need to build things differently. Federating servers is great but not enough.

    I think that an option to be able to remove the display of the downvote tool and downvote count should be available in the settings. I would like to abolish it all together but I'm not interested to impose this on other users, so bring me an opt out please.

    what do you think @ernest? let's change this paradigm and build another better tool?

  • Whats your such opinion
  • Oh no this would be a waste of your time I’m afraid I’m not a researcher in this field but follow the work of some. Unfortunately they are not active around here so I can’t even tag them.

    You seems pretty articulate tho. Can I ask for your credentials?

  • Whats your such opinion
  • Still not worth it regarding the outcome if not for the dollar generated for the few.

    We need to stop destroying our resources.

    Please go read some papers on the subject.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • it's not because a product is not made in a industrial fashion that it's de facto good, sustainable or eco friendly. it's like calling natural stuff better than chemical stuff. it's just a common bias.

    you can't get meat without giving a lot of proteins to an animal. at the end if you end up eating this protein instead of giving it to the animal to grow tissue you always will win in efficiency.

    some will argue that we can't eat grass. that's right we can't. but with all things considered if we eat proteins from plants we can digest, the balance will always be positive, regarding CO2 emissions, natural ressources being wasted like soil and water, and naturally the cruelty.

    some will argue that prairies are stocking CO2. yes they are, but the cattle growing on them will produce more.

    some will argue that eating soy will give you boobs. I'm sorry but it won't. too bad if it's boobs you were looking for.

    etc etc. the scientific literature is quite explicit on this matter. all that I know is that if we decided to switch to a total plant based alimentation right now, we would need a period of transition were cattle or fishing will still be needed in some specific countries with specific ecosystem.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • of course, but in this situation it's pretty simple. how do you act with the choice given.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • no. the attitude that is not useful is to make up arguments to justify our choices.

    we know the fact. we choose to act on them or not. and this is the same for a lot more topics than veganism.

    don't return the responsibility on the people who act to diminish suffering and waste of ressources. vegetarians like carnists contribute to keep the status quo. it's not debatable.

    you choose to live how you want - within the limit of the law - and it's totally ok. but own your choices, you don't need to justify them.

    we all are full of contradiction, and it's more than ok. but don't make up stuff to make them ok. just accept them.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • I totally understand your point of view and think that your perception is valid. If you try to analyse why you find them preachy and judgemental it could be interesting.

    For example would find them so annoying if you agree with them? Is it the discourse that annoys you or the person? Is it your belief system being challenged that annoys you or the facts that are being stated?

    It's always intersting to understand why we feel that way when we are challenged, and veganism is one of a few topic that can create what we called in psychology reactance, an interesting topic.

    Veganism is really different than religion tho, cause it is totally backed by science (regarding food production, waste issue, C02 and sentientism) and a logic construct.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • they are great conversations about why people are so annoyed by vegans and most of the time it's not because vegans are harassing or pushing their agenda, it's more a question of how we perceive ourself when comparing ourself to others.

    it's due to cognitive dissonance.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • this argument that non industrial cattle is sustainable is totally moot. please check the literature available.

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    Tourists evacuated by helicopter after Swiss cable car breakdown
    0 Geneva patient in HIV remission following bone marrow transplant

    While this is not the first case of HIV remission following a transplant, this case is unique as the donor did not carry the usual genetic mutation associated with this phenomenon.

    Geneva patient in HIV remission following bone marrow transplant
    0 Submarine missing near Titanic used a $30 Logitech gamepad for steering

    While rescuers fear for crew, Logitech F710 PC gamepad sells out within minutes.

    Proplifting aroom

    How-tos or some guide about props


    do you have some resources or guides to share?


    hello from

    are we federated yet?

    /kbin meta aroom

    As for now, upvotes, downvotes and boosts are public on kbin

    On every thread or post, if you click on more and activity, you'll get the info.

    I personally find this to be a good things, I've seen people using downvote way too easily. I like the idea that we need to be somehow accountable for those mechanism.

    edit: It could be somehow improved to have an option to let this info only available between concerned users.

    edit edit: I think that up/downvote info shouldn't be public, but kept private between the users involved. we need to address this privacy issue.




    Switzerland Switzerland -

    All things Switzerland! but on the fediverse

    Switzerland -

    welcome to @Switzerland

    we do have vegan option
