Not the person you were replaying to, but the winds of power have shifted and she is trimming her sails accordingly. She may have run espousing LGBTQ+ policies because that was the smart political thing to do, but now that Musk, et al are in power, these people can drop their "politically correct" act and show us who they really are, which is a bunch of intolerant, power-hungry fascists.
Can't even make this shit up anymore.
I'm not super familiar with Nick Cave, but I like this album and had to pick it up for $3. The case is in excellent condition to boot.
A recent pick up from Goodwill
Recently grabbed this Nick Cave double album Abattoir Blues / Lyre of Orpheus from my local Goodwill. Totally random and completely out of left field from the stuff I typically see on the shelves there.
Give it some time. It took a while for people to "get" reddit, it will take some time for people to understand federated social media to the point that they feel comfortable using it.