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althea_vestrid Althea
Posts 142
Comments 21

Peter Hitchens Storms Out of Interview


Why we should expect Global Warming to Skyrocket during next 1.5 years: The Scary Science


Time to Wake Up 290: The Economic Costs of the Climate Crisis

0 New Chrome Browser Extension Enables One-Click Plugin and Theme Testing with WordPress Playground

WordPress Playground, an experimental project that uses WebAssembly (WASM) to run WordPress in the browser, makes it possible for users to quickly test plugins and themes without having t…

New Chrome Browser Extension Enables One-Click Plugin and Theme Testing with WordPress Playground

Intelligent Design Advocate Misrepresents Science on JRE (A Response)


4 Edson. 4 Mexico. 4 the Future.


Can Niger and the other coup states in West Africa return to democracy?


Investigating trash mismanagement: Are EU funds wasted in Romania?


Making the Case | Podcast on the far-right scheme to remake the Supreme Court in service to shadowy billionaires and big special interests, from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Laying the Groundwork - Making the Case | iHeart

<p>Welcome to Making the Case. In this episode, Senator Whitehouse is joined by Rep. Hank Johnson,&nbsp;Slate’s&nbsp;Dahlia Lithwick, and Lisa Graves&nbsp;of True North Research. These experts begin peeling back the layers of the far-right effort to capture and control the Supreme Court.</p> <p>&nbs...

Laying the Groundwork - Making the Case | iHeart

Tempting Armageddon: Soviet vs. NATO Nuclear Strategy


Russia: Shoigu's glamorous "generals"


Can Niger and the other coup states in West Africa return to democracy?


Making the Case | Podcast on the far-right scheme to remake the Supreme Court in service to shadowy billionaires and big special interests, from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Laying the Groundwork - Making the Case | iHeart

<p>Welcome to Making the Case. In this episode, Senator Whitehouse is joined by Rep. Hank Johnson,&nbsp;Slate’s&nbsp;Dahlia Lithwick, and Lisa Graves&nbsp;of True North Research. These experts begin peeling back the layers of the far-right effort to capture and control the Supreme Court.</p> <p>&nbs...

Laying the Groundwork - Making the Case | iHeart

All episodes:


The Scheme: a series of speeches given by Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse about how the Supreme Court was captured by dark money interests.


Akhenaten: The First Monotheist? | Atenism


Andor's Historic 11th Hour For Star Wars


Time to Wake Up 289: Rising Tides, Rising Temps


A.I. Filmmaking Is Not The Future. It's a Grift.


Cheater Billy Mitchell's Fake Story Is Falling Apart


‘I Feel Like I’m in Hell’: High Heat and Housing Crisis Collide in Florida

Is there any evidence that Reddit has suffered at all from the exodus to Lemmy?
  • This crisis has given Lemmy enough users to be a vibrant, viable alternative with the software and apps undergoing rapid development. This means the next time that reddit tries to pull some shit, there will be somewhere for people to go, unlike this time. Lemmy just wasn't really ready for prime time.

  • Long Reads community
  • This kind of overlaps with my c/reads community. Maybe we should think of combining the communities?

  • [META] Community discussion
  • This thread explains the rationale:

    The end result of this was that all videos that had even a slight connection to politics were removed, and the politicalvideo subreddit never took off.

  • [META] Community discussion
  • Personally I'd prefer to see politics videos allowed. Back in the early days of reddit, r/videos was full of politics videos with lots of engagement. Finally they sent all that to the r/politicalvideo ghetto to die. I always thought that was too bad.

  • Welcome to the Sci-Fi & Fantasy literature community
  • Hmm I just noticed that the mobile app I'm using (Jerboa) doesn't seem to support the spoiler feature of the editor yet, so be careful.

  • 3 Body Problem | Official Teaser | Netflix
  • Yeah looks like Wang isn't there. Benedict Wong is probably Shi Qiang, that seems like a good casting to me.

  • 3 Body Problem | Official Teaser | Netflix
  • I really really hope this series also gets to The Dark Forest & Death's End, I loved this book series so much.

  • Place your requested script here
  • Would love to have a sidebar on the left with all my subscribed communities for easy navigation.

  • What do you think about Jetpack?
  • I don't really use it. I use FluentAuth for login security, WP-Optimize for cache & db cleaning. I think that does most of what Jetpack does. These are free plugins, work well for me.

  • Sol Reader is a VR headset exclusively for reading books
  • I feel like I'd rather just listen to an audiobook.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Lol I recommend you don't try reading Malazan.

  • Looking for suggestions for my daughter
  • Right, yes, I forgot to mention, we watched My Neighbor Totoro & Kiki's Delivery Service. I should probably try to show her some other ones. Good call!

  • Paralyzed by choice, which handheld to best game on?
  • I got the Retroid Pocket 3+, I highly recommend it! I suggest using it with this frontend:

  • Hoping to drive more engagement here, sooooo....
  • I'm reading The Grace of Kings by Ken Liu. So far it's excellent. I feel it's criminally underrated on Goodreads.

  • What is your favorite page builder?
  • I use Gutenberg with Stackable block plugin. I got the LTD for Stackable. Currently evaluating Greenshift.